Can I be a student if you have room (its ok if you dont)
Name:Redstone (freshman)
Appearance: long Red hair with black streaks. Black top with red circle on it and red skirt. Hazle eyes and my avatars skin tone
Happy April FOAL'S day.
I have broke my record of 13 pranks on 1 person...
The best prank was filling her glue with milk and spilling, I almost got detention but when I said it wasn't I didnt xD
Redstone Blast
My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity How did you find MLP Forums?: I waz browsing google for mlp inspiration and here I am!
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: My bbf told me and from the first video I loved it!
Im 15 and I live in sunny California. This is my pony name not real life and I was inspired by minecraft a popular sandbox game.My real name is Ally lol.This name was also inspired by a MINECRAFT SONG "thank you" and all the amazing redstone creators.
---------- bye!