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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Chrystella

  1. Chrystella clutched Gerro in her hooves, and with a heavy sigh she handed Gerro to Kronos. "Your'e right, he belongs with his family" a few moments passed by, and then she realized what we came here for. "Guys! We still need to find the Alicorn Flower! Kronos, it would be an honor if you could help us, were trying to save a dog named Pirate, he has the Blu Flu! and this flower is the only thing that can save him!"
  2. Hey Guys, Thanks for being patient with me being online and I want you guys to know that I still love MLP but with swim team, it may be harder to get online. Apologies.

    1. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      You do what you got to do, real life over virtual :)

    2. Chrystella


      Thanks for understanding :)


  3. Chrystella was taking thought in Damien and Crescent's suggested when all of a sudden she heard a familiar voice. She turned to see Kronos, The Wandering Guardian of Wildlife. "I knew it!" she exclaimed excitingly, you're- you're- The Kronos!" "I've read about you countless times in Equestrian animals magazine!" "Wait a second, how do you even know his parents didn't abandon them?". Even though Chrystella knew Gerro belonged with his parents, she wanted to keep him and didn't want to see him leave.
  4. School is out! Hopefully I will be more active...

  5. As Chrystella sat outside, she saw sometime rustle in the bushes. She stood up quickly getting her magic ready for defense. When the creature came out of the bushes it was actually a baby orthros. Chrystella gasped in astonishment. She had talked to Fluttershy about them when Rainbow Dash almost sold her as a slave at Rainbow falls. After thinking about what Fluttershy said, Chrystella focused herself back on the baby orthros. He would be a wonderful contribution to her family. Just then she heard Crescent's voice, and knew that they were out of the spooky house. Chrystella quickly scooped up the baby Orthros and bounced over to the gang. "Guys look! a baby orthros! Iv'e never seen one up close before! but he's super cute and he's coming home with me!" she exclaimed as the baby orthros played with her hoof. "I'm think of naming him...Geronimo, Gerro for short!"
  6. Hey Guys, Sorry about not being active, Final Exams have been clouding my mind and the outdoors are calling, and it may be more difficult to catch me online. I am still working on Chrystella to get her approved into the Equestrian Empire, and Roleplay has not been on my mind. Please Keep in mind I will be online, but not as often as you may wish. Thanks for Understanding Welcome to The RP Ginger Lightning!
  7. Favorite part was when they made Luna the ghost of the Future! Best song in the episode also.
  8. @@Missklang, @@cwhip9, @, Hey Guys Just wanted to say that I have updated Chrystella's Personality/Backstory so if you could check that out, it would be great
  9. Sorry about not being active; I have Final exams and end of year projects. Thanks for your'e understanding

  10. New banner! (we had the spring one for two weeks only lol)

  11. I have G1 Parasol. I also have a couple more but Parasol is the one in the best condition.
  12. We should have a scene where Missklang is eating the seeds that Discord used to cause those big black vines. That would be hilarious!
  13. Which MLP characters should I get in toys?

  14. I have been posting on the role-play, I just didn't know this existed :3 thats me. Also Chrystella is a little afraid of the dark... and has a mild fear of bats. Not Bat-Ponies, just Bats .
  15. "Great, then lets go to your'e house on the way" and with that the four friends headed to Crescent's house. When they got there Crescent's house was dark and hidden in the brambles. When they went in it was dark and damp. "Um Guys...You may not know this but...I-Im afraid of the dark.....just a little...."
  16. Ever seen Miraculous Ladybug? Well now I'm obsessed with it :3

  17. Goodmorning Everypony :)

  18. Chrystella beamed in excitement. "Great! With Missklang’s knowledge of Equestria, Damien’s Magic, Crescent’s cunningness, and my guidance, nothing can stop us!” Chrystella practically hopped out the door. Just as the four were about to leave Chrystella heard the barking of Pirate. “Wait right here guys” she said as she went back into the back room. Pirate was awake and looked sad. Chrystella placed Pirate on her back as she carried him to Berry Punch. “We have a cure for him, but for now take him back to your house, when we have the medicine ready, we will meet you at your house.” Berry Punch just did a curt nod and carried Pirate back to her house were he wouldn’t do any damage. “Ok I say we go to the castle of the two sisters; Crescent will lead us there, and then after Damien retrieves the flower Missklang and I will prepare and brew the flower into the potion.” Chrystella paused then to say “Everyone know the plan?”
  19. Chrystella was so happy when Damien walked into the lobby of the clinic. Lemony Gems, seeing that Damien was an alicorn, let him in to she back room without question. "Go on in y-your majesty?" Once Damien was in the room, Chrystella told Damien what she had told Crescent and Missklang. "The reason we need you is because you are the only one who can retrieve the Alicron flower." She concluded. "If you want to help us, you have to go now and get the Alicorn flower!" Chrystella waited eagerly for his response.
  20. Good Morning Everypony, I have started the day by making a Peach Cobbler :)

    1. 4HFan


      Oooo, peach cobbler. One of my favorite things to make on Boy Scout camp outs.

  21. Loving the new Banner <3

    1. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      When isn't there a banner to love :D

  22. Wishing I was at BABSCon :(

  23. Chrystella sighed in confusion. She had never seen a case like this, and Missklang was giving her options that weren't exactly in her favor. "Its up to Berry Punch really, I think she's still in the lobby, stay here while I tell her the options." as Chrystella walked out of the lobby she saw Crescent talking to her receptionist. "Relax Lemony Gems, this is a friend" Lemony Gems seemed to relax a little when she heard this and nodded, getting back to her paperwork. "Go on back, Missklang is trying to help my patient" Chrystella nodded to a back door and started to head to Berry Punch. She didn't know how she was going to tell her, and how she was going to react, and when she told her, she panicked. "Don't you dare hurt my Pirate!" she shoved her way through the crowds but Lemony Gems was there to block her "Ma'am please, you'll scare of the customers" Berry Punch started to calm down after she saw the shocked faces of the ponies around. “Let me see Pirate please” Chrystella lead Berry Punch to the back room were Pirate lay on an examination table, sleeping peacefully. “You can drain the chaos magic, but isn't there a way to energize him?” Energize. Chrystella was sure she heard that somewhere in her books… But were…”Energize, Energize, E… E…” She scanned her bookshelf until she found a book with the cover reading ‘Energy for Smarties’. “Aha! An Energize Concoction! With this and Missklang’s magic, We’ll be able to drain the chaos power and still be able to preserve Pirate’s energy!” Chrystella had an excited look on her face until she read the recipe. “The recipe calles for an Alicorn flower, one of the rarest of its kind, and only and alicorn can retrieve it” “How are we gonna find- wait! Damien! He’s an alicorn! He can help!” Chrystella bounced with excitement. “Don’t worry Miss Berry! We’ll save Pirate!” Chrystella was so excited even though MIssklang and Crescent haven't had a say in the mission, Chrystella only hoped that they would approve... and if they did, we could find Damien, and the four of us would travel on an adventure to find the Alicorn flower, and save Pirate!
  24. Chrystella came back to the clinic with Missklang gratefully. She was relieved to see the blue dog asleep. After she heard Missklang’s question she began to answer them right away. “Berry Punch came in with her dog, I think his name is Pirate…” “She said Pirate was sneezing and strange stuff would happen. A couple of days ago she said he sneezed and the nearby flower pot started hovering in the air! She decided to visit me when Pirate’s coat turned a cerulean blue! It's a miracle that he hasn’t sneezed yet…” “I have been looking in my Magical Mystery Cures book, but it said the cure was to brew a magical concoction, but I have no idea where these ingredients grow! “Here is the Recipe, maybe you can help me find these ingredients…” Blu Flu Recipe 3 Poison Joke petals 1 red orchid 1 black iris 4 cloves of garlic 2 oz of sticky sap from the Everfree forest. “So will you help me find the ingredients? I already have the Poison Joke” she said placing the flower on a miniature table. “1 down, 5 to go! Right?"
  25. Chrystella was in no mood for jokes. "This is serious Crescent! I need Missklang" Chrystella's heat was pounding in her chest. She didn't want to waste anytime, her patient could be seriously ill! Chrystella took the time to explain her predicament to Missklang and Crescent. "One of my patients has Blu Flu, and disease that I thought was fake but apparently very real. Ive tried everything in the books, but none of them will work, Ive came to ask Missklang if she can help me because I know she is familiar with Discord magic. But we need to hurry, if my patient wakes up than the consequences can be disastrous!" Chrystella then exhaled in relief as she finished her long explanation. Then she turned her head to Missklang and said with a pleading voice "Will you help me?"
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