My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: Well, not only the Bronycon helped me to find this website, but I always go on here to view posts, and is the first few website IRLs that pop up first.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: The way I became a brony was when I was watching Spongebob on T.V. It finished and none of my other shows came on. I decided to search the channels, and soon I found 'My little Pony'and I was always a hater, since I never even tried the show. Everytime I saw a my little pony, I would snicker. This day I was like 'Why not? Let's see how girly this is" and yes, I am a girl, but that was back in 2012, I was younger... anywho, I turned it on, and the first episode on was "A Canterlot Wedding part 2." I Felt really sad for 'the purple pony' who wasn't being trusted. I was like: Wow, That's not half bad! I watched four more episodes, then called my dad and said: I have a new favorite show! Was my exact words. He told be that he was A Brony one time, and that I would be intrested into it. He told me to continue, and I did until this day. I told my friends, (two were already bronies though...) and one of my friends gave me half of her G3.5 Collection which I came to LOVE..... that is, until I discovered G4 Two weeks later, and my Brony fan-girling started every time the Rainbow Power commercial came on... But that's my true story on how I became a brony. Also, visit my on YouTube at: Misty Star Productions! Bye,Everypony! :DDD
Umm, Idk, just new here. I always visit here, so I said: Why not? And I joined... :awuh: