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Posts posted by Sorte95

  1. Help Twilight win the crown is by far the best song from Equestria Girls. The only problem with it is that I cannot get it out of my head whatsoever. It's so good and catchy :D

  2. Excellent img-1367218-1-happy.png

    The last podcast I was on was LOADS of fun, it's a very enjoyable experience. I'll probably ask Feld0 is we can talk about Forum events and such to make it relate more to the peoples on here img-1367218-2-happy.png


    Anyone completely serious about assisting with the Podcast, Add me on Skype and I'll form a group dedicated for Planning...


    syko.wolf is my skype...

    Just sent you a skype request. I'm really looking forward to this, and I hope that it will be a lot of fun working with this project.

  3. Of course, any help would be appreciated and we'd love to have you on at some point happy.png

    Awesome, just tell me what you need to have done and I'll do my best to make it work whenever I get the time to do it. My best mic did break when my cousin dropped a glass of soda on it last week though, but I'm getting a new one soon anyways.

  4. I probably could help out with advertising, and maybe I could join in the actual cast sometimes in a kind of guest role whenever I got time. I'm quite with work or school a lot of the time, but I'm sure I can help out if you want me to.

  5. I personally think that Twilight Princess is the best TLoZ-game. I really liked the story through the whole game, I really liked Midna and I loved the music in Twilight Princess.

    Ocarina of Time would be my second favorite, and it's a tie between Wind Waker and Majora's mask for third place.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Where I come from, it feels like it sometimes, but they also look somewhat down on people who can't be silent even if you whack them in the head. I got this guy in my math class who always have to talk and answer everything. If someone else answers, then he comments it afterwards. So annoying <_< . I really didn't wish people thought that way though, I know many cool guys who is shy, and I think it's unfair that others look down on them.

    It's not really something that bothers me though. I like talking with others, but I can be quiet if I want to be quiet. I also have a job that doesn't allow me to be quiet because it wouldn't make any sense if I didn't speak to others.

  7. Great episode, even though it felt somewhat rushed at some points. As mentioned by several other people already, it would probably have been better if "Alicorn Twilight" weren't spoiled some weeks earlier, but I still think it was a great episode.

    Also, all the songs were really great, and even though it felt like a musical at times, it didn't really matter because they were all amazing.


    And now we wait for season 4... I can't wait that long :angry: . I guess I have to re-watch all the episodes again.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. As I said to one of the other members who commented... Coffee is amazing! Its really good at 6 am when  I have to be on the bus in 30 minutes. And hunting is great too! since squirrel is the only thing open right now... I wen't hunting for them! Got 6 with my 12 gauge! 


    I know. When I'm hunting birds or rabbits, i always bring a vacuum flask with coffee with me, so whenever we take a little break, I pour myself a cup of coffee :D . It doesn't work as well when I'm hunting foxes though, because I use a 12 gauge as well, which means I have to be extremely quiet.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Yes, I think that games have gotten easier over time. Even though some newer games are hard, most of them are a lot easier than many older games. I suppose it's because gaming companies are trying to make games more friendly to newer players.

    I don't personally enjoy games nearly as much when they're too easy, it takes away half the fun of it imo.

  10. I mainly play Minecraft and Team Fortress 2. I love Minecraft for it's simplicity, and TF2 for the general messing around with my friends.


    Also, I like to play whatever The Legend of Zelda game I can get my hand on at the moment whenever it's been some time since last time I played.

  11. I have tried both PC and Mac, and I prefer the PC over the Mac. Mainly because the PC is more for games and general messing around, and because I'm much more familiar with a PC than with a Mac.

  12. Because I'm from Norway, I sometimes get some kind of Norwegian accent(obviously), and sometimes I don't.

    Also, because my lower jaw is undershot, I sometimes have trouble saying s and h properly, they sort of just disappear from the word, which sometimes annoys me. Whether I tend to go off-topic or not depends on how serious the conversation are.

  13. My favorite game series is without a doubt The Legend of Zelda series. I've been playing Zelda-games since I was 6 or 7 years old, and I've played through 7 different Zelda games so far, and not a single one has disappointed me yet.

    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess would have to be my favorite game. I really love that game :wub: .

    • Brohoof 2
  14. I think that "Sleepless in Ponyville" is by far the best episode in Season 3 so far. The episode itself seemed so well planned, Scootaloo finally got some of the love she deserves and Rainbow Dash also got an episode where they didn't focus only on her tough personality, which have seemed to make some people start to slightly dislike her. Also, I also liked that they gave Luna some screentime and showed some of her abilities as "The Princess of the night".


    "Apple Family Reunion" is the second best, and "Too Many Pinkie Pies" is the third best.

    • Brohoof 2
  15. I think that talents are gifted from when you were born, but that you need some skill to sort of develop your talent.

    But i also think that talents could be a result of skills. For example, you could be gifted with the ability of learning to play an instrument easily, but you could learn to play the same instrument even if you didn't find it that easy.

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