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Posts posted by PuppyKit

  1. My favorite episode is actually "Slice of Life" because it was my first episode.


    I got into the "Doctor Whooves and Assistant" audio series before I was willing to give the show a chance and when I heard they were going to make a Canon ep with Doctor Whooves I just had to check it out.


    So I sucked up my last bit of reservations about the show and watched the ep. It instantly made me fall in love with the series. Which is why I often get confused when reviewers on YouTube will say it is one of the worst episodes to start someone on.


    I loved all the Doctor who references and cheer each time I spot Doctor Whooves and Derpy in the background of the rest of the series.


    I would not have watched the show if it wasn't for the fact The Doctor was a main character of "Slice of Life"

  2. You do have some very valid points, and my opinion is most certainly stupid, but I would still love to canonically see Scoot off the ground.

    I certainly wouldn't call your opinion stupid and I'm sure an episode where Scoot flies would be a beautiful moment but for me personally it would be more meaningful if they said in show she will never be able to fly and that's okay.


    They almost did that when Rainbow Dash told Scoot it was okay if she never flew and she was still awesome and I would love to see an expansion of that in the show where Scootaloo learns to accept herself and realize she doesn't need to fly to be an amazing person.


    Both would be amazing moments in the show and although I would prefer it if she was confirmed as disabled, as like I she would be a great role model for disabled children, I'm sure an episode where she gets to finally fly would be amazing to.


    It's not like I'd stop watching the show over it but it would be very bitter / sweet to see her fly for me as Scootaloo just has so much more potential as a character if she is confirmed to he disabled and it's frankly such an amazing concept to have a Pegasus who can't fly

  3. I disagree. I love Scootaloo, I appreciate the flawed character, and you're right about the message saying that you don't need to tiptoe around disabled people. But in my eyes, Scoot should achieve her dream of flying, and her not being able to fly would give that message, along with a future of her flying would be a message that you should never give up with what seems to be impossible, which adds another important message, which is better than one. Scootaloo is the perfect example for both messages and I think Scootaloo should achieve her dreams.

    I actually think a message about there being some dreams that can never be achived is a much more mature and important lesson. Something that says just because your life can't go the way you want it to doesn't mean you should give up. Being disabled doesn't mean your life is over. It's something you have to get used to but you can still live a full and happy life. We have a lot of "anything is possible" lessons in children's shows but we have very few admitting that really isn't true. I think it be better to prepare children for the reality of life well explaining just because some dreams are impossible doesn't mean you should stop dreaming.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. There are three types of superpowers the mental powers like telekinesis and telepathy (which is like the Unicorn magic) special abilities like Pegasus weather control and flight, and then the most common and popular power 'enhanced physical abilities'. Think super strength, invulnerable, greater stamina, super speed. Well not my favorite of the powers it is the mostly completely used and appear to be what Earth Ponies have. However all the ponies powers lay more in their potential. They need to train up these abilities as even though they are naturally better at something others can still learn it. The series has shown Unicorns learning spells to control the weather and Pegasus becoming as physically capable as most Earth Ponies but even then Rainbow Dash could never be as strong as Maud as she as a greater potential for strength and has probably reached it through training (which she got working on a rock farm). Earth Ponies can also have psychic powers as example the Pie families ability to 'sense' things and Cheese Sandwich's / Pinkie's ability to bend reality around them like unicorn magic.


    All their powers come from magic but the different species are naturally better at certain things and people tend to train what they are good at, however all ponies can learn the other's abilities to a certain degree. Example Earth Ponies may never be able to fly but Pinkie Pie has shown they can teach themselves to float.


    I know I'm using Pinkie Pie as my major example but the fact Cheese Sandwich has these same abilities proves Pinkie's powers are not unique for Earth Ponies, just rare

  5. Oh noez someone took my fertilizer point D'X


    But anyway yes pigs have a number of uses on a farm, not just meat.


    We know Apple Jack has to gather all the bruised and rotten apples so it's possible she then feeds that to the pigs as a quick and easy way of disposing of them then she could use the pigs for fertilizer as well. She could also use the pigs as a way to clear out weeds as has been stated. We have also seen that Farmers like to take pigs to rodeos and such and the 'cutest' pig gets a blue ribbon which is a pride for the farm.


    Pigs have lots of uses outside meat, that's just the tastiest option for humans.

  6. I don't think they have family names so much as "Family Themes". They name their children based on whatever theme the family has. If they can find a word that fits into the theme they will use it but if those words match up is largely coincidence.


    As for why Fluttershy's parents were called Mr. & Mrs. Shy as well as as the fact Twilight's parents were called Mr. & Mrs. Sparkle might be because it is considered improper to use the real names of your friend's parents as they are not your friends but people you should respect. To show you respect them you use the last name of their child who you are friends with.


    Equestria has a lot of interesting cultural characteristics the show has confirmed, which is mostly shown in the new lore for holidays, and they often imply they have a different culture to our own that is still loosely based on our world.


    With that in mind we can't assume they do everything like we do and it actually helps expand the world to figure out how their culture is different then our own. Even if it's just headcanon until the writers confirm it in the show.


    MLP seems to be filled with the most headcanons I've ever seen in a series, including Star Trek and Star Wars

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Spoilers... sorta


    In the background of the newest episode when Fluttershy says "Peeved" a mother pony looks all shocked and offended and actually covers the ears of her foal.


    If the word "Peeved" is considered a horrible curse in MLP that definitely supports the notion that these ponies got some mouths on them each time they say "Shoot" lol


    Of course I'm pretty sure the writers are doing this just to get a laugh and they don't actually consider these silly words that take the place of cursing to actually be bad

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Well they already said in the show that all ponies have magic and it comes out in different ways.


    The ponies might be able to pick things up and play string instruments or even pinch and tickle with their hooves because magic is flowing through them. It might very well be tactile telekinesis gained through magic.


    Tactile telekinesis is one of the more common super powers in comics. It's used to explain how people can fly without wings but it also is sometimes used to explain invulnerability and super strength. I bring it up because in Superman's case whenever he touches something his telekintic abilities wrap around the object. This is how he is able to grab planes and they don't break apart and also why he can safely catch people falling off buildings even though in real life the force of grabbing someone out of the air would be just as likely to kill them as hitting the pavement. His power puts the same amount of pressure all over the object so it won't break. Tactile telekinesis is probably Superman's most commonly shown power but is strangely the one only true comic book geeks know about. Yes I'm a huge superhero nerd and proud of it Xp


    My point was that if ponies had this power, gained through magic, it would not only explain how they can hold things but also how they are so strong with such small bodies. It would also explain why Earth Ponies in particular are so much stronger and why Pegasus can only fly well they have their magic (As they lost their flying powers when their magic was eaten by the centaur goat man). The different species of ponies probably have their tactile telekintic powers come out in different ways. It might also Explain why Scootaloo can't fly as her body might not manipulate her tactile telekinesis correctly but that's a completely different topic

  9. I really hope Scootaloo is disabled and will never fly. A main character who is disabled but still cool and treated with respect on a children's show? Who isn't seen as the butt of jokes or someone to pity. She isn't even singled out from the other children.


    If it turns out Scootaloo is disabled and the MLP staff actually confirm it in the show I would absolutely love it. Scootaloo is a good role model for disabled children and also a good message to kids about how they don't have to tiptoe around disabled people.


    Of course I'm speaking as someone who actually is disabled and I just really like what the show has done with Scootaloo so far. She really is one of my favorite characters. She's a Pegasus that can't fly and is still amazingly awesome.

  10. I didn't really like this episode. It wasn't bad but it implied everyone that has to live with their parents and can't get a job is a free loading bum.


    I'm disabled, I don't have a choice in the matter. The monthly check the government gives me doesn't even go to me. They give it to my dad so he can use it to take care of me and he gives me a small allowance out of that.


    I know this episode probably didn't mean to insult people who are disabled and need their families to take care of them but I couldn't help thinking that the whole time well watching this. I know I took it a bit more personally then it was intended and on a whole I think it was a funny episode but the implications were unsettling

    • Brohoof 6
  11. I think a big flaw she has is the fact she is a major troll lol


    We also saw her snap at her sister in the episode "Slice of Life" even though she was the one to forget the wedding present. That was a good moment of humanizing her and making her seem less perfect. The fact she immediately smiled when Spike walked over shows her "Perfect Princess" persona is in fact an act which actually endeared her a little to me

  12. Please tell me I'm not the only one thinking this might be a thing for this season's finally. After that glimpse we got of one in the background of the Season opener I'm eagerly hoping it was foreshadowing of the Channglings return. We know they are making new allies such as the dragons and the Griffins so is it possible this is building up to another Changeling Invasion where these races help the ponies? Do they have something to do with the newest Princess or maybe want her for themselves?

  13. I heard one of the staff of MLP said they thought of Spike's Relationship with Twilight as kind of what happens whem a much older sibling is forced to take care of their younger sibling after their parents die. You know like in Lilo and Stitch (or AJ and Apple Bloom if you want an example from the series). Only in Spike's and Twilight's case no one died. Twilight had to become the parent but she is still the big sister. I can't imagine that Spike could get away with being so sassy if Twilight was the full-fledged "Mom".


    Spike likes to be Twilight's Assistant for the same reason little kids like to be seen as "Little Helpers". I don't think Spike is a legitimate employee, he just likes being helpful for his big sister. Spike also has choirs around the house like any kid does.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Well we did see in Luna's dream they could call the power at will. Although that might just be dream logic it is possible that's how Rainbow power works now. That it bound to them the moment they proved they were worthy of it. We also haven't seen a big battle with all of the Mane 6 against a villian since they got their powers and it could be they can only activate the powers when they are together. Needing them all together could explain why Twilight didn't use it against Starlight.


    If fan theories are right about what the end of this season's conflict will be we'll get our answer if the Mane 6 can activate their powers at will or if it was just a one time thing. Hopefully if they do come back they make them look better as that is an interesting idea... they just look really stupid

  15. I think it's just Spike's age. The Mane 6 are his friends but at the same time they are adults with their own jobs and responsibilities well Spike is often described as a "Baby Dragon". Their relationship will never be on equal terms because of the age gap.


    Spike is pretty much Twilight's kid and the others are basically his Aunts. I like going with the idea that Twilight views Spike as her little brother but at the same time their relationship extends to what happens when a parent dies and the older sibling is left to raise their younger sibling (I believe one of the staff members on the show confirmed this).


    Spike's relationship with Twilight is like Apple Jack's relationship with Apple Bloom so the Mane 6 view Spike on the same level as the CMC. He's their friend but not in the same way as he is just a little kid.

  16. @ Steve Piranha

    Well in the first episode of Season 6 Celestia said Equestria had never seen the birth of an Alicorn before, meaning they themselves aren't natural born Alicorns. If they were born Alicorns they would have said something like "There hasn't been an Alicorn born since ourselves".


    @Midnight Seashell & An Unknown Pony

    There is no evidence that Ponies have the same life expectancy as humans. In fact most of the time when ponies talk about how long they live they speak in terms of centuries. This does give them an ancient feel but that might be what the writers are going for to help with the fantasy part of the world. In most fantasy stories human wizards can live hundreds of years and other creatures, like elves, are near immortal.

  17. @TriMara

    I think it's very likely Granny is way older then the royal sisters and that's why she looks the way she does.


    @Dream Solstice

    Well From Flashbacks we saw Cadence as an older Filly babysitting Twilight and she was an Alicorn then. She's not that much older then Twilight I think


    @Flutter BBab

    I think AJ is 100s of years old herself as Doctor Whooves said he had been studying Time Travel for hundreds of years and he looks to be about the same age as the mane 6. Also I think the fan theory we all loved about the royal sisters being gods was disproven by the first episode of season 6. Discord, and possibly others of his kind if they exist, are the gods of this world. Alicorns are powerful but not gods themselves which would explain how they can be defeated so often

  18. Okay this is just my headcanon but I believe ponies can live to be 2000 years old or older. This is based on the new revelation in show where it is revealed neither Celestia nor Luna were born as Alicorns. The fact the show's writers have said Twilight will not outlive her friends supports the idea that ascended Alicorns do not live longer then any pony else and since Celestia and Luna are over a 1000 years old but at most are the human equivalent of 40 this means they have at least another thousand years of life left in them and since Alicorns don't live longer then any other type of pony that would mean all ponies can live for thousands of years. This is supported by the fact Granny is said to have been alive hundreds of years ago during the founding of Ponyville. She could very well be older then the princess.


    Do you agree with this conclusion? If not how old do you think ponies can get and why?

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