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Everything posted by PegasusGuard1337

  1. This is good news! I'm glad Funko isn't completely over ponies yet. Here's hoping that they might do some more stuff with ponies after the movie comes out.
  2. Maybe it's not "normal," and I think the size of the plushie seems to be what's getting the biggest reaction, but I say, whatever floats his boat. He likes bringing his Pinkie Pie plushie to school? That's cool. I won't say he's a hero or something, and I won't say he's weird, because he's probably not the only one to do something like that. He just got a lot of attention (negative and otherwise) for it because someone happened to take a picture. My deal is people make snap judgments on things with very little to no context on the situation.
  3. I've actually gotten quite a few compliments on my pony shirts. When I lived in Sedona, a lot of people seemed to like my Princess Celestia shirt, XD
  4. I'm kind of getting to the point with plushes that it has to be certain characters. I want the Sunset Shimmer plush I saw at Target because I love her and SS merch is really rare (at least in my experience). I won't do the blind bags that are just recolors of the same ponies. You give me a Trixie that's Rarity painted like Trixie, and I say, 'WTF is this *squee*?' I have found some blind bags that I like because they don't have stupid filler ponies. I also draw the line at the EG barbies, but I love the minis because they're just too damned cute. I will buy anything that's Princess Celestia, even the blasted EG doll of her. I kinda missed the boat on the full-sized Funko figure of her, which makes me sad. As for brushables, I might go for one of each of the Mane Six, and after that, I'd draw the line, since they're all pretty similar.
  5. The idea sounds frickin' awesome! It's so frustrating when I go somewhere for merch and they're either out of what I want, or they don't have a very large selection, but unfortunately, like so many before me have pointed out, it's kinda something that wouldn't work out. An online store that offered nothing but MLP merch would be frickin' awesome. It would be sweet if instead of going to Amazon, eBay, Hot Topic, We Love Fine, etc., if you could just go to one website and have everything right at your hooves. XD
  6. I don't think you see her enough to be able to call her a Sue. She's less powerful, if not at least on the same level as the other princesses, and since love is kind of her thing, I don't think she was OP when she and Shining Armor defeated Chrysalis together. If anything, I thought it was awesome that someone other than Twilight Sparkle got to save the day for once.
  7. How? I get offended by political correctness. I don't think people should be douchebags mean to each other, but I think having to censor yourself for fear of offending someone is stupid, so it offends me that people got so worked up about the Derpy debacle that they refused to even have her speak again until "Slice of Life." As a separate thought, I used to wonder why pandering was such a bad thing until I started getting my friend into the show. She enjoys MLP, but she'll never be a mega nerd-level brony like me, so she doesn't know much about the fanmade stuff and all the popular headcanons. While I would never stop watching the show over pandering, I can kind of see how it might be a bad thing. I don't think it really affected my friend's enjoyment of the show, I just had to explain "Slice of Life" to her a little. I appreciate that the writers appreciate us, and that "Slice of Life" was a tip of the hat to us, the fans, but I can see how that might upset people who don't know about the fandom. I also knew this kid who liked MLP until (I think) the season 4 finale with the huge DBZ-level fight between Twilight and Tirek. He suddenly thought the show was too "violent." I can see how people might think that, but I couldn't help myself. I rolled my eyes and said, "Too violent? Really?" Other than that, I personally am not offended by the show. The way I see it, no one's actually trying to offend anyone, and if that happens by accident, it's my personal opinion that some people are just way too sensitive and need to take a chill pill.
  8. I don't own any of the eps on iTunes, but I'm planning on buying the DVDs when I've got the money.
  9. I wear my pony shirts and watch all the time and I have more than a few pony stickers and decals on my van. Also looking to spruce up my laptop a bit.
  10. I got the Toys 'R' Us Celestia (the white one) a couple years ago. You don't see her pink much anymore these days. That's what they made Cadance for
  11. Eh, I don't currently. I didn't even keep the duplicate dog tags I got. I "donated" them. The only time I would bother buying an extra of something is if the one I have already is damaged, or it's extremely limited edition, and even then, I probably wouldn't bother unless it was something I was afraid of getting damaged.
  12. I used to sleep with my Princess Celestia, but my girlfriend got jealous. It's not my fault that she (my girlfriend) isn't all soft and fuzzy. In fact, I'd be kind of worried if she were.
  13. I did too. It kind of turned me off of the other ones for a while, until I saw that Princess Celestia got her own book, and since she's my favorite, I had to read it, and since it was way better than Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, I decided I'd put my dissatisfaction with that one behind me and give the other ones a shot, and so far, I haven't been disappointed.
  14. I've read them all, and for the most part, enjoy them. There's some things in the comics that I don't really like or agree with, but for the most part, I think they're very well-done. Especially the issues done by Katie Cook and Andy Price.
  15. I kinda lived all over Longmont, lol It's changed a lot in the seven years since I moved away. My brother was going to UNC, and my girlfriend and I were roommates with him. I miss it sometimes, but yeah, definitely don't miss the snow. I moved to AZ to get away from it and now I live in OR, so yeah. XD
  16. I have to say, I looked at this topic's name and chuckled because there's obviously quite a few people who think that just because it's a pony movie, it means it's not going to do well in the box office. Personally, as long as the movie is good, which I have every bit of confidence it will be, it doesn't really matter how it preforms in the box office, since Hasbro really isn't going to expect it to be breaking any box office records. Seeing as how the first Equestria Girls wasn't really that fantastic but managed to get two sequels, I don't think we need to get too worked up over this.
  17. As someone who likes to delve deeper into the worlds that I love, I've read all of the MLP comics, and am currently working on reading the books. I know it's kind of glorified fanfiction, but they seem to hold to a certain standard as far as keeping stories close to what you might see in the show, so I was wondering what others enjoy about the books/comics/card games/other pieces of EU in the ponyverse. I personally enjoy that the comics in particular have the ability to delve a little deeper than the show. To me, they seem to cater a little more to the adult/older fans, especially with the references that many younger fans most likely wouldn't even get; but they also go a little further into history, like the Reflections arc (one of my favorites), the Fiendship is Magic series (also one one of my favorites), and the Return of King Sombra.
  18. I don't think the mirror Equestria was completely a mirror of the current Equestria until Celestia's continual going through the mirror brought the two worlds too close together. I mean, since Sombra was the King of Equestria, it stands to reason that there was no Crystal Empire, and thus Radiant Hope may not have even existed in the mirror world. Or if the Crystal Empire did exist, Sombra had no part of it, thus he and Radiant Hope never even met in the Mirror world. Also, Good Sombra obviously isn't an umbrum in the mirror world. (OR the Umbrum were somehow good in the mirror world and they wanted to use Sombra to spread peace and happiness across the land, and that's how he became the King of Equestria...) Since the worlds finally separated when Sombra absorbed the evil from Mirror Celestia and Luna, the two worlds are no longer connected, so it also stands to reason that Mirror Sombra is still evil, even though "our" Sombra is now good. As an aside, it must really suck for Celestia that she doesn't even have a chance with "our" now Good Sombra, since he's in love with Radiant Hope. Just had to get that out.
  19. Yeah, I've read Twilight's, Pinkie's, and two of the Princess Collection books. I generally didn't like Twilight's but that was the first one, so I forgive it for that. Seeing as G.M. Berrow got to write an episode in season 5 (The One Where Pinkie Knows), she's really gotten the hang of writing ponies. Like others have mentioned, the stories are very much like one-shot episodes, don't take long to read, and of course, are aimed at younger readers, but I found them enjoyable. I particularly enjoyed the princess books.
  20. Since I enjoyed the other two books in the Princess Collection, I'm really looking forward to reading this!
  21. I had a nephew when I was three. That being said... I always assumed that Celestia and Luna were naturally born Alicorns, which seemed to be supported by The Journal of the Two Sisters, but it seems like that might not be true now.
  22. Seeing as she's my favorite princess, she's hot, and um, other things, I would definitely date Celestia if given the opportunity.
  23. Awesome I grew up in Longmont, and I lived in Greeley for four years. Thanks to everyone for the warm welcomes
  24. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Applejack How did you find MLP Forums?: Stumbled upon it during random google searches. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Blame my girlfriend. Otherwise, it's a pretty standard how I became a brony story. I'm PegasusGuard1337, the most leet Pegasus Guard. I'm a standard-issue brony from Colorado (now living in Oregon) who enjoys reading (books and fanfiction XD), video games, writing, over-analyzing colorful cartoon horses, and learning a lot of useless trivia. Princess Celestia is best pony. Welp, that's it. Looking forward to meeting a lot of horse-friends!
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