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Everything posted by Minty_The_Sweet

  1. @@Blitz Boom, @, "I can go and see if I can find a pony to talk to, an interesting chat is always nice and I would only drain a little. Im strong trust me" Butterfly was tough but she was starving and felt weak. "Please, honestly I don't need too much magic consiering" Crystal raised a hoof to her broken horn to remind Butterfly of her inability to use her power. "It works more like a draining of energy then anything and I don't want to hurt you. Im sorry but your special and I won't hurt you" Butterfly ruffled Crystal's mane before looking towards every pony else. "Go on ahead I will catch up"
  2. Away on school camp for next 4 days

  3. @@komi, "Heres your key, a few changelings and ponies are in the main hall, possibly going to leave soon but how would I know" The bat pony tossed a golden key with the room number '432' engraved. The bat pony then continued reading the magazine, putting on lipgloss with a bit of a struggle because she wasn't a unicorn @,@@asdfmovienerd39, "I didn't think you were going to hurt me, you radiate kindness and love so I could tell you weren't going to hurt us. Most ponies would radiate hate and bitterness with Changelings and try to beat us up! also interesting name, quite peaceful" This was something she was ok at, peace making if she could actually form words. "I do want to meet new ponies as well, want to go and see if any pony checked in? this place most likely gets a lot of ponies.
  4. @@asdfmovienerd39,@, "H-hi" Butterfly shyed a little from the pony before noticing the aura of kindness around her. "You seem a little familiar but that might be because of talk among Changelings and... other stuff" Butterfly finally managed to not slip out every last secret. "M-my name is Butterfly and I was just wondering i-if you l-like books?" She nearly shrank from shyness, a trait very uncommon with changelings but still very dominant in the pink Changeling.
  5. @@komi, Interesting Oc, I think that she would be very interesting in the rp. Welcome to the Hotel of love and tolerance! @@thenugget777, Interesting idea but what is her personality like? you can go ahead but I would like to understand the character a little better. Welcome to the hotel of love and tolerance!
  6. @, "U-um.... yeah I am the princess of Chrysalis's hive but I don't like it. Its always 'Infiltrate the ranks of the ponies' or 'feed them dry' with mother but I believe there can be peace with Ponies and Changelings. Also the fact nearly all changelings treat me differently because of my status is extremely infuriating considering I just want to be normal. The only time I get treated normally is in pony form at the library where I can go to be normal" Butterfly rarely had an outburst of any kind which meant she had a lot pent up. "Oh...sorry" Butterfly lowered her voice down as low as she could before getting up out of the snow. "I never get to see snow, its very...cool" Butterfly giggled at her own pun.
  7. @@asdfmovienerd39,@@Jackie: sleepy mare, "Two ponies? well heres your room keys, the speakers announced some sort of event at the main hall" the bat pony tossed two shiny golden keys at the mares before going back to reading 'Equestrian gossip'. The two keys each had an individual room number, Zen's was 'Room 401' and Jackie's was 'Room 448'.
  8. @@asdfmovienerd39, Its an interesting Rp, considering the Sunflower doesn't like Changelings I think it would be interesting. Also she looks pretty cool. Welcome to the hotel of love and tolerance! @@Jackie: sleepy mare, I laughed so hard at the comment about the bat pony at the counter :-P also the Bat Pony is normal, just bored easily and has an addiction to trashy magazines. The Oc is really cool as well, got a lot of individuality as well. Welcome to the hotel of love and tolerance!
  9. @, "I follow Twillight's friendship reports, but they aren't the most specific but I know a little... possibly" Butterfly thought hard on what she had learnt about friendship. "It consists of a lot of trust, the ability to rely on them and a lot of other stuff. Well I think it also involves being nice to each other? and respect although I don't think any pony could respect me" Butterfly flopped in the cool snow and started making snow Pegasi.
  10. @@Blitz Boom,@, "If your going to the train station then could you take Crystal with you? she needs to get to Canterlot for school. My mother said not to come back until I am fed so maybe I could stop at the library. But I might need to stay a bit behind but don't worry I'll catch up" Butterfly rubbed Crystal's mane playfully before coughing a little. "You need some now! your looking pale for a Changeling and your not my mum!" Crystal was quite unsure of her best friends health and was at that moment calculating the time since she had last seen Butterfly and how long a Changeling could live without feeding.
  11. @, "I don't usually get actual friends considering most Changelings just want to be friends with me to get higher up in the ranks and considering only my mother has telepathy with the hive... one sided relationships aren't fun. Symbiotic sounds great for me considering I don't know when I have a real relationship with friends... except for one pony but I don't know where she went after the canterlot wave. But now I have you as a friend and I know this is a two sided relationship!" Butterfly smiled before realising one of the things she had said. This was getting put down in her mental notes to focus on what she was saying instead of going on autopilot when she talked.
  12. @@Blitz Boom,@@Minty_The_Sweet, "I was helping Crystal Ball read some of the really cool new books from the canterlot library. One cool thing about being a changeling is I can get into any library I want... o-of course thats all I really use my ability to transform for as well as looking normal in public" Butterfly felt very awkward about the fact she would break the law for books it wasn't at all normal behaviour for a changeling.
  13. @@Blitz Boom,@, "Didn't they lose them after being chased by a Chimera? although where did that Chimera come from is the question, they don't usually leave their habitat and I should know considering one of my mother's failing plans involved trying to convince them onto our side. A few Changelings died that day and the only reason more didn't was because they wouldn't leave their habitat. It's very strange they would chase some ponies for cursed artefacts" Butterfly thought of those monsters with loathing and hatred.
  14. @, As Francis teleported away Butterfly became a slightly lighter shade of pink as she realised he had teleported. Butterfly knew how to trace the teleportation and simply travel through the energy current but because of her 'Pony friendly diet' it wasn't something she could easily pull off. Her power was weak and her love energy was barely anything so this would be extremely difficult and quite dangerous but it would lessen suspicion. Butterfly's horn glowed a distinct pinkish green as she focused on the energy signature. Her body dissipated before reappearing on the authorised next to Francis. "Hey" Butterfly said weakly as she sat down on the chair next to Francis a little woozy. "Been a while since I last teleported, so anything happen?" as Butterfly spoke a hatch in the top of the roof opened, blanketing the hall with snow. "First test activity is;Snow! build snowman, have snowball fights, make snow angels, whatever you want you can do it! as long as it involves snow!"
  15. @, "Oh iv heard of her hive! don't they have a positive relationship with ponies instead of a parasitic one like us? Iv wanted to join but I can't because Im- I mean, I have an important job with the hive" Butterfly didn't want to reveal she was the heir to the royal throne of her hive mainly because it wasn't something you told your first friend. "What is it like in Nectar's hive, is everyone happy and well fed? how does the symbiotic relationship work?" Butterfly fluttered on about how many books she had read on the subject. Her knowledge and enthusiasm was a bit startling but still interesting even though it was often very hard to follow. "Everypony, recreational activities are being held in the main hall. Guests currently staying at the hotel it is recommended that you join to make sure you have plenty of fun!" a random speaker attached to one of the walls announced very loudly. "Do you think we should go? It might be fun? I don't really know how to play anything so this will be a challenge" Butterfly looked at Francis expectantly for an answer.
  16. @, "Butterfly, n-nice to meet you t-too" Butterfly put out her hoof as well. "I don't think Iv seen you in the hive before, where are you from?" Butterfly was extremely curious by nature, her curiosity always overrode her shyness when it came to anomalies. "I do hope to be friends with you, I haven't really had a friend before but Iv heard their nice" Butterfly spoke excitedly about friendship. Friendship was the only thing that rivalled her love of books which made her similar to one element bearer in a way.
  17. @, Butterfly heard the distant cheer and fell of the couch with a thud, startled immensely. "Oh please be another Changeling! I really need a familiar face right now, but wait what if it is one of the bad Changelings? or one of those peculiar ones" Butterfly thought back to the lessons about symbiotic Changelings. They were unique in nature and were quite peaceful with ponies, but some parasitic Changelings like Butterfly's kind hunted them down. She would never dream of hurting them, she couldn't hurt them, but she didn't want to confront one just incase. "Should I go and meet them? or should I stay inside and read this wonderful fairy tale?" Butterfly thought about this intensely before sighing and getting up. Butterfly put the book down and trotted to the door, twisting the knob with her hoof. "Hello? is anyone there?"
  18. @, "Our bellhop is sick at the moment, you need to carry them yourself" The bat pony looked over the Changeling with piercing red eyes. "Another Changeling? well it appears the invite sender likes Changelings. 4th floor room 438" The bat pony tossed the key to Francis before picking up her magazine and reading again. "Come to the dining hall at 6 pm for food, for invited all refreshments are free" The bat pony pointed towards the elevator with a pale blue hoof.
  19. @@Blitz Boom, @, "The main difference between Changeling and pony is that we don't eat food, we eat love. I appreciate ponies who see that Changelings are still ponies and not heartless monsters" Butterfly smiled weakly as she thought about this. "Sorry if I seem a bit out of it, been a while since I fed and I don't want to drain any pony" Butterfly looked exhausted but she wasn't about to change her mind on that choice. "Wait if the artefacts do terrible things then how did they fall into your hoofs?" Crystal squinted suspiciously, the water drowning out the hoof steps so she wasn't looking at any pony in particular. "That is true, how did they fall into your hooves?" Butterfly was a little suspicious now as well as to how they got their hooves on such terrible items.
  20. @, @@Blitz Boom, "Those artefacts give me a bad feeling" Butterfly looked at those artefacts with a mix curiosity and fear. "Don't mock me but they give off an emotion similar to hate but... more bitter like disgust" Butterfly buzzed her wings nervously as she felt a creeping dread up her spine. Crystal was next to Butterfly with a leg around her back as a hug but secretly she needed a hug more. She hadn't had a vision since they met Null and Void and it felt like she had a piece of her stolen but it also felt great. She wasn't spying any suffering, grotesque images, or death which to her was a major relief and a freedom no pony would understand.
  21. @, You can have as many as you like but it is preferred to have a maximum of 3. Also the Oc is quite interesting, I love Changelings and really hope that in the show they make another appearance. Also welcome to the hotel of love and tolerance
  22. @,@@Blitz Boom, "But- wha-why" Butterfly tried to wrap her head around this, sure Changelings weren't like and killings weren't un heard of. The attack on canterlot was famous song the changelings for how many they had lost as any changelings found after the wave were killed on sight. Even though so many had died, Butterfly hated above all else the deaths of her 996,956 family especially the new changelings going on hunts for the first time with wild happy eyes. "They are ponies too! they may have a parasitic need for love but they didn't choose to be like that. I-I need to go, I just can't take this" Butterfly ran towards the waterfall, her in ability for tears unless in pony form proving to be a hated catalyst in these situations. "Oh no! Butterfly!" Crystal started running towards the waterfall after her friends. Butterfly was behind the waterfall, curled up into a ball. "Why do changelings have to be treated like pests. Sure some are bad but not all are" Butterfly whined before a small glimmer caught her eye. It was the bag of cursed artefacts next to a mossy, crumbling boulder.
  23. @,@@Blitz Boom, "You? outcast? honestly do you think we are hypocrites?" Crystal smiled warmly not needing to explain more as Butterfly buzzed her wings nervously. "Also you don't need to help me, I learnt to use my ears as a guide. Its how I could face all of you" Crystal smiled before her ears perked up. "But I would like some help... Pegasi tend to by very hard to follow because they aren't very heavy and their hoof steps are very hard to follow" Crystal made a shy smile, a little shy about asking for help.
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