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BTSN Removal Service

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Posts posted by BTSN Removal Service

  1. Before we get started, I wanna throw a couple rules out there:

    1. The usual RP rules (no powerplaying, no hijacking other charries, blah blah you get it)

    2. No Mary Sue's (no basic OP charries that have no flaws, weaknesses, or limits to their powers. It makes for bad RPing)

    3. I would like to keep each post at 2 sentences MINIMUM if possible. The more we can fit in each post, the more of a plot we get

    4. I actually haven't watched the show in a while so if I miss some part of the lore or whatever please inform me so I don't make an ass of myself XD


    My characters are http://sharperofthefew.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Biding-Time-and-Starry-Night-611994313


    "What was once thought dead has since remained... when colored light sparks burning flame... an old king rises to a throne anew... and the fate of the many will rest with the few... What a strange little poem..." Bide thought to himself as he slowly trudged his way back to his Manehattan apartment. "Dreams can be vivid sometimes... but ive never had a whole poem stuck in my head from one before." He brushed his braid aside as he opened the door and flopped on the couch, not even bothering to head for the bed. The large pony made the couch creak a little, but the sturdy wood refused to give way even for this big fluffy hindrance. "Mrrrf... no more pub crawling for a while, Bide... you don't need that much cider in your system..."


    (feel free to crawl through the window or whatever lol)

  2. Never seen a forum where a low post count barred you from RPing before. Not sure what I think of that, but I haven't been here long enough to fully form an opinion on it. I hope I still have a good time here despite the strange system in place.

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