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Proctra Music

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Posts posted by Proctra Music

  1. I have a real soft spot for oi pastels, and this is a great demonstration of why I love them so much. It captures the mood very nicely, due to some great colors being used. Good work mang



    • Brohoof 1
  2. One fine afternoon sitting in class I decided to draw up a Trixie. Yep, my lazy ass didn't upload it until some random ass early fucking time in the morning because I was too lay to finish shading the lil' fella. 


    Since I'm fairly "whatever, man" about everything, I don't find myself going that extra country mile to purchase a actual sketchbook of any kind. I just use a really fucked up notebook that I have with me at the time. It's full of random crap. As you can see, there is a little camper above Trixie... Yeah, that was there before Trixie was, so just ignore it.


    Anyways, here it is. Enjoy.




    I based this drawing off of my avatar here on the forums, considering it was the only thing I could look off of at the time. (I don't have Trixie's hair memorized that well... I can draw Rainbow Dash on a memory though, weird...) 


    This is kinda unrelated to Trixie, but speaking of random crap I did in class, I ended up drawing wither what looks like Rainbow Dash or Scootaloo (or a cross between the two...) with my mechanical pencil's eraser on the desk after a test... Pretty weird, eh squiddy? It's amazing how well it showed up to say the least... It lasted for at least 3 days until someone finally rubbed part of it away... Anyways, here ya go:



    I actually really like this one. Super clean, and nicely shaped. They eyes look perfect too. Shading is wonky, but that's all I think I see wrong with this.


    I think the fact this is hand drawn gives it another +1 for me. This is near vector accurateness.



  3. Cool work man, nice and clean.


    I'm going to go out and say that really like the style of the nose, it's kinda different, and I like it.


    And other then the fact that it looks like it was drawn with crayon, and the eyes needing to be worked on, great piece.



    • Brohoof 1
  4. Tuesday I will start on making a smaller one (get all of the pieces cut out and start sanding) and get a "shaped" jewelry box cut out. I forgot to get arrow glue while I was out after work today so glueing my large RD will have to hold off till tomorrow as well.  :(  When I get the base shape of the jewelry box cut out I'll take a pic and show people what it looks like before I etch it............to see if anyone can guess what it is. :P

    Can't wait to see the progress man, good luck. :P

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Scary Movie 3 last night, classic man I'll tell ya. I just love slapstick comedy too much. They did so much right with this, all the jokes are still fresh after the thousandth time seeing it. Don't really care for Scary Movie 5 though, that was just awful.





    I gotta recommend watching that Silent Hill Revelation movie. I'm a huge fan of the original Silent Hill series, and a pretty big horror fanatic in general, but I mean it when I say this went way under the radar. The Plot really managed to hold it's own from the game it was based around, but still stay extremely original. Another thing was that the CGI was fantabulous, excellently executed. Everything look really demented and truly disturbing, true to Silent Hill form. Super effective in getting me back to that feel of disgust, but curiosity of what it was I that I had been looking at that the old games excelled at.

  6. Heterosmexual myself, completely okay with gay/lesbianos though. I feel as long as your in love that's what you should go for, ya know? Not saying to go screw your puppies, but I think you get what I'm sayin.


    I'm the confused one and not a guy at all, so I guess it's not interesting for you tongue.png


  7. I'm liking the whole output of the new step in the series. From playing the beta it felt really fresh, and crisp. Awesome new additions and loads of new features to fiddle around with. The maps are looking grand as of now. I can't wait to get into the full release.


    Morally questionable?


    Morals being tested is what is starting to make gaming a reality more then ever, and shows us themes we never would have known before.. Whether you're looking at The Last of Us, with the child strapped up with weaponry, knowing how to kill better then a trained military man. Or the new Metal Gear Solid, venturing to the darkest sides of the earth with child soldiers, not holding anything back with torturing scenes. 'Edgy' is becoming a standard, and I think it's important for games to explore this. Not only does it make you think outside of the game, but really develops the game world you play in. While games up to this point inspire shootings, inspire violence with no reprecusion games are starting to look around that into the effects that it has on the world, and how awful it truly is. That is important. If you don't understand what I mean, Portal 2, Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs, Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain, and Halo 4 are great examples of what it is to lose someone, or be in the guts of a disgusting world which it explores.

  8. Yea, it's quite the omen.


    It scares me how the fandom is acting as another step to their music career. It's becoming an unsettling trend where producers can just do this kind of thing and it's ok. Seeing how Sim, Silva, Tomb, Alex, Jack, Glaze, and a great other deal have been slowly straying, if not just flat out stepping out of community.


    While of course the musical front of our community is recieving blow after blow, our traditional artists, sketchers, painters, what have you is stronger then ever. And is quite refreshing for that matter. There is no lack of fantabulous artists, vectorererers, animators about this time no doubt.


    As for a cycle of in and out, I've not seen any talented producers take up the throan as of yet, perhaps of course I ;D ;D ;D


    Such is life.

    RIP in peace.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I could see a very interesting episode come from Starswirl. He's a very interesting pone, and nothing really has been revealed about him at this point.  Dunno about physically him being there, but more of a crystal empire type of thing, but more in the name of swirlybeard.

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