So first down, I was woken up by the roommate cause he gets home in the morning at 6am, he had brought mcdonalds, but when the cat pissed on his costume that he had left in the living room, after me asking about where to put it for a good couple months. Its my fault. Turns out the boy cat has not been using the litter box because the other cat pooed in 'his' litter box. Had to clean whole litter box before I could go back to bed, only to be yelled and bished at during said process.
Apparently me doing laundry every other day is not enough, even though I try very hard to get laundry done one day, spend the next day folding and all that the next and repeat. I dont mind but I do mind having the laundry dumped on me when the roommate is about to go to work just so he can find some socks. To not only find said socks but just LEAVE THE LAUNDRY ON ME!!! Doesnt even put it back in the bin!!!
I get up put it in the bin to go back to sleep to be woken up but THE BIGGEST SOUND OF THUNDER EVER!!! Along with power shutting off in my house.
On top of alllllll that I am sick
Today has been soooooooooooooooo good -3-
However the light of this all is that I am here rping with good friends and keeping my spirits light by listening to music. Hopefully this dies down and I will feel better both physically and emotionally soon.
Thanks for listening