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Blog Entries posted by LonnaKitty

  1. LonnaKitty
    Well today has been quite the day. Its been filled with quite a lot of downs.
    So first down, I was woken up by the roommate cause he gets home in the morning at 6am, he had brought mcdonalds, but when the cat pissed on his costume that he had left in the living room, after me asking about where to put it for a good couple months. Its my fault. Turns out the boy cat has not been using the litter box because the other cat pooed in 'his' litter box. Had to clean whole litter box before I could go back to bed, only to be yelled and bished at during said process.
    Apparently me doing laundry every other day is not enough, even though I try very hard to get laundry done one day, spend the next day folding and all that the next and repeat. I dont mind but I do mind having the laundry dumped on me when the roommate is about to go to work just so he can find some socks. To not only find said socks but just LEAVE THE LAUNDRY ON ME!!! Doesnt even put it back in the bin!!!
    I get up put it in the bin to go back to sleep to be woken up but THE BIGGEST SOUND OF THUNDER EVER!!! Along with power shutting off in my house.
    On top of alllllll that I am sick
    Today has been soooooooooooooooo good -3-
    However the light of this all is that I am here rping with good friends and keeping my spirits light by listening to music. Hopefully this dies down and I will feel better both physically and emotionally soon.
    Thanks for listening
  2. LonnaKitty
    Its around 3:30 am and I cant exactly sleep. I feel so tired and yet it escapes me. I feel very lost right now, maybe its the sleep deprivation. I have music on to try to help, its relaxing but not quite enough to put me to sleep.
    I have started making MMD videos on my youtube again. I forgot how much fun and frustration there was in making them. I hope I can make models to make a series eventually. I think that would be pretty cool.
    I also discovered that I did not submit my story on fimfiction till today, and I felt like an idiot >< how stupid could I be to not notice I didnt submit it D< its okay though, I submit it and now I await its approval as I write the third chapter. I hope people like it. Even if its an Oc story.
    I am nervous about my upcoming drivers test. I havent really drove in 6 years since I had to give up my license so my parents could take me off their auto insurance. So I hope I do well. After that I plan to get a job since I will have it and a car finally! That will be super nice so I can help out and buy nice things.
    Though as of late, my depression has decided to head south even though I wish to go north. Maybe that will change once I can get out and travel about? Who knows I suppose.
    Well I guess thats it for today, I will write again soon~
  3. LonnaKitty
    It has been pretty uneventful since my last entry but I really wanted to write my feelings out today.
    I feel very lost and confused right now, I feel like I barely know anyone, even my own family, everything seems so distant and yet close. Whats more I dont think I am feeling very well. I think I am causing myself to be sick, something might be weighing in on my subconscious, but I cant pinpoint what it is. Its just out of reach.
    On a cool note I had a wickedly awesome dream. In it I was at pax or some con of sorts and I was waiting in line to meet Markiplier and Jacksepticeye and when I met Mark I was blushy and embarrassed and gave him a present I made for him and then I asked if I could have a hug. When it happened it felt like time stopped and we just kinda looked at each other and he got all embarrassed as well and Jack was nudging him and stuff and I waved and went to play some games. Then he showed up again and asked my name and stuff and we just talked and he asked if he could play with me and we played till he had to go to a panel and asked if I wanted to go and I did and then we met up with Jack and the Game Grumps and a few others for dinner and we were talking and getting along and he asked for my number and stuff. When it was all done and he walked me to my hotel room he said he wanted to know me more and he leaned down to kiss me but I woke up. I was so upset that I woke up on the good part man >< but I have been having these types of dreams as of late and idk it makes me all flustered
    Well I guess that's it for now I suppose, gonna eat my dinner and watch Blue Exorcist now.
  4. LonnaKitty
    Today I write my first blog, I have only just recently joined this site and I already love it. Originally my friend was just showing me his rp on here cause I said I wanted to read it. Well not only did the rp suck me in but I wanted to interact as well, and there are so many people on here, it is a little overwhelming if I am to be honest :awuh: though I will not let this discourage me!! I hope people will like my oc and stuff. I am still nervous about showing her after all....I have never really rped with her before, so I wish to do so and hey maybe I will also get some and give some art as well! You never know right!? Well I guess thats it for today c:

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