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Everything posted by LonnaKitty

  1. Streaming for a little bit to get mind off the bad if you wanna come in : https://picarto.tv/LaylaStreams

  2. so due to my parents being a-holes and bringing me into a deep depression I will be going on a small self vacation, if my mood rises I will respond to rps but for now I am on a bit of a pause, please forgive me

    1. Johnny1226


      You are forgiven

    2. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      I was just about to ask if you were doing okay, I guess this answers it then. Take all the time you need.

    3. LonnaKitty


      thank you all, you are all very nice, and you have no IDEA how much it means to me

  3. @,@@CharChar, Argante groaned. This was not what she wished to today. She sighed and followed suit, picking up her piece of the gem. It was quite heavy, but it reminded her of something, she couldn't recall what though. She frowned at herself, upset that her memory was starting to fail her a bit.
  4. @@Illiad Easle, Most if not all the members stood agape, not really wishing to believe in such things. Argante cleared her throat and stood. "We have been gone too long everyone. The Tree chose new protectors and with very good reasons. After we have reestablished ourselves, I wish to meet with the guardians, and even the princesses, for now of course that will have to wait." They only sat there looking down and away when an old voice spoke up, "You ponies act like you have been stung in the snout!" "Raindew...." "Now listen here, I am old, I am tired, and I want my nap, so here is an old stallions opinion. Our princess has suggested a fairly good idea, but so has the stallion, so how about a combining? Instead of magic, we expand the earthen wall, we wont require too much magic cause the earth wall will just need to be raised and maybe repaired every so often. Midnight, is there a town near us that we may make the path too? I am sure there is since its been a long time."
  5. She giggled at his ramblings, it reminded her a bit of herself when she gets too excited. She nodded in answer to his question though. "Yes once back in a very old time, we renamed ourselves shortly after we were trapped but this kingdom used to be known as Tranquil Hallow. When the incident happened though, it was unanimous that we change our name, for various reasons." They arrived at the tavern and Argante sat on one of the comfy chairs that was sitting outside. Music could be heard indoor along with laughter and singing.
  6. @@CharChar,@, @@Missklang, Argante shifted and sighed, stepping into the circle once more. She was getting pretty tried of all this, and the amount of magic was making her bracelets hurt. She would need to switch them soon. Her ears flattened at the thought of doing it herself. She was not looking forward to that at all. She stood and waited patiently for the next teleportation.
  7. @@Illiad Easle, She smiled sadly and turned to him very serious like. "Once I tell you the rest of our story, you will understand, promise." She got up and headed out the door, waiting for him to follow. As they made the rounds around the town there were only a few small disputes. One not getting their share of food. One who accidentally had some land broken up cause of the earth wall. Another was a feud over a mare, now that one was a mess that Argante could barely manage. Only a few stopped her with other small problems, but she always stuck it out, talking kindly with her citizens, making sure their problems were fixed, even if some of them were a bit complicated. Getting help where she needed it from Midnight. She stretched out as they headed back to the keep, a small yawn escaping from her. "Great Tree do I wish I could nap, but if I did that the council would have my hide." she giggled a bit as they traveled inside the keep. "We will be going to the Circle Room, that is where we hold the meetings." She grinned a bit and stopped in front of two large doors. The doors were carved with the Tree of Harmony on them, six ponies stood in front of the tree that were glowing. Argante pushed the doors open, revealing the large room. It had six chairs and four of them were filled. The members looked to Argante and then to Midnight. "Princess, what is he doing here." the large dapple grey, Hoofbeat, stood up and glared, he didn't seem to be in a very happy mood. 'He is never in a happy mood' Argante thought and just glared back. "He is here to see how our government works Hoofbeat, he also has information for a topic we will be getting into, so don't be rude." she drew herself to her full height, trying her best to be intimidating as she took her seat, she motioned for Midnight to take the last remaining seat beside her and smiled, turning back to the council once he was seated where he pleased. They talked about random things, if she settled the disputes, other things. When they got on the topic of the surrounding area, she had purposed a barrier around them, but with an opening leading straight out of the forest and into a safe area. "That's crazy!" "That's too much magic!" "But it could work..." "Who would let us even place our barrier near them?" Argante sat and listed to their arguing, Raindew did the same, watching, thinking, calculating. "I might have an idea, its a stretch, a very long and thin one but, I think the new bearers might help, please tell them Midnight, about the new Elements."
  8. @@Illiad Easle, Argante's eyes sparkled with joy as she swallowed her food quickly, coughing in the process. "I would love to go!!!" she then caught herself, blushing as other ponies stared at her, some chuckling at their very cheerful princess. She coughed again and then sat all regal like. "I-I mean, yes, I will go, I am the royal representative after all." she glanced over a smirked a bit before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Sorry, sorry, I don't really act like a princess much, its uh, well after the first hundred or so years, you get quite comfortable with other ponies and so its hard to keep up the act, so to speak." she then frowned as she saw one of the council members shake his head and leave the hall. She sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Honestly...its not like its wrong for me to be friendly...." the comment was more to herself than anything else.
  9. @@Illiad Easle, She nodded glad he was comfortable. She thanked the maids that brought them some oranges, eggs, toast, some hay, and orange juice and apple cider. She took a bite before she spoke up. "Let's see, mainly you will probably be watching, see how I deal with things of varying natures, but a second hoof would be very helpful. After those few things are knocked out, we will then go to the council meeting and deal with that," she pouted at the mention of the council, she then shook it off and took another bite off food. "After all that we have the rest to ourselves, I can tell you the rest of our unfortunate history, and answer other questions while you answer mine."
  10. She looked back and grinned, "Yes, we will go the the tavern over there, get some snacks and stuff." She walked across the courtyard, ponies would occasinally stop and place their hoof over their chests and bow to the alicorn, then continue walking. "I am surprised you would have heard about us, we have been gone from equestrias history for well over 3000 years, then again, we were probably a legend 1600 years ago, but like most legends, died with time."
  11. @,@@CharChar, @@Missklang, Argante sighs and goes to walk beside Luna, looking over at her. "Luna, I know we barely know each other, and forgive me for stepping over lines I shouldn't cross, but do you have ANY idea on what is going on? If need be I can protect myself and those else who need the protection, and my curiosity be cursed but, I would like to know SOMETHING." she grumbled a bit, her feathers were itchy and her bracelets hurt. Those two signs together normally meant bad news.
  12. @@Illiad Easle, "Good morning Midnight!" Argante stopped a little bit before she had reached his room. She looked excited for the day, a saddle bag slung on her. "I hope you are ready, after breakfast we got some work to do." she laughed a bit walking beside him, making small talk as they made it to the great hall once more. The smell of toast and eggs permeated the air, a few guardsmen still looked half asleep, while new recruits were excited for their training. The wait staff rushed back and forth making sure everypony had food and drink. Argante made her way to her seat at the dais, placing her bag beside her waiting for her food. "So was your room okay? I hope it was alright."
  13. @@CharChar,@, @@Missklang, Argante only stood and listened, she didn't have much to say on the matter at hand, she herself only met the princess maybe twice since her kingdom broke free of the spell. She liked Luna, but still wasn't sure on Celestia. She had some pretty mixed feelings around everything in general. She only followed Shining, her curiosity driving her forward. She wanted to know and understand what was going on, she just had a feeling in her feathers that it might not be good.
  14. So I know this is awkward and weird of me to ask but, if you could pray to whatever you pray to, for my mom, that would be super awesome, if you are curious about whats going on you are free to message me, but I wont post it on here, so yeah, I might be a little, uhm weird for a couple days

    1. Johnny1226


      I Pray things get better for you and her soon

    2. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      Alright, but only since you asked nicely. Hope things get better for you soon.

  15. @@Illiad Easle, "Of course Sir." the dark blue unicorn pulled a cart back to revel a plethora of combs, brushes, perfumes, and other beauty knickknacks on it. "Feel free to chose what you wish." Argante was in her room, writing a couple of documents to bring with her to the meeting that would be after breakfast. She rolled them up and placed them into her saddle bag. Sighing she turned around to the head hoofmaid and nodded. It was time to begin the worst part of her day. The maid smiled and prepped the bracelets, then going over to her mistress unlatched the first one. Her mistress winced as the sparks began, she quickly replaced it with the new one. The process repeated for the others, only the last one made her mistress yelp in pain. She bowed quickly, taking the sparking bracelets that were on her mistress the day before to be cleansed by the head mage. She exited quickly, passing by Midnight's room, the sparking box could be seen and then gone. Arganted panted a bit and sat in her room a bit longer before throwing her bag on, adjusting her bracelets, and stepping out, to greet the new day.
  16. @@Illiad Easle, *~The Next Morning~* Argante woke up to the sound of her hoofmaidens coming in and drawing back the curtains. They started to run around pulling her out of bed and started to preen her. Brushing her mane and tail, along with her coat. She yawned loudly, rubbing her eyes free of sleep. "Would you like the gems in Princess?" "Oh moon no. Not anymore, he has seen me without it and honestly I would prefer it." Argante grumbled and the hoofmaid nodded and put the gem box away, finishing brushing out all the tangles free. She then stepped away and bowed, the two hoofmaidens stepping outside. She sighed and looked outside. She hoped she was prepared for what was coming this afternoon. While she pondered in her room, a butler went to Midnight's room and knocked on it calling out to him, "Sir do you require any service?"
  17. @@Illiad Easle, Argante nodded at his story, feeling sorry for those that had to deal with the hardships that came with what happened. "Well maybe we can be a form of catalyst? Its a nice hope, but hopes help us dream, as long as we nurture it, well who knows." she grinned a bit and then stood up from her seat, stepping off the dais, looking behind her to make sure he was following. As they walked though the dimly lit hallways of the keep Argante kept the conversation going. "I hope that after a little while, and with my own citizens interacting with you, that they will be able to go off and explore the world. I wish for us to be apart of the land, but I know we have a lot to learn. I will probably think of more things to possibly improve upon, and since we are in a dangerous part of the forest we will have to get the barrier up before we invite others..." she continued to ramble on about improving the lives of her people. Even if she was a bit ditzy she cared very deeply for her people, and was surprisingly smart about all things that needed to be covered. "A-ha here we are, your room." she had stopped in front of a oak wood door with a rose bush carved into the wood with detail. She opened the door and the room was simple and cozy. A large down feather bed, a single red carpet in front of a fireplace that had wood both inside the fireplace and on the side a safe distance away. A couple more smaller tapestries were on the wall, and a large window with a balcony that had a perfect view of the night sky and the back gardens. "My room is actually beside yours, so if you need anything just go to the door with a crystal carved into it, it looks like my mark." she smiled, standing in the door making sure he was comfortable before she left. "Have a good night." she placed her hoof over her chest, bowed, then left, closing the door behind her. As she walked to her room and went inside it she sighed and sat on the floor a moment. Today was both nerve wracking and exciting. She decided to sit outside on her own balcony, enjoying the crisp night. She took a deep breath and started to sing softly, hoping not to wake anyone. Her voice was very nice, melodious, warm and inviting.
  18. Feeling pretty creative today :) Hope to keep it up and going

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      Good for you, I was feeling rather creative today as well, quite the coincidence.

  19. @@Illiad Easle, "Oh gosh no! No the others are not immortals, its just, when things happened my parents, well the counter spell they tried to cast made everyone stop aging while the barrier remained. I am sure the normal cycle of life and death will continue now that it has been removed, only I will probably be the last remnant of the old times later in life." her tone shifted to a slightly sad one, she hadnt thought about that topic in a long time but now that it was a truth once more she would have to re-accept it once again. She looked out one of the windows the sky had grown dark and she nodded at the beautiful night sky. "Well then I guess I will ask one more question for tonight and then show you to your room. Since you mentioned it and all, who are the Trojans?"
  20. @@Illiad Easle, She smiled softly and nodded slowly. "They may be gone, but as long as I uphold their ideals, they live on." she touched her hoof to her chest and smiled at her own heartbeat. She then blushed and coughed continuing with her explanation. "So currently the current members are, Honesty, Generosity, Magic, and Kindness. We do have a fifth member which is Raindew, the very old blue stallion who called you a young one." she giggled at that and then went back to the conversation. "We would have had a sixth if the captain of the guard would have joined, but she declined, saying she had to train others and protect us, so we let her be." Argante just shrugged a bit at the comment. "What we do in the council is we settle disputes between ponies that end up in a large scale. Though we had plenty of room, being around the same ponies for three thousand plus years will make anypony on edge. We also make rules and laws, I have the last say though with that, I decide if its put in practice or not. The council will act as head if I am sick or wounded, taking care of my usual duties along with anything else that happens in the day. Lets see what else....oh and of course the emergency meetings, which I guess are self explanatory." she nodded to herself, yeah, that was a good explanation, she thinks.
  21. @@Illiad Easle, So like a sibling then? she thought to herself quietly as he talked, her own memories clouding her mind till he asked about the council. She took another bite of the cake and a sip of cider before she jumped into answering his question. "The council has been around as long as this kingdom. Each member is chosen by the Great Tree, when a member passes a new one is chosen. A member is chosen by what they believe in most. I suppose that's how the new ones were chose as well. I guess we will go in the order. Let's see. First was my mother Queen Monalla she was Joy, she believed if she can make anyone smile, it makes their day brighter. Then there is Hoofbeat, he is the dapple grey stallion who is kinda taller than the others, he is Honesty, he just has this way with ponies that make them want to tell him the truth at all times." she took a quick moment to take a sip of cider as their empty plates were cleared. Other ponies were starting to leave the warm hall, some still stayed to gossip and what not but it was emptying out. "Then there is Joyleaf, he is the smallest stallion out of the council, he is Kindness. You think he would have been Joy by his name but nope he is Kindness." She giggled and bit and then continued, "He is the one who helps out the most ponies, he is pretty nice, but doesn't let nopony stomp over him. We have Rosebud, she is the really lovely, dull red mare, I think she is super pretty, but she represents Generosity. She goes around teaching ponies how to cook with certain foods, we can actually thank her for the food we ate." she smiled and took another sip of cider and took a deep breath. "I, myself, am Magic, as you have seen, my magical power is pretty strong, we didn't know how strong till the tree awoken my true potential, but it was there. Last but not least, was my father, King Harth, he was Loyalty, and wow was he the most loyal pony anyone could ask for, he was brave and strong, wise, courageous, I looked up to him." she looked down and then wiped her eyes for a quick second, catching any tears that were about to spill. "So are you keeping up so far?"
  22. I am going to be taking a few days to myself, some problems have arisen and I just cant think right so for now just have my oc on a form of autopilot, like she is there but not
  23. Anger problems are back in full force, gonna take a couple days to myself

  24. @@Illiad Easle, "That is amazing. Maybe our own potion master could learn from them, that would be lovely!" She giggled excitedly at the prospects of learning from other cultures. She then thought about what he said and then tilted her head to the side. "Who is this Sir? If that's okay to ask, if not you don't have to answer." she hurriedly finished her sentence before popping some cake in her mouth before she got to out of hoof. Sometimes she can't stop herself.
  25. @@Missklang,@, The entirety of this situation was hard to grasp. She put a hoof to her head and sighed softly. She turned around and trotted off somewhere quickly, returning back with a small pouch on her side. She stared at them all watching the curious band start to walk north. She slumped her shoulders and followed. This was not what she had in mind today, not at all. She was supposed to help around the town, making sure everything was still running smoothly. She had wanted to catch up with others to. She scoffed at it, not that she wasnt curious or excited about the entire thing, its just that it came at a bad time.
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