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Posts posted by Nohvarr

  1. All right, I really just need to write this concept down to get it out of my head. Blame Dresden Fillies for making my mind think along these lines.


    Fusion: Steven Universe


    Steven and the Crystal Gems could show up at some point in this story...but they are not the focus. This came about as I considered the potential in a scene where 'Gems'  realize that Spike and other dragons find them delicious. At first it was just a humorous throw away scene...but then I really began to consider the implications. The Gems had to come from somewhere, either a planet whose environment would allow for the rise of sentient Gems....or someone made them Equestria and the world it's on allows for both possibilities. Gems could be a natural result of the magic of this world and thus dragons are their natural predators, or...they were created here for a specific purpose.


    I'm going with the idea of Gems being created, the way the Diamonds rule everything, and the specific purposes Gems seemed to be designed for leads me to find them being an engineered race as the most compelling for this story line. The concept is that in the murky past, possible even before the time of Star Swirl the bearded a Unicorn (or Alicorn) committed a terrible crime. Fearing that the pony race was, simply put, not strong or numerous enough to defend itself against the many threats in these ancient lands, this Pony (or a group of them) created 'The Gem Warriors' via magic. Magical Golems that were designed to adjust and adapt to any environment, any situation (While still retaining some specializations) and defend Pony-kind from it's many enemies. The Gem's began life as a Slave-race and they were effective.


    The Gems proved so effective that their ancient creators began looking to extend their reach beyond this world. Using teleportation magic and the Gems own hardiness they set up the first 'Warp Pad' on Equestria's moon, intending for the Gems to go out into the galaxy, conquer worlds and remake them in Equestria's image so the Pony's could easily colonize new worlds while barely lifting a hoof to do so. Then it went wrong.


    The Diamonds (leaders/liaisons between the Gems and their masters) broke control and turned on their pony masters. Fearing extinction at the hands of their own creations, The Pony Engineers manipulated Dragons, enhancing them, empowering them with the ability to defeat and devour Gems. The Diamonds, fearing the Apex Predator that was designed to end their race completely, fled through the warp with their remaining Gems and vanished into the cold reaches of space.


    Celestia and Luna come to power in the wake of this tragedy, and due to shame at what Pony-kind had done...buried all knowledge of these great crimes.


    The Diamonds established a home world for themselves, and eventually came to believe that Conquest was their right. Knowledge of Equestria and their true origin was suppressed among st the Gems until only the Diamonds remembered, as a way to ensure all Gems believed in the Diamonds lie, that of a Manifest Destiny to spread throughout the universe.


    The diamonds would've attacked Equestria long ago, now that their numbers were great enough....but he Rebellion on earth changed EVERYTHING. If a world like earth could inspire Gems to rebel....what would their own homeland, could their true homeworld cause more rebellion? A rebellion on a world where they are food could end in destruction for he diamonds and so....they stay away.


    The story opens with a Gem ship going off course in search of new worlds to 'Terraform'. An Arrogant Jasper and her entourage explores Equestria, running afoul of Rarity and Applejack. A fight breaks out, Rarity's life is placed in danger as Spike returns with their snacks (They were prepping a picnic for everyone and their pets). Spike proves immune to Gem powers though his lack of fighting ability gives the Jasper an upperhand....until she puts her nose in his face (Her Gem) and Spike bites it....unleashing his true HUNGER.


    Of the 12 Gems that came with the Jasper, only two survive the Beserker Spike. A Ruby who managed to escape back to their ship...and a Pearl whose fear and the fact she was actually nice to the Captured Ponies (until the Jasper stepped in) punched through the Haze of hunger in Spike and allowed him to wrest control back from the beast within.


    Fallout....Spike is HORRIFIED at what he's done. He didn't just stop a threat to his friends, he ATE them...and if he's honest with himself...after that first bite in Self defense...the rest was because 'The Beast Inside' WANTED to devour those Gems. The Ruby heads back to Gem controlled space spreading Knowledge of the Apex predator she's run into, causing mass turmoil among st Gem society. The Pearl correctly Identified Spike as a Juvenile, a baby of his species before the devouring began. So if a Baby Dragon...can devour 11 experienced Gem warriors....what could an adult do?


    The Diamonds are facing a revolt, as some Gems want to go to this world enforce and burn it to the ground, while others want to quarantine that entire sector in hopes that what lives their never finds a way out into the galaxy. The Princesses must deal with the Ancient Shame of Ponies as Twilight's research eventually uncovers what really happened. Spike deals with his own issues as he realizes, one again, that inside him is a Predator just waiting for him to slip up...and then that Pearl that seems determined to care for him, even though she's terrified of him, will meet the same fate as her unit.



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