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Everything posted by Smitty1038
I did not much care for this episode at all. It was exactly what I feared it was going to be: Spike being regressed to an idiot. This plot could have easily been fixed by establishing that relations between the dragons and Changelings were tense, which could have easily been the reason why Spike wanted to keep Ember and Thorax away from each other. Easily the best part of this episode was Ember making the comment of how Starlight and Twilight were alike to each other. That bit and her confusing the two was funny. Other than that, this episode was terrible! Here I was hoping that after how well Spike was handled in season six, Spike would be handled better as a character from then on. This episode effectively crushed that hope. The concept for this episode was great, but, oh, boy, was the execution terrible! Calling it right now: this is the worst episode of the season! Perhaps the worst part was the fact that the map called Spike. As one user already pointed out, not only does this out more pressure on Spike, it makes absolutely no sense. There was a rhyme and a reason behind the map calling ponies. From my understanding, the map calls ponies based on whether or not their magic affected it. (This is why Trixie is called to solve a friendship problem in "To Change a Changeling.) Spike being called by the map was completely random and came out of freaking nowhere!
Wait a minute! G.M. Barrow got death threats over "Fluttershy Leans In!?" Seriously!? Why!? What was wrong with it!? Sure, it was a little boring, but that was it's only downside. I personally liked it due to the character growth on display. Fluttershy has really grown up from the shy little pony she was back in season one. You know what? It's episodes like this that make me love this show. This is exactly what this episode needs, a good smack upside the head that says, "Stop taking this show so seriously, quit acting like jackasses, and just enjoy the show. Jesus, dude, it's people like you that this episode was attacking. It's people like you that give this fandom a bad name, and why this episode had to be made, because people like you take this show too seriously and expect the writers to meet your ridiculously high demands that they can't meet. You expect the writers to make this series overly complicated by doing characters and stories that are too complex to do in a show like this. For fuck's sake, it's a fucking kids' cartoon! Calm the fuck down!
S07:E01+02 - Celestial Advice/All Bottled Up
Smitty1038 replied to Ashen Pathfinder's topic in Season 7 Discussion
No, it's just you. Twilight and her friends hanging out has been a staple of the series since the beginning. That''s why they're referred to as "slice of life." They're not meant to be exciting; they're meant to teach a lesson. I mean, episodes like "Family Appreciation Day" and "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies" weren't exciting, but they still taught important lessons. And you act as if this show has never had its goofy moments before. Go back and rewatch episodes like "Swarm of the Century", "Party of One", and "Bridle Gossip." These episodes and more had their goofy moments and they were all the more humorous for it. Pinkie Pie herself is basically a living, breathing Bugs Bunny version of a pony, which is a loving callback to the classic Looney Tunes cartoons. Season six wasn't terrible, but it was rather lackluster. From these two episodes, I think season seven will be an improvement over season six. I at least hope it will. What on Earth are you talking about? Yes, these writers are new to the show and they've worked on some shows whose quality is questionable (such as "Johnny Test" and "Fish Hooks"), but that doesn't necessarily mean they suck. They've given us great episodes like "Tanks for the Memories", "Hearthsbreakers", "A Hearth's Warming Tail", "Gift of the Maud Pie", "Gauntlet of Fire", among others. This show just keeps getting better and better with each new season, a tradition that has been going on since season two. -
The cons of giving FiM more seasons
Smitty1038 replied to ManaMinori's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
"Once great TV show?" I still think this show is great. Seasons 4-5 are my favorite seasons, while season 6 was just okay. Seasons 1-3 have grown on me due to frequent rewatching. I will admit that I am dismayed that there is a season eight, but I'm still looking forward to it as long as the writers can come up with new ideas, although so far, the episodes for season seven seem like rehashes. This is a major con because rehashes of previous episodes mean that the writers are running out of ideas, a claim that people have been making since season five. Another con is more characters. By season five, there were over a hundred characters, and the writers just keep creating more. Literally, there are over one hundred background characters, not including all of the main characters and side characters. Still, I am looking forward to seasons seven and eight. -
Mike Vogel not returning for S7.
Smitty1038 replied to CastletonSnob's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
I personally hated season two (worst season ever in my book). At least with seasons 3-6, you got the sense that they were building up to something. Season 2 didn't have that. It was all filler. Nothing but filler from beginning to end. That, and it had what I consider to be the worst premiere and finale of the entire show. -
Favorite and Least favorite episodes of Season 6
Smitty1038 replied to Firedog's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Mike Vogel not returning for S7.
Smitty1038 replied to CastletonSnob's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
I, for the life of me, cannot understand why so many people liked season four and praise it to the high heaven's. If you were ask me, season five was the best season. At least it didn't have plot holes and didn't get derailed by the writers trying to tell a season-long story arc, which they miserably failed at. Like I said, none of the episodes from season six wowed me. And how exactly did "A Hearth's Warming Tail" "raise the bar?" All it did was tell a story we've heard a million times before (they even did this two seasons ago in "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils") with "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" thrown in for good measure. I'm not saying this was a bad episode; in fact, it was one of the better episodes of season six, but I just can't see your reasoning here. -
Why are 80% of the songs so terrible?
Smitty1038 replied to TheAnimatorOfficial's topic in Equestria Girls
Mike Vogel not returning for S7.
Smitty1038 replied to CastletonSnob's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Admittedly, I liked season 6 as well, but none of the episodes left a lasting impression on me. None of them really had that "wow!" factor that episodes from the previous two seasons did. I mean, "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" was so good that I actually stood up and applauded at the end of it. Still looking forward to season 7. Season 6 was by no means a bad season. It's just that most of the episodes came off as mediocre. Agreed that "Newbie Dash" is severely underrated. As for Rainbow Dash pranking Fluttershy, consider all of the character development she's received over the past four seasons (even if it got reconned for an episode like in "Scare Master"). Given how much Fluttershy has grown as a character, Rainbow Dash obviously thought that Fluttershy could handle it. At least it was tame compared to some of the others she pulled. (Who the hell puts a brick in someone's sandwich!?) At the very least Rainbow Dash is completely at fault here. She was the one who took her friends' words the wrong way. Even Twilight says, "I don't think she understood what we meant." Rainbow Dash deserved what happened to her. -
Mike Vogel not returning for S7.
Smitty1038 replied to CastletonSnob's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Another writer working on the movie? Are Meghan McCarthy and M.A. Larson not enough? Isn't the movie done, or are they still in post-production and finalizing everything before it's released? Don't be so sure. Compared to seasons 4 and 5, season 6 was very mediocre. It wasn't a bad season, it's just none of the episodes made any effort to stand out like the aforementioned seasons. I don't get what the big deal is with people hating on "Newbie Dash" and "28 Pranks Later." I thought these were both great Rainbow Dash episodes. -
S06:E25+E26 - To Where and Back Again
Smitty1038 replied to Ashen Pathfinder's topic in Season 6 Discussion
S06:E25+E26 - To Where and Back Again
Smitty1038 replied to Ashen Pathfinder's topic in Season 6 Discussion
Holy crap! This finale did the impossible! They made Trixie likable! I can't believe I'm saying this, but after watching this episode, I hope we get more of Trixie in the seventh season! About the only thing that I didn't like was the fact that all of the major characters were taken down off-screen, the design of the Changelings changed forms, and Discord. Sorry, i just don't like Discord as a good guy. I also really loved the image of Trixie riding on top of a pig, for some odd reason. About the only real problems were the resolution. This would've been a golden opportunity for the Changelings to rise up against Queen Chrysalis (who was written much better here than in "A Canterlot Wedding") like that episode of Powerpuff Girls, "Knock It Off." I could see it now: Starlight tells the Changelings about how they could share their love. They process this in their minds, then turn to Chrysalis asking, "You never gave us love? Where was our love?" Chrysalis backs away as they advance towards her, and then the Changelings take care of her for everypony somehow. Now that would've have been awesome, and don't tell me that they couldn't have done this because it would've been too dark for a kids' show. They've done dark stuff like this before. One other thing that I didn't like was Discord's reaction when he learns that the others have been kidnapped; he sits there with a bored look on his face, giving a yawn, and doesn't give much of a reaction until after he learns that Fluttershy has been captured. I know that he and Fluttershy are close, but hasn't it been firmly established within the show that he's friends not only with Fluttershy, but with the other main cast, including Princess Celestia? -
S06:E21 - Every Little Thing She Does
Smitty1038 replied to Ashen Pathfinder's topic in Season 6 Discussion
Remember how we were told that we'd be seeing a character who we hadn't seen in a long time? Turns out that was a lie. While I did enjoy this episode, what was the point of Rainbow Dash and Applejack offering to take Pinkie and Fluttershy's place if the latter were going to end up playing anyway? And this episode is exactly what I feared: Applejack and Rainbow Dash getting so caught up in the competition that they push Pinkie and Fluttershy too hard and end up ruining the game for them by training them so hard that it sucks the fun out of the game for them. Was that really needed? And why did Fluttershy sound like Pinkie whenever she said, "Whee?" I know Andrea voices both of them, but sometimes it sounds like she isn't even trying to make the two distinguishable from one another. I also don't understand why Applejack and Rainbow Dash felt the need to get all of the unicorns in Ponyville together when they simply could've asked Twilight or Rarity to help them. At least this led to some funny bits, and Snails was easily the best part of the whole episode, though I have to wonder what Snips was doing during this whole episode. All in all, this felt like a rehash of both "The Cart Before the Ponies" and "Fall Weather Friends."
spoiler S6 Episode 23 Synopsis(Where the Apple Lies)
Smitty1038 replied to Megas's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Ooh, this sounds interesting, and if it's done right this can come off as a really funny episode. But for the love of God, could we please stop with all of the Apple Bloom episodes?! For those of you not keeping count, factoring in the season six episodes, "Where the Apple Lies" makes this the twenty-seventh episode Apple Bloom has starred in, and the forty-first episode overall that she has appeared in. The remaining fourteen episodes have her making a cameo. Could we please get some more Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo episodes? I'm sure Claire Corlett and Madeline Peters would appreciate their characters getting more episodes. What's with these writers and their love for Apple Bloom? Yes, she's adorable, but as one user already said, she's gotten kind of bland. Yes, "On Your Marks" was a good episode, but it was once again another Apple Bloom episode. You could literally swap her with Sweetie or Scootaloo and virtually nothing would have to be changed. -
animation How do you feel about the incessant need to add pop culture in cartoon movies
Smitty1038 replied to cider float's topic in Media Discussion
Oh, God, I hate it when writers do that. Granted, if it's done well or cleverly like in "Friendship is Magic", this can come off as being funny, but the way these writers in these animated movies do it just makes the references come off as cringe-inducing. For a good example of what I'm talking about, go watch the season 10 prwmiere of "Fairly OddParents." -
mega thread Your Favorite Episode?
Smitty1038 replied to AppleShy Sparkle's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Without question, my favorite episode of the entire series is "Crusaders of the Lost Mark." Just everything about this episode was great: The story, the characters, the songs (oh, God, the songs!), and the resolution at the end all made for one of the best episodes of season five, if not the whole series. Likewise, I really love "Suited for Success." Like "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" everything about this episode was great: The characters, the story, the songs, and the resolution all make for one of the best episodes of season one. -
While I'll admit this does sound interesting, am I the only one getting flashbacks of "MMMystery on the Friendship Express?" Hmm, I guess not. I personally liked both of those episodes. While I do think that Dash becoming a Wonderbolt should've had a bigger payoff, I thought it was a decent episode, and "28 Pranks Later" was a fun episode, though I wished they'd spent more time on the zombie angle of the episode. Yeah, those are starting to get really old. I may like RariJack, but jeez! I'd like to see another RariShy episode or a RariLight episode. Of course. I'd expect nothing less. That's Pinkie Pie's entire character: comic relief because she has no other function other than that because the writers, like with Spike and Starlight, don't know what else to do with her.
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Lack of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in Season 6
Smitty1038 replied to Odd Ball's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
I thought Diamond Tiara helping Silver Spoon with that fence made it perfectly clear that they were friends again. But I wouldn't rule out the possibility that they have gone their separate ways, which could make for an interesting CMC episode. Really? I consider it to be the show's best episode out of the whole series, bested only by "Suited for Success."- 30 replies
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spoiler Buckball Season marks the return of an old character
Smitty1038 replied to Steve Piranha's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
I was pretty disappointed with "Dungeons and Discords." I was hoping it'd be more like "Bender's Game", but the plot of them actually being in the game didn't come until near the end and even then it only lasted a few minutes. The ending especially I found irritating because it showed what this episode could have been, and Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash wanting to join was cool and something I'd like to see more of. And why couldn't it have been Sweetie Belle that Spike was trying to save instead of Rarity? (SpikeBelle is obviously my OTP, so much so that I'm planning on writing a fanfic around them.) But is it just me, or did it come off as the writers adding fuel to the SpikeMac ship? Just take out the element of them playing a game and it'd come off as two gay lovers looking forward to spending some time together. It was at least nice seeing Mac and Spike bonding. It would've been nice if they'd included Pipsqueak and Shining Armor and some of the other guy characters. Spike and Big Mac really irritated me in this episode. For one thing, they're having fun at Discord's expense and aren't going out of their way to make the game fun for him. Finally, they reveal that the only reason they even asked him to join them was because they felt sorry for him. Do these characters, the Mane Six included, not bother to think that maybe the only reason Discord acts like a dick is because everyone keeps treating him like shit? I for one am sick and tired of Discord getting treated like garbage by the characters. Finally, where was Starlight in all of this? This takes place in the castle she's supposedly staying in, but we don't see her or hear a peep out of her. The lack of Starlight Glimmer this season is really starting to piss me off. She's been so underused this season that I find myself oftentimes forgetting that she's part of the main cast, or at least she's supposed to be. You wouldn't know it based on how the writers have been writing her character this season.
Lack of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in Season 6
Smitty1038 replied to Odd Ball's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Yeah, I am. I was really looking forward to this season since I was eager to see what the writers were going to do with them, only to be disappointed when they appeared in episodes, but had no speaking lines. I loved seeing them in "On Your Marks", but other than that, nothing, which really makes me sad because I really like these two and I'd really love to see more of them in the future. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Really, ghe only characters this series focuses on are the Mane Six, Spike, the CMC, and Starlight Glimmer. That's eleven characters right there, but most of the other characters are either reserved for cameos or one-shot characters. Yeah, an entire episode dedicated to just them would be really great. We could finally see what their relationship is really like. If "Twilight Time" is anything to go by, Diamond doesn't consider Silver Spoon a friend, more like a partner-in-crime kind of thing.- 30 replies
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