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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by FoaMi

  1. Is the second picture pinkie pie?
  2. I only joined in 2012 but wow, was it the pinnacle of the fandom. There was GREAT music being put out every day, new animations almost every week, fanfics on top of fanfics due to the lack of information on the characters. You couldn't go to a single webpage without seeing a couple pony avatars or memes! Pretty much, the fandom was creating content left and right, and bronies LOVED it. Nowadays the fan content has been rather slow in production and there are more avatars and memes of idubbbztv than ponies, but the fandom is still going strong. Personally, I found that tf2 and Gmod were full of bronies. There were like, at least 8 per server.
  3. It's also probably pretty bad considering I only decided to start drawing today I'd love to become a good artist but I'm not sure if I would have the dedication to practice and get good if I bought a tablet Anyways, thanks for your kind words!
  4. So, I downloaded Paint Tool Sai this evening and decided to draw Rainbow Dash from the S5 Finale. I'm really sorry for all of the uneven lines, it's really hard to draw with a mouse and i'm not sure if PTS has the same feature as Adobe Flash where the lines are auto-smoothed. Anyways, if anyone of you that sees this likes this drawing, that'll make me happy.
  5. Personally, I'll never drink alcohol. I don't see how any good could come from it. It costs a lot, and it's not the best thing for your liver. I'd rather have the money in my pocket than the alcohol in my system.
  6. @Tao @Pripyat Pony @geemili Foami sat on a bench looking at his map before he noticed a group of ponies talking with each other. He overheard one of them say something about a secret mission for the princess. As soon as he heard the word "mission", he had thought of the missions that he and his friends/fellow guards would go on to keep Equestria safe. That is, before the attack on Canterlot that was held by the savage Changelings. But, he could not sit around and let his life pass him by simply because of a traumatic experience. He knew he had to overcome his fears. He slowly walked over to the other ponies. "H-hey, I heard you ponies are going on an adventure to help the princess? Would it be okay if I came along? If it helps, I used to be a Canterlot Guard, and fought in the invasion of Canterlot." Foami said in a timid, yet confident tone.
  7. I'm so sorry, I've been helping my sister move the past 2 days! I guess i'll introduce my oc to the group now c:
  8. So, anyone up to join a little group chat? It'll be pretty fun, I think! I'm looking for about 12 people at max. Just post your timezone and pm me your skype if you want to be added!
  9. I think one of the reason i've been thinking that the fandom is dying is because of all the classic brony artists who just stopped. Music was such a huuge part of the fandom, and now theres's barley anyone making any. TheLivingTombstone used to be a huge part of the community too, but now only makes non-pony music. Same thing with WoodenToaster, I think he died or something. All the "original" brony artists are just gone. I dunno, I think that the fandom is still really big, its just less recognizable due to a lot of the creators getting more attention and moving on to greener pastures. Imagine if TLT made a pony song nowadays, he'd get so much hate.
  10. @Pripyat Pony Yes, he'd be brave enough to join the quest. He can fly fast, so he could be good at scouting ahead. He's timid because he used to be in the army where his friends died, so he's also good at fighting. His motives for joining the group would be to make new friends, help others and to be a part of something bigger than himself. Sorry for late reply, it's been a busy day. Also, what's going on in the rp? Nobody has posted for 6 days...
  11. You drew dis? If you did, it's sooooooooooo fucking cute. 10/10 - IGN
  12. So, my avatar is my oc. His name is "Foami" He's a pegasus, never found his cutie mark, he's timid and doesn't like to talk to strangers but when you get to know him, he opens up. (Sorry if this was too descriptive or not descriptive enough)
  13. Thank you~ it's very pretty!
  14. Someone already made a pic for me Thanks anyways though! Someone already made me a pic. Thanks though!
  15. I'll send you a pic and description later today. I'm at work rn
  16. Yeah, I noticed that after reading the rp through. So, could I join or is the rp already at it's limit?
  17. Hey, could I join in on this? Also, are normal ponies allowed? I'm kinda confused as if we're all changelings or just normal ponies.
  18. I've made a list of all the fandom's creations that make me so nostalgic! Songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwl-14bDqWo Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sob1t-iUCmE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCA3STgVa64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7HrijDkfHc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMcA6NvJXmk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do6RDSwaWek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNmfp2n6KlQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd0-cGkClMQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiBohDujLPs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_TMtgjQuZI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ I don't own any of this content. Sorry if this post is in the wrong spot and you, the mod reading this right now are shaking your head in disbelief on how stupid I am.
  19. (Is that actually happening with halo?)
  20. Sorry, i didn't know where to put it
  21. I recently came back from a 2-3 year break from ponies. Back then, there were content creators posting monthly, you could see ponies on every website on almost every page, etc. Nowadays, I can't even find any of the original content creators making pony content. My question is: Is the fandom dying?
  22. I listen to anything electronic and rap mostly. After all these years, I still really love WoodenToaster, and my favourite rapper is Logic.
  23. Hey, could I join this RP? (and is a picture of my oc needed?)
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