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Posts posted by legacytyphoon

  1. Top 10 - No Particular Order:


    Macross (except 7...bleh)



    Heroic Age


    Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni

    RIN ~Daughters of Mnemosyne~

    Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt


    Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan


    Honorable Mention: Full Metal Panic! for being the first anime I ever bought and enjoyed.

  2. I was looking into Dragon's Dogma a bit. It looks pretty good. I think I might be getting it, Capcom doesn't let me down too often.

    Apparently the demo doesn't do the game justice. A couple of my friends have been going on and on about how fun the game is. Apparently you can trade AI-controlled team mates or some-such.


    This is really random but something was floating around my head the other night. How do you feel about adding RPG elements to a game? Like a first person shooter with levels to earn unlockables and what have for example. Does it really add anything or is just a cheap way to extend game play. I think personally it can go either way, it really depends on how its used. I can't think of any clear examples off the top of my head, but I know RPG's have been thrown into just about every other genre imaginable.


    For some reason I remember Elemental Gearbolt as being one of the cooler RPG/genre games. Elemental Gearbolt was a RPG-on rails-gun game. At the end of each level you could put all the points you gained that level towards your high score or turn it into experience and level up your abilities.


    I'd say the leveling system in shooters is to make the multiplayer last longer (that and leveling up can be fun. It can also be annoying, but overall it works.). But it allows people to show off their unlocks. And hey, you might not care about rank, but you still want that other player's gun/hat/equipment/camo.

  3. I liked Eternal Sonata all the way up to the rotating maze dungeon. I had to put the game down for a while because it annoyed me to no end. I just didn't have the patience for it. I'll pick it up again at some point. Maybe. Probably. When I feel like playing something that tries really hard to make you feel depressed and emotional and then gives you WALLS OF TEXT about classical musicians.


    I have all three Mass Effects sitting there collecting dust right now. I really want to play through them from beginning to end but I can't seem to work up the interest. Something about the first game just feels off (and its not the whole shooter-RPG thing). I'm actually considering just skipping Mass Effect and immediately going on to ME2.


    Favorite RPG/s (of this generation) - Resonance of Fate, Tales of Vesperia, NieR, Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs. Dark Death Evilman, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP remake), Reckoning: Kingdoms of Amalur

    Favorite RPG/s (that I've actually finished) - Parasite Eve, Arc the Lad

  4. The next update for console MC is going to be beta 1.7.3. This means the console version is...3 or 4 updates behind the PC version? They also seem to have random stuff from the current PC release (eg: dogs, lightning, couple other things). It isn't the most stable game to ever come out on XBLA (and there's some weird glitches with water and not being able to hit things in the legs...), but hey, its Minecraft, that's to be expected right?


    Could you make a server like you can do with the pc version if you wanna make a community on minecraft that lets you play with more people on it ?.


    The map is saved to the host of the game's profile only. But, you can play with up to 8 people online (friend's only, you can't join random games).


    What is this?! D=< It better be coming out for playstation as well!!!!!

    From what I understand, console Minecraft is XBLA-only right now.
  5. Just finished Valkyria Chronicles for the 5th time today. Why won't you give me proper sequel on the PS3 Sega?


    We're not even getting Valkyria Chronicles 3. Also, if you haven't try Valkryia Chronicles 2, gameplay-wise its much and the same as VC, but with more tank customization and some slightly modified classes. Also, cameo's abound.
  6. Recently finished Prototype 2. Beat it over a few days on Hard. There's a bunch of side-missions that are like mini-games that Radical has unlocking once a week. But they don't get you anything important except extra experience points and some minor abilities. Awesome game though.

  7. I'm not particularly a fan of Call of Duty but I find it interesting that they're still running on a (all be it, heavily modified) engine from 1999. I wonder how far they're gonna be able to push it before the engine just says "NO" and gives up.

  8. Haha, out of all of those the only one I've read is Franken Fran (and Tokyo Akazukin). Unless they have different names when fan-translated. I'll definitely add those to my list to check out, I haven't read any horror stuff in a while.


    I like the stuff but I'm terrible at researching it and finding it.


    The most recent manga I've read is Jormungand. I've been in a mood for dark humor.

  9. youtubes



    Bah, see what you and your screen name have me listening to now?


    I kinda like this one better.

  10. I love anime that's out there or has a horror theme to it. Anything from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt to Club You to Death Angel Dokuro-chan to Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. Although my personal favorites recently have been Jormungand and Nisemonogatari.


    On another note, I just recently finished watching Nabari no Ou on Netflix and I think its the first anime that's completely frustrated me and actually pissed me off. So the main character has some all-powerful ninjutsu-technique-hand waving move. He doesn't want it but finds there are people out there who want to use his power to change the world and so on. Apparently its some power that can grant wishes. Now here's where it gets hazy. The "good guys" (The good guys in this show are about as likable as the "bad guys", although initially I liked that they humanized both sides of the "conflict") say that if he uses his power some "bad things" will happen. No, I'm not trying to keep this post spoiler free. Some "bad things" will happen and it will be bad and bad things will be bad because they're bad and bad stuff is bad. They never say what this bad thing is. Unless I missed it somewhere and they only mentioned it once. One side screams that the power is bad to use and the other side screams that he should use his power for the "good of the people" and another side just wants him to use it...because. The power itself wants to be used and is portrayed as some...evil...mind-controlling fairy lady. Does it sound vague enough yet? It never gets better.


    I may watch it again at some point (because I'm a masochist) just to see if I can make any sense of it.


    PRO TIP: Don't threaten to slit the throat of the only person who controls the world-domination power that you need to try and get someone else to do something you want. Unless it works, because people in Nabari no Ou are stupid.

  11. Battlefield 3:


    870MC/M1014 - Red Dot, Flash Suppressor/Extended Mag, Slugs

    443 Grach


    Squad Explosives/Squad Sprint



    L85A2 - Heavy Barrel, Red Dot, Foregrip

    443 Grach

    M320 Smoke Grenade Launcher

    Squad Grenades/Squad Sprint

  12. [Place desired introduction quip of your choice here]

    Evening folks. Ponies. A friend of mine directed me to this place so I thought I'd check it out.


    I'm a lazy "cartoonist" trying to get back into the habit of drawing regularly (and failing at it). I also enjoy quiet walks down the middle of busy intersections and digging my own grave. Oh...and ponies. Ponies are cool. If I'm not at work you'll find me asleep or tooling around on Xbox Live. Also, ponies.


    I am terrible at introductions. Have a cockroach, I picked it out of my own teeth. I made sure it was fresh.


    Favorite pony(ies): Twilight Sparkle, Octavia, that steroid abusing "YEAH" albino

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