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Posts posted by fredpaisley

  1. I would be so down with an Equestria Girls live action, CG would have to be on key though I would also love a remake where in loo of ponyville and CGI ponies, horses were brought in with just the cutie marks CG'd on. I think it would have to be for fans, as I am presuming the horses wouldnt do much more then stand around in a foyer made to look like the castle, give each other looks with subtitles to explain what the characters are saying and do maybe the walk through the mirror scene. I would picture Twilight as a black mare with a white star on her forehead and she would take a full second in horse form, after walking through the portal before bliping into the actress. Just for the horse to look around with a "Why am I here, silly humans" expression. I really would love it to be a comedy, or even poke fun at itself and the series/fans - although I am sure some ponies would be sensitive I think if done right it could be fantastic. I would stick with comedy for live acting though, because it would be easy to make fun of not using CGI and the live horses having issues acting out our friends - then stick to Equestria High as to avoid using them for the majority of the show and still keep the spirit. Then to flop on CGI which many of us seem a little unsure on.

  2. Banned for secretly programming Gladios (by stealing an Element of Harmony! That's how the Portal World was created.. for the clones!!) Bad Pinkie!

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Whaaa?! You guys can't see him? He must be wearing that dress Rarity made - that makes real princesses invisible. ONLY real Princesses, like our favourite <3 Princess Discord 



    • Brohoof 2
  4. Banned, but idk why because I misread the posts, lost track and now after figuring it out, still  dont have a better reason but ponylove!

  5. All images on your screen are made up of pixels, thats what the individual tiny dots that make up the picture are called, therefore every time you are banned, in order to relay the information on your screen pixels are used. I think, I thought.....  Banned because I had to think about it and now I am unsure what a pixel is!!!!

    • Brohoof 1
  6. celestia_vs__discord_by_invidiata-d94kul


    ... probably. Unless Nightmare Moon is luring him in with the temptation of torturing Celestia only to build up a sense of security and dependability. so she can puppet him and ponyville on the sly. I mean its been a while since Princess Luna has had a 'moment', where is all that pent up pressure going?

    • Brohoof 3
  7. Agreed, but with only going through some of the 226 pages, the vast majority of posters seem to have changed a letter and kept the order.


    Unfortunately, its not my game, would you like to write to op for further clarification and have the rules amended?


    Try not to worry about it.

    These things happen.

    I've posted in here and haven't realised that the page had been turned whilst writing :derp:




    I was only insistent upon my request under the impression this was your game, and you were calling me out on something you hadn't clarified. I followed the rules and it was even a different spelling of the word above it Bale to Bail lol I thought outside the box. It just didnt match your expectation.   :dash:  ;) 





  8. There was nothing posted in the rules about changing the order, just that only one letter could be changed, I would ask that you say specifically that the order can not be changed in the original post, I have tried to rewrite this post a million times - I missed the implied order. I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to muck up the game. Sorry :/


  9. Banned for being Babylonian (that's the Ishtar Gate in your avatar, is it not?  :))

    Yes it is! :)


    Therefore @NightmareLuna800 is banned for being in the presence of the sun gods/Enki .. heathen :P

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