My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: Heard about it on Ponychan. Decided to give it a chance due to the insulting lack of activity on /pony/ (all my precious walls of text for naught Q.Q)
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I was playing Dragon Ball Online back in the summer of 2011, and while grinding an' shit i'd put music on in the background to help the hours pass by. Eventually autoplay lead me to an audiosurf rendition of "Giggle at the Ghosties" and I just HAD to minimize the Dbo window to see what glorious magnificence my ears had been subjected to. I started listening to Pony music constantly while playing Dbo, for countless hours, until I decided to just sit myself down and marathon the entire first season. It was adorable, to say the least, so I kept on watching. Then, I found out that MLP was the perfect thing to piss people off with and it would send everyone ingame into an ulcer-inducing tizzy by merely mentioning it. That had alot to do with why I kept with it in the beginning. That and the incredible music by artists like Alex S, Matt R, WoodenToaster, and AcousticBrony to name a few.
This is the illustrious ChocolateCrane here. If any of you ppl frequent the EqD Nightly discussion, you likely know who I am. I also go by the name "Pommel Weed" on rare occasions ;P
So, what's up? If you know who I am, either from EqD, Dbo, etc, give me a holla'