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Trixie the Great

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Everything posted by Trixie the Great

  1. Yea I actually do believe in an after life, but not necessarily in a Biblical sort of way. I've always felt that there's more out there after death, although I can't exactly explain what. But sending people to either Hell or Heaven seems too blunt and inaccurate to me, because you can't just divide people in two opposite categories... But I think I'm kinda deviating from the subject.
  2. Generally no, but just because I like to keep my house really chilly and cold. That being said, I ABSOLUTELY FREAKING HATE PANTS. Especially jeans, they're like a prison for legs. God bless skirts and stretchy pants.
  3. Yes, on the inside. No but really, I often get so sad and heartbroken that it feels like the world is falling apart, but I can't get myself to actually shed one tear. I think my tearducts are broken or something
  4. 5'5 or 6'5, you can't really tell their height when they're lying on the bed anyway
  5. You know I'm all about that apple cider !! :toldya:
  6. I'd try my best to remain calm and quiet so she can get the sleep she deserves (she's probably really tired). Then I'd prepare a delicious meal and a hot bath for when she wakes up. Lastly, I'd ask her how she got there and let her tell me the whole story whilst brushing her light blue mane and giving her a relaxing massage. If she tells me she needs to go back in Equestria, I'd do my bestest to help her accomplish that (without putting my needs and wishes before hers). But if she decides to stay with me some more for some reason or another, I'd be the happiest person on this entire planet. We'd discuss magic, we'd practice magic tricks together (while I'd make sure to always compliment her on her stunts), and maybe I'd learn how to have her rocking self confidence! :-P I really love you Trixie.
  7. Welcome here ! I'm sort of new here too. I don't exactly have an OC yet, but it'd probably be just a pony version of me :-P
  8. Edit: AJ is loyal, athletic, rational and blunt too aaaaaand would never steal from other ponies ever (like some immoral sick ponies would do..) :wat:
  9. Exactly, after 7 years I've gotten so emotionally attached to all the characters that it'd break my heart in pieces to hear that FIM was over. But I feel sort of excited at the idea of having a G5 with Starlight (or maybe Flurry Hearts) as the main character!
  10. Most probably RD. At times she can get really annoying with her self-centeredness and arrogance. AJ could sort of take her place. She's loyal, athletic, rational and blunt too. please dont kill me RD fans :awuh:
  11. Basically this, plus the characters act in such an unnatural and cringy manner, with over the top acting, bad humor, weird body movements (it's so awkward when I see weeaboos trying to copy their style in real life)... And 99,99% of the female characters are just different versions of a Mary Sue. Innocent, loving, nurturing, cute, feminine, perfect physique etc. (by the way, their overly pitched voices - that are supposed to sound cute or something - sound really ridiculous to me, not to mention they make my ears hurt after more than 5 minutes). Most anime barely has any plot at all and if it does, it's pretty dull and just an excuse for the FAN SERVICE (boobies, harems etc or the tall mysterious handsome boys for girls shows). And the animation is pretty lazily done. The weird way they move their mouths when talking, the repetitive movements, the sloppily drawn characters in the background, the many scenes that barely have more than 1 fps... And yes, of course there are exceptions. I'm not an anime hater myself, but I can see the reason why most people think it's so cringy.
  12. Coffee. It's bitter, yucky, makes your mouth stink and gives you stained teeth. Minecraft. I found it pretty boring and I hate the overly pixelated graphics. I don't understand why it's so popular. Facebook/ Instagram. It's okay if you post one picture of yourself every two weeks or an occasional life update post, but when you get to the point where you're glued to your phone 24/7 trying selfie poses and taking artistic pics of every snack you eat, it gets really dull and annoying. The Kardashians. What's so interesting about them? What have they done to deserve all the money and fame they have? Pop celebrities in general. Most of them are so shallow and, to be honest, not even talented!!! . And no I don't care about Tyga's shoe size or Britney's latest trip to Walmart in a baggy tracksuit. The whole "makeup on fleek" trend. No, you don't look hot. You just look like you have a mask on your face. Also nice job spending hundreds of dollars a month on cosmetic products, money that you could've donated to a puppy shelter. People who spend a loadshit of money on themselves. So you have so many $$ bills that they don't even fit in your pockets anymore. What do you do : (a) spend it on a $250k car that you can post selfies with on Instagram (b ) donate it to animal shelters, cancer research, yknow, that boring corny stuff that no one seems to care about
  13. It seems that she has this rebellious cool side to her that she's hiding. I wish she had more appearances in the show
  14. Earth ponies for me. They're with their feet on the ground, strong, brave and in tune with the nature around them. That's totally me.
  15. Sometimes when someone really makes me angry I fantasize about punching them in the face with all my strength right then and there. I actually love fights. I sometimes seek to get into arguments with people on purpose just to have an excuse to release the anger that I was already holding inside. I might have some anger issues now that I think of it. Also I always brag about how I'd never want to get attached to any guy ever. But deep deep down inside I'm actually afraid that nopony will ever truly love me and also deep deep veeeery deep down inside I know I actually fall in love way too fast, easy and deeply. And despite not being much of a pop music fan, I think Lady Gaga is pretty great. I have this eerie feeling when listening to her songs.
  16. I just wish the action in S7 would take place 10 years later after the one in S6. Basically I wish they'd fastforward about a decade. Y'know, seeing the CMC members grown up, FH as a filly learning to control her incredible but hard to handle powers... I don't know, I just thought it'd be cool.
  17. I'd really enjoy living in Ponyville to be honest.
  18. Yes, she was able to reform Discord through her infinite kindness and patience because he's not a pony, but it'd be a tad bit weird to have a Princess that would be afraid to speak up to other ponies and stand out for herself and her moral values. I mean, she is literally scared of her own shadow. She could be some sort of Princess of the Forest, although I barely see any need for that. Eeeyup. And if Fluttershy turns to an Alicorn then the rest of the mane six whould too have to torn into alicorns. And I don't want to watch a bunch of Mary Sues doing a bunch of Mary Sue-ish things in a show that might as well be re-named My little Mary Sue Pony. :-o
  19. On a sofa, straight from the box, sobbing whilst brooding about my problems because life is simply unfair
  20. 1. the Yaks -- wouldn't wish to be anywhere near them on a 5 miles radius; very, very unpleasant 2. the Flim Flam brothers -- I find it impossible to point out even one good quality about them 3. Zephyr Breeze -- I cringed throughout his whole episode, what a lazy narcissistic piece of trash 4. Snips and Snails Why i listed more than 3 characters? Oh because I'm great and powerful that's why
  21. Basically this. It's so catchy to the point I can't get it out of my head. I've been humming it continuously for the past 2 days.(apologies to my classmates and teachers) But whenever I listen to it it really lifts my mood :-P Plus this:
  22. What is your MBTI type? ISFP but weirdly, I act like an ESTJ a lot Who is your favorite pony? Trixie (I think her superiority complex is so cute) but I also like AJ a lot Which pony are you most like? AJ, except I'm more carefree and fun loving (so a bit of Pinkie too) What type of pony is your ponysona?(If you have one) Earth poniieeezz forrrevaaaaa If applicable, how do you contribute to the fandom? I don't, besides posting on Internet forums I guess
  23. I actually think this pose was adorable.. In my personal opinion this is the movie with the best animation so far :-P
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