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Crimson Fire

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Everything posted by Crimson Fire

  1. I know that I will go. I will make sure of that.
  2. Apologies for my tardy response. I believe I would like to try my hoof at taking on the role of Applejack. I will be working on penning a response to one of the scenarios.
  3. Unfortunately, I do not possess any RP samples from other RPs. But I will take a look at what is available and work from there. And yes, I was interested in that Chrysalis RP.
  4. I think that would help us get a feel for how you wanted to conduct the RP. I admit, this has piqued my interest. So a few samples would be helpful for us.
  5. I gotta say, Amending Fences was definitely one of the hardest lessons any of the Mane 6 have ever learned. I think that Fluttershy's hardest lesson to learn..or at least one of them..was "It Isn't Easy Being Breezy." I say this because Fluttershy is a compassionate pony whom cares soo deeply for the animals around her. So when the Breezy's have to stay at Fluttershy's house, she is more than happy to oblige...much to the chagrin of their leader. A few days go by, and she is told that she must part with them..even though she constantly cannot seem to part with them. Finally, she has to let them go to ensure that they are able to get home. I think that is one of the hardest lessons she had to learn...which involved having to show tough love to the Breezies and help them get home. That is what I remember of the episode, so pardon me if this was a little odd in the description.
  6. I have been meaning to dip my hooves into the RP section of the fandom, and what better way than to join in on the conversation. I have no RP partners in this fandom..mostly due to a bit of inactivity..but I would love to join your adventures in RP.
  7. More than me..if we are going by reputation. But then again, I am just trying to make friends here and have fun. ?/10..I haven't really seen this person here as I haven't been here too often.
  8. I was just chatting with someone on Discord. And then I went to the bathroom. And now I am here..funny how 10 minutes just flies by.
  9. Welcome back to the forums, @AveryGamerDude. We hope you enjoy your stay here..and we are glad to have you back. I would love to help you get back into the forum by being one of your friends if you desire.
  10. Here, FA, Deviantart, Youtube..to name a few....what? I have a lot of sites I visit frequently. That in mind, I am making it a habit to visit this place on a daily basis. I love you guys and I would love to connect with the lot of you
  11. I see the fandom living on long after the show, to be honest. If you look at franchises like Star Trek, Star Wars..franchises that have been around longer than 50 years..just to name a few..have thriving fan bases. As long as there are still fans who love the show, are inspired by the fan content..the Herd will live on. Just my thoughts.
  12. Follow the numbers on the edges of the comics. But seriously, there is no order to read them. I believe that Friends Forever and FIM have their own stories.
  13. Added a photo to my profile. Now you all can see me. :)

  14. Let's see... I think there would have been a number of disagreements as to what would be included within the movie..as it might get stuck in script and story writing. As much I like to think that an MLP movie by the bronies would be a good idea, I cannot help but think that they would try too hard with what they were making or making it tailored specifically for the fandom.
  15. Old review is old..sorry I have been meaning to post this On Thursday, I went downtown to see an advance screening of My Little Pony: The Movie. I was quite nervouscited as this was a monumental event, and since I had avoided spoilers, I did not know what to expect. One thing I did not expect was the empty theatre, save for three other people. Deputes the low turnout (presumably with it being advance screening and probably few people knowing about it), I took my seat and prepared myself for thr movie. There was a brief animated short before thr movie, who's name escapes Mr at the moment. I watched it with amusement and a touch of eagerness to start the movie. Finally, the time came. The Lions gate logo appeared before us, before eventually transitioning to a strange spark flying over something. It flashed occatiobally, as if to hint at us what we could be seeing. It was revealed to us that the structure was the logo itself! It illuminated the screen with a hue of many colors, with an orchestral rendition of thr theme song. Truely, we were here. This was happening. I feel like I should keep this simple and to the point..*ahem* Right from thr start, I was amazed with how breathtaking and fluid thr animation was, especially when we have a fly-though of Canterlot Square. While there, we were treated to a myriad of Easter eggs, with characters like Cheese Sandwich, Trixie, Starlight, to name a few, which the long-time fans of the show wll enjoy. I have seen comments regarding thr animation ad Disney-esque. And I would agree with those statements; ToonBoom Harmony was a tremendous upgrade for thr silver screen, which the animators took full advantage of. I could see it in every expression, every movement and scene. I was transfixed by this spectacle and could not look away. Tempest Shadow was a pony whom caught my interest from the initial trailers, and had me curious as to her role within the movie. As I watched, I became quite enthralled with her as a character and toward her motivations. A very critical moment was where Twilight tried to extract the orb from the Seaponies and used her friends as a distraction. I kinda saw how she was thinking that, and it made me wonder if her friends where in on her plan. When it was revealed that it wasn’t, that really hindered things for Twilight and company. Especially when things came to a head on the island they washed up on when Twilight went off on Pinkie Pie. I was shocked at her behavior, I will be honest. And it really hit home with the rest of the Mane 6’s reactions. I could not help but feel sad for their state of mind. All their efforts up to that point had been in vain and they were reeling from that. It may seem weird to say, but I am glad that Twilight’s abduction pulled the rest of the Mane 6 out of their funk. Prior to thr movie, I chose to avoid any of the songs, as I wanted to hear them in thr movie..a choice that I don't regret in thr slightest. "Open up you eyes" was and is an amazing song, sung by Emily Blunt. It really captured thr feel of the character and a bit of her motivations as well. I was truely blown away by that song..I would definitely say that it is one of thr best and captivating songs in the series..right up there with This Day Aria. Capper's song, "I'm the friend you Need" was an amusing and deceptive song..underlying his dubious intentions toward our hero's as he lulled them into a false sense of secutity..which reminds me of Trust in Me from Jungle Book. One Small Thing was a dazzling song, completely with stellar visuals that one could lose themselves in. It was an innocent song thst contrasted with Twilight's intentions toward their situation. I wiuld highly recommend picking up the soundtrack if you haven't done so..you will want to listen to this music on repeat for quite a while..even add it to your pony music library. Anyway, I feel as though I must wrap this up My Little Pony: The Movie was a wonderful telling of our Mane 6 heroes upon the big screen, with dazzling visuals, new locations, and a brilliant musical soundtrack..you will want to go to visit Equeatria again and again..if you haven't done so already.. Well, that's it..those are my thoughts on the movie. I hope you enjoyed this revirw..idff you have questions, feel free to contact me about them if I missed anything Crimson_Fire, out!
  16. Don't feel too bad there..I have been sitting on mine for about a month or so as well. I am just about done with it and I will post it.
  17. I went to an advance screening of it the other day and only four people counting me were there. i still enjoyed the movie.
  18. Perhaps they felt that since the Storm King assumed they were all gone, they could hide and not worry about him coming back. And maybe something about starting a new life underwater as Sea Ponies.
  19. Spoiled Rich: You know, I actually feel bad for the way I have treated the other ponies around me based on my social and financial status. I think I am going to donate a large portion of my riches to charity and help out the ponies in need. And I am going to pay more attention to my daughter and show my husband how much I love him.
  20. And if I recall correctly, in the episode "The Cutie Pox", Applebloom acquires a fleur de Lis, and starts speaking French. She even asks if she was speaking French. So I think it is safe to reason that languages such as French, English, and German might exist in that world.
  21. I have looked over a number of these comments and I would have to say that they are pretty creative. Maybe one theory could be is that the viewers (the audience) is provided with a universal translator that translates their language into one that we can understand.
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