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  1. There is also a high chance Trump could start WW3. Why? He is such a loud mouth that if he says the wrong thing, you might see a bunch of mushroom clouds outside your window the next day...
  2. I would banish Jar Jar Binks to the moon. (I know not a pony)
  3. Is he mentioned as a guy? He could just be a masculine female! Also please double check, as I watched the crowd scene, and there was no guy with a propeller hat, if there was, please post an image pointing him out.
  4. That is alot better than ANB! Thank you! Also Hearth's Warming happened twice in the show, so the current year in Equestria is 1001 CYP!
  5. Unless we know exactly when a very positive event happened in the past, we kinda have to use Nightmare Moon's banishment as a base... When Equestria was founded would be a great event to base a year counting system, but WHEN did it happen? We don't know yet...
  6. I would pay to see a dystopian G3 as it would be an interesting concept... But a dystopia G4 would still be cool.
  7. By 'fear of clouds' don't you mean Nephophobia? Other then that, pretty cool!
  8. I went through a bunch of G3 episodes, scanning for anything that proves my statement and I guess I fell into the G3 is completely flawed stereotype. Yes electricity is commonplace, the ponies are semi-intelligent (No one noticed the candy cane was missing which is stupid, thats like no one in New York City noticing the Statue of Liberty's head was missing.), and other stuff (I didn't find any DNA modification technology anywhere though.) I formed a new theory on how G3's universe works: The architecture is medieval (Which led me to think their tech was also medieval.) Their tech is limited in a LOT of respects expect for the basic stuff a house has (A modern kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room without TV) and that's it for the most part. Culture in general is completely Utopian and heaven-like. Yes the ponies aren't just happy objects that sing all day long, but have emotions other than happiness and stuff like that. We can assume that new ponies are born through asexual reproduction but there is no evidence to support this other than 'No guys'. The 4 colored rainbow might just be what their eyes are capable of seeing. They also probably have magic that heats the land up (the way Minty gets to the North Pole is depicted as a short trip, therefore that means without magic or some distant future technology Ponyville would freeze over (Kinda reminds me of the Crystal Empire with the Crystal Heart)). In fact war seems to be an alien concept as war is never mentioned anywhere, only peace exists in this alternate Equestria (I like to think the land where the G3 ponies reside is an parallel universe version of Equestria.) Add anything you want to the list, as i skimmed through G3 so I probably missed some stuff! I did some calculations and I came to the conclusion that Ponyville in the G3 universe is approximately 1/2 of a mile away from the north pole, so there is definitely something happening here that is ether some serious magic or some post 2500s technology going on.
  9. Well I prefer watching TV shows with the mind of an adult including G3, in a realistic scenario, Civilization in the G3 universe would crumble... Also the G3 ponies are somewhat intelligent, but their childishness in my opinion reduces their intelligence. Who is smarter, a child who acts like a child, or an adult (most of the G3 cast) who acts like a child? (Nether is my answer BTW.) Also the things you mentioned are things ANYONE could do. Go play SimCity if you don't know what I mean. If the earth G3 takes place in is completely Utopian, what happens when a bad guy attacks Ponyville in a 100% Utopian world in a deceptive way? Since the ponies are used to good and only good, they would fall for it, they would be over taken by the villain, and all of the pink, purple, and color would become browns and grungy greens and yellows. Also I find it EXTREMELY unlikely that the ponies are technologically advanced and asexual in any aspects, they appear to be in the Middle Ages technology-wise and they clearly are predominantly female.
  10. First of all, no males, this is one HUGE reason why G3 would be a dystopia! If there are no guys, then within 20 - 50 years, no one will be around, since the process of reproduction would be impossible! Watch every G3 episode (if you dare) and count every guy you see (they HAVE to be mentioned as a he, don't count guys on appearance, also don't count Spike) excluding Spike, your final number should be *drumroll* zero. Two, every single pony is stupid, (They think that there are 4 colors in the rainbow and that one of them is pink, and no one noticed there was no candy cane on top of the tree in 'A Very Minty Christmas') If society has ONLY stupid people, then getting things done will be almost impossible since everyone would be confused on what to do, not only that, but the ponies act childish and naive, appear to be easily manipulated and think there is only good, anyone could manipulate them and enslave them just by saying good things to them and befriending them, speaking of that. Number three, everyone befriends everyone, a flaw that is a no brainer, that also adds to my naive statement, do you befriend everyone you see? No? Oh, because your new friend could easily be a serial killer or a terrorist, or something? Well that pretty much explains number three. Number four, the world the ponies live in is TOO utopian, what happens when they are manipulated and they loose their town? They won't know what to do, and this is because the ponies are SPOILED! Like I said, they are unintelligent, easily manipulated, and naive. And those are my reasons on why I think the world that G3 exists in is extremely unrealistic! PS: I guarantee If you replaced every person who works in the US government with the G3 ponies, America would die within days because they don't have the mental capacity to run a government, I guarantee they would sing songs all day instead of working on improving America and keeping the country afloat...
  11. I have created a year counting system: ANB! (After Nightmare's Banishment) and BNB, or Before Nightmare's Banishment. Basically you count years starting from Nightmare Moon's banishment. The pilot episode would take place 1000 ANB, Seasons 4 - 6 would take place in 1001 ANB, and season 7 could take place in 1002. (Assuming 3 seasons of fim equals a year in the show) The Mane 6 were born sometime around 980 - 985 ANB. Granny Smith could of been born sometime before 935 ANB, meaning Ponyville was founded when Granny Smith was 15 - 25 years old. The CMC were born sometime around 993 - 995 ANB, The flashbacks to before Luna become Nightmare Moon in the Season 4 premiere took place 5 - 1 BNB etc. So what do you all think? P.S: The dates I provided are assuming ponies age at the same rate as humans do. (If you use this year counting system credit me!)
  12. Welcome to MLP Forums, FuturisticEggThief! I hope you have a great time here. /)

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