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Raven Drakeaurd

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Everything posted by Raven Drakeaurd

  1. I don't prefer either. I'll eat 'em both. Do you try and eat health?
  2. I recommend a Quad core processor, and at least a GTX 980 and a case around a 100 dollars US. (I recommend the Coller Master: Master Case 5.) Do you have social media account and email accounts dedicated to MLP related activities?
  3. I would by a WD Red drive for my server, buy a plot of land, build a base- I mean a home on it, and donate a large portion of it to charity. If you woke up a multi-millionaire tomorrow morning, what would be the first thing you'd do?
  4. I got one. It's a bit old and a bit obscure.
  5. MY BRIAN HURTS. Whats the game you have played.
  6. Actively regret, no. But I don't like it tho. (The username was "radhawkfive" for the record.) How long have we been going back and fourth?
  7. While the name of my OC is Raven Drakeaurd, the name originates from a want to have a better name than what I had previously. Did you have a nickname/username that you thought sounded good at the time but now regret?
  8. To do what? If I had to do whatever you told to do for 24 hours, what would you tell me to do?
  9. Right now I'm in Virgina [Redacted] it's sorta that middle ground between rural and urban. I quite like it. (Couldn't hurt for it to be a bit cleaner) How long have your been in your current city?
  10. Because the FDA do give a crap. What's your option on the US government? (Warning: answering this question may/may not end up with you on a watchlist/no-fly-list.)
  11. Whenever I am feeling lazy and have some extra money to hand. Do you drink diet version of you favorite soft drink or do you drink standard?
  12. Wonton soup. I'm sorry but that stuff so good. Do you commonly order Chinese food?
  13. Yep, and yes, it was very unpleasant. What was the worst food you ever had?
  14. Haven't gone to any amusement or theme parks. If you have gone to any amusement or theme parks- did you get food poisoning?
  15. Nope, can't say I've been there. What was your favorite place you have gone to?
  16. Current; MLP. Ended; Teen Titans. What's your favorite flavor of Poptart (I'm running out of ideas ok.)
  17. I own a Xbox 360, an Xbox One, and an original Xbox, Playstation 2 and 1, a Dreamcast, a Nintendo 64, and a Genisis. Are you shock by the amount of consoles I have?
  18. Nope. Peppermint O.S; I got tired of all of the spyware built-in to Windows 10. Did you know there was spyware built-in to Windows 10?
  19. Nope. Are you using Linux or Windows as your O.S?
  20. My past I guess. What are you using to reply to this post?
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