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  1. Send me the name and I will add you.
  2. @Blitz Boom @Illiad Easle Before I go, I would like to know if either of you two have alternative ways to contact. Be it Discord, Skype, Deviantart or Fimfiction - I don't want my leaving of the forums to be something that means we can't talk anymore if its possible. Thank you so much, @Blitz Boom! It has been a joy roleplaying with you for roughly 8 years now. If you remember the first RP we did was in the Casual Stroll RP with a stallion named Gordon. I also had an alicorn named Lord Senvious. It's a real thing in life, change. Change can either be good or bad. but one thing is constant - change. For me, it is a good change. While there is a long road ahead for me, I have faith and belief that I will make it with my girlfriend. This relationship has made me examine so many things about myself and I've made many positive changes towards being a better person. I've cut out toxicity from my life, I've been more active, I've been eating better. I can really feel it in my heart that things will only get better from here. I love you guys, and thank you for the memories. The memories we made here will last forever, the forums has impacted my life permanently in many positive ways more than can be counted.
  3. @Illiad Easle We can play things out a bit here, maybe. It wasn't in my plan to instantly leave anyway. I will be honest about why I am leaving. I found myself a girlfriend. I've known her for a long time and we made it official a few days ago. I won't be alone anymore, nor will I feel like that anymore because my best friend is now my girlfriend. I am so happy with how things are going. This is going to completely open up and change my life in ways I can't even think of, I won't be the same person I was anymore, and I am all the ready for it. I am sorry to step in the way of our RPs like this. If you have other points of contact, we can always discuss things over Discord.
  4. @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom Due to various changing circumstances in my life, I have decided that I will likely be quitting the forums. have to take certain steps to begin moving forward in my life how I want to do it, and I've recently gotten involved with other matters in my life to warrant this change. Some real serious personal changes (for the better) are occurring right now in my life. I am not going to leave these RPs hanging and just leave without telling anyone, that'd be unfair to you two. I would like to at least plan it out with you OOC and discuss how it would go.
  5. @Illiad Easle (Spiral) Spiral would remain silent and calm throughout the shouting and divisions that presented themselves on this council. It was going to come about either way for all of them one way or another. For a little bit she'd allow the arguing to continue but after a couple of minutes she would slam her hoof on the desk and shout, "Order, Order!" for everyone to stop and listen to her. If they did, Spiral would speak further. "You all know that this was going to happen eventually, whether you like it or not." she said to everyone. "We have multiple perspectives to take into account here, and we must discuss this in a calm, civil manner or it risks going against everything we stand for. If we all decide to stick together against my theoretical proposal, at least at the moment the tensions between us all have to be resolved. Let's be honest, did you all really think all of us would be on the same page forever?" Spiral asked them all, narrowing her eyes. "One thing is clear, we have to establish trade agreements, establish borders, a new system of government anyway - as we are setting foot on the ground, and as time has passed, the younger ones on this Project will decide the future. My proposal isn't something that, if we end up going with, will happen overnight. Could take months, even longer. All the time to think about how to do it. Besides, we are already deciding how to Split the Project - with deciding where to put certain parts of it on the ground. Even if we do fully split up like I propose - it doesn't mean we would be rival factions. I am not going to decide to force anyone to be sent off anywhere, this is ideally going to be a mutual decision between all involved, if it is to happen." Spiral's speaking was the complete antithesis of the arguing of the council. She was completely calm, and collected. Her gaze maintained a sense of authority that she was not afraid to use, however she remained understanding of the various perspectives involved. Spiral would glance towards that one that questioned her idea, and thought about it for a moment. Processing this, Spiral ended up in agreement with this individual that questioned her. They would not be sending anyone for rescue operations since there was no-one that had any training for it. (Janet) Janet didn't seem all that phased by that. "Hmph. So be it then. Makes me wonder who else is going to leave without those big mountains in the way of everything. Perhaps I should check on my fellow low-lif- I mean classmates." Janet said, ready to go see what they were up to, now that she had found her answer about the Zebras here.
  6. @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom (Spiral) Spiral was pleased that the council agreed with what was stated - and now she would address the original plans for the Project splitting up. " This gets into another proposal that has been on mind lately, so let us discuss that as well. The Project has Endured for 25 years, with the Conflict of Apollo's reign far behind us. Keeping us united has been a difficult task throughout the years, and with the breath of the world before us I believe it is finally time to discuss the inevitable splitting of the Project." Spiral would then take a breathe and begin speaking about her plan next. "It is no surprise that the Equestrians and Trojans, as well as the new Bloods do not agree on various matters. With that in mind, I would suggest that eventually the different groups should go their separate ways, willingly. The Equestrians and those willing to pursue rekindling Equestria should be eventually free to leave and join the survivors on the surface of which no doubt they would have to mingle with. The Trojans and the New Blood can settle upon the new encampment we will construct, as well as those willing to do so. That would be my initial proposal, and we would have to make an agreement which Faction gets what before any final decisions and actions are made on that matter. Thoughts?" Spiral asked, ready to see what the Council had decided on. The report having came in made Spiral's blood run cold before she and the council could even begin to discuss splitting the Project apart. "Send a rescue team, immediately, Plein Easle must be located as soon as possible and brought back to safety! What we are dealing with here has proven to be far more dangerous! Perhaps we should make official contact with the ponies below, they might know more about what we are dealing with" Spiral ordered. (Janet) Janet would grit her teeth at Nightshade's correction but before she could answer she had seen Spirit enter. Janet would turn away at their display of affection for one another. Janet would look up towards Spirit with suspicion. "No, she does not know I am here and I don't particularly care. What I want to know is what's going on out there, since he seems pretty certain I was wrong that the Zebras were sending a scouting party." Janet pouted and stared daggers at Nightshade. "So prove me wrong." Janet dared.
  7. @Illiad Easle Spiral would review the documents. It were no surprise that this would be happening. Spiral had thought it was an attacking spawn or something to deal with one of Discord's followers. Whatever it was, she assumed it was highly dangerous. The encryption that was said to be on it perked her interest and Spiral would spin her chair a bit and face the council after reviewing the documents. "I am most curious about the phrase "Baseplate", is that a name for a place, or for an individual? Is the name Panic of anyone aboard the Project, just out of curiosity? It is unlikely that this has anything to do with the Project, but if there is any chance of getting answers I want to know about it." Spiral said, her brow furrowing slightly. "I would like to send a targeted aerial mission to fly overhead and see if it would be possible to eliminate the creature from above with long range weaponry. We must show good will to the survivors down below, but at the same time - we don't know what we are dealing with so we should to deal with it at a distance." Spiral suggested, wondering if anyone else on the council had any other opinions for her to take into consideration before giving an explicit order. (Janet) Janet's eyes turned to focus on Nightshade. "That the Zebras are gathering up a scouting party to go look at the world beyond the mountains that no longer exist?" she suggested if it had been the most obvious thing in the world. Nightshade's lack of emotion was something that annoyed her, however she had the tact to not make a scene here.
  8. @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom (Spiral) Spiral, now with the time given by the few hours it would take for it to reach its destination would outline her proposals. Though she made it clear that everyone else on the council was free to mention their own proposals as well. For Spiral's proposal, it would involve that they would use whatever materials those of the project would be willing to use to construct a settlement. Spiral also wouldn't suggest any restrictions on logging, for they had all the lumber they could need from the Whitetail woods to build up new homes. This place was now theirs to lay claim to as there wasn't anything else there to stand in the way of that as far as they knew. Those willing to live in the settlement would be expected to be able to pull their weight in the construction of it as building a new settlement from scratch was going to take a lot of effort to do so. Spiral also would propose this settlement would largely be for those of the new generation - without ancestral attachments to Canterlot or Troy and would add that perhaps those who seek to reclaim their roots in their homelands would be allowed to do so at their own risk, though Spiral was most interested in starting over from scratch with a new society without any ties to the old. (Janet) Janet of course would pout and disagree with her parents views on this matter but was secretly thankful they were often busy so she could do whatever she wanted - within limits of course. While Janet did have attachment to her parents, it wasn't as strong as one may think a filly should have. Though all that stemmed from her parents being away quite often. Janet would shrug off Slend's comments towards her. "Sure, whatever you sayyyy. I live in a castle, they do not!" she responded obnoxiously before trotting off at a brisk pace. Janet's young mind was only really focused on a few select things. Proving others wrong. Proving she was the best. Most importantly - sabotaging those who disagreed. Janet couldn't sabotage her parents or other adults, so it mostly ranged towards her other classmates. Being such a young filly, at the age of 10, she didn't understand concepts such as mates or even what true friendship really even was. Janet would then quietly trot towards the castle confidently like she was the filly who owned the world, when in reality she was the one who knew very little about it. After making her way, she'd look out across the landscape in the distance through the enchanted panes. Janet always liked to come up here - usually she was alone when she came here, but often times she'd take other classmates up here just so she could brag to them endlessly about how good she was. This time, she was silently as she took in what she saw through the panes. Smirking at what she saw, she would see yet more proof that she was always right. Correct that she had guessed that the Zebras were scouting out what lay beyond. Janet then spun around to Nightshade, "Just confirming what I already knew, anyway, school's not in session - the mountains vanishing that contained us all in our happy valley of social division suddenly vanishing tends to close out school, doesn't it?"
  9. @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom (Spiral) This would make Spiral smirk as she looked at him and went silent for a second. "I would have wanted nothing short of that." she said in agreement. Spiral would have looked over all of the available options that were presented here and discussed it with the elected representatives. It was clear that Spiral wasn't interested in setting the Project down on the ruins of Canterlot. It was too isolated away from the forests that they would need for construction and Spiral had the opinion that it was best to start an entirely new society like Play had stated - and the way to show that would be to set down somewhere where nothing symbolic of the old world was located that could influence the construction of what was to be built. With the options that presented themselves Spiral had elected to go with the first option. Whitetail woods. Exploration could be sent out into the other abandoned ruins that once were thriving cities at another time. Spiral wasn't interested in seeing those cities be re-inhabited by the Project's populace at this time. So there was her decision. North of Ponyville on the Whitetail Woods. Spiral would also show some interest in the locations where signs of life had been shown, but she opted for them to focus on setting down and beginning construction of the clearing north of Ponyville. A new slate to build from. No connections to the other cities that once existed at the center of Equestrian Consciousness. (Janet) Janet had loved living in the Archback Castle. It was something that she regularly prided herself in - having something far better than anyone else which was a point of contention between her and the other students. Janet viewed them as some sort of lower life-form in comparison to her, seeing them as inferior. Janet had preferred to mostly stick within the realm of the castle away from the other Children - however she had gone over into where they lived on many occasions for school work. Now that out the window, she could see the two abandoned cities - there was a sense of eeriness she felt in the air. Sure, reading about them was one thing but actually seeing them? That was something that she never expected to see. That, and this were going to change a lot of things. How life works here. What would they do with the outside world and how would that affect her? Seeing the lights gathering on the far side - that made her think that perhaps the Zebras were going to gather a scouting party to go look beyond the mountains? Though, Janet had never had a fond view of them. Zebras were weird. Janet would look towards Slend - Slend was always an interesting figure in her life. Perhaps her parents had sent him to try to encourage her to go play with the other students. Something she didn't particularly feel inclined to do. "Right now I'm going to the looking tower to look at those lights gathering on the far side of the mountain. I could care less what some low lives are doing when there is the greatest event in all our lives showing itself." she said in a dismissive snooty tone. Though that was a lie. Part of her wanted to go down and boast that she was the first one to see the cities from her high up window. "It isn't every day after all that I get to see this from my amazing window." Janet added, though it was going to be every day from now on - as the mountains that had sealed them away from the world were now gone. That can wait. She wanted a closer look. With that, she'd start heading off towards the looking tower to go try to see - unless there was an interruption.
  10. @Blitz Boom @Illiad Easle It is now Monday and there has been no activity from him. I believe it is in our best interest to move on from Kujamih.
  11. @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom Incase something did happen to him that is out of our control, I would suggest it is best for us to move on with the story. Don't want to hold us up for someone who may not be coming back for whatever reason. If he does return, he would be free to jump back in if he wants. That is just my opinion.
  12. @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom (Cannot mention Kujamih here for whatever reason) (Spiral) Spiral had been more than ready for the last flight of the Project - she had been thinking about her chances for re-election of the project and assumed that it would not happen due to a plan she had in her mind but had not spoken about. That plan was that the Project would split and the Group Members would eventually go their separate ways once they were ready to do so. For now though, she had strapped herself in - in the Consul's office. More than ready to see the Project through to its Final Destination. Upon arriving, Spiral had risen from her seat to observe the devastation and that battle that had took place. It was chaotic - really. Speaking of Chaos, she saw the gigantic form of Discord apparently be defeated in a mysterious battle she knew nothing about. Spiral frowned and considered it to be rather Anticlimatic. She wanted to be the one leading the destruction of Discord, but after all - with him out of the picture, it would be easier for her. Not easy. Easier. Spiral looked to Play Write. "So, it is up to us to write our future, for what it is worth." Spiral leaned against her desk, feeling the heavy weight of responsibility upon her. Spiral had definitely aged somewhat - though mentally, she was probably one of the oldest members of the Project - physically? Somewhere in her 40's. Still looking young, compared to Play Write. "Now, we must entrench ourselves in this world, purge all Spawn and Legions of Discord's followers - and right the wrongs of the past two and a half decades." Spiral said, with determination. --- Spiral's skepticism of an Element of Harmony being spotted was clear - and it was made clear early on in the few days that Spiral was planning to establish a permanent settlement before pursuing contacts with anyone else here. They would make a move on to find somewhere safe to go. The Project had many matters to attend to. Its future was most pressing to Spiral. Spiral made it clear in her orders that they would establish contact once they had found a permanent settlement. One thing at a time. She was very much a mare that preferred to focus on one task before attending to another. It had lead her to have a reputation of staying true to her word and following through with it - so she hoped. First they must find a place to put down permanently. Then they can begin discussing how the different factions of the Project might go their separate ways after some initial scouting groups were sent. Spiral did not bring up her plan about going separate ways just yet, though. One thing at a time. (Janet) Janet grew up knowing those mountains as the edge of her small, little world - but she couldn't care less. While she understood to some extent the differences between Ponies, Thestrals and Zebras, she thought about it rarely. Janet was more focused on settling petty scores with her classmates and proving herself to be the best of the best. The desire to be the best drove her to be rather eccentric around others. But that was not today, however. School had been canceled for a few days due to those mountains vanishing. Looking out her bedroom window she could see beyond and see Glascow and Las Pegasus - what was left of it. It looked nothing like the books she read about those places in school. Everything beyond those mountains was left in ruins. Janet then realized that her parents likely would be occupied by whatever was going on. Janet always wanted to see beyond the area she lived - but she knew that she couldn't walk out there all on her own. She was just a little filly after all. So for now, she would sort of sit in her room, thinking about what just happened. The grown ups were all terrified at what was going on. Knowing what she knew though, the Mountains were there to protect the area she lived in. Now they were gone - so did that mean that the world was safe now? Janet was just going to wait here for now. Perhaps someone she knew may run along and see what she thinks of it. Perhaps her parents may say something to her - perhaps not. The curious mind began to fester, pondering at what lay beyond all she knew. To Janet though, she was the smartest and strongest filly of them all - and anyone who disagreed with that needed to prove themselves to her.
  13. @Illiad Easle It would all be in a new thread, including Janet's story if you prefer, but if you would want it in a separate thread until she joins the main plot so to speak we can do that as well. Up to you!
  14. @Illiad Easle Is there anything else from my end of the story that you think we could go over more? I also presume we will be doing a new thread for this.
  15. @Illiad Easle I look forward to it. She will be a very interesting character to RP as. When shall we begin?
  16. @Illiad Easle This makes sense. I can totally see the members of the Project being able to expand across this world in time, as there wouldn't be too much of long resistance to it due to the few inhabited areas. Spiral will likely encourage the different groups to go their separate ways to minimize conflict and to satisfy everyone involved. Because the Project will likely be splitting up, the idea of a "Consul" of the United Groups will likely cease. Spiral would make the most sense for a character part of the larger story as she is the Consul - with Janet making the most sense for an isolated character if that makes sense. Do you have any more ideas for Janet at this time?
  17. I would prefer just having my own arc for Janet, but thank you for the offer. I am sure you'll find something interesting to do.
  18. @Illiad Easle As of right now the only characters I am interested in playing are Spiral and Janet as the main ones - with Merlot having a few scenes when the project is landed and dealt with, perhaps. I do not have ideas for Merlot at the moment, however. Janet will be interesting to me, as she is a character that does not have a magical ability unlike Spiral. She has her special talent (which I think is her intelligence? As in, she has an actual reason to boast about being the greatest?) I am to assume anyway, that beyond the Bastions and the landing site in this world - there are no other inhabited areas as everyone else either became spawn, died, or went to another universe. That makes sense. I personally don't really find myself interested in playing Canon characters or involving Canon content. Looking back into my previous actions in how things unfolded, I wish it was possible for me to have chosen to gone with OCs instead of Canon characters, but for the arcs that unfolded as they were I think I did an alright job in making them interesting enough for the time I played them. Janet is not my own unique idea, but for the intensive purposes of this RP she would be considered an OC. @Illiad Easle As a word of saying, I think that this time around I prefer having my characters having individual arcs rather than everyone all being part of one grand plot like how we had it last time - just for the sake of simplicity - it was rather confusing for me to try to keep track of everyone's character arcs, for example. Though if there is an interesting idea, I could possibly be convinced to be interested in that again. Just that the ideas as they stand right now I have, will not mean that Janet and @Evil Pink One's character will encounter each other. They would have no reason to do so.
  19. @Illiad Easle If that is the case, Spiral is from the universe the Project is returning to, as well as Janet. Merlot will likely not be from the same Universe, just to make things interesting.
  20. @Illiad Easle That settles that then - Spiral is a Trojan. Spiral was originally birthed in Canterlot as well. My backstory for her that I wrote recently may not fully line up for what the old one was, but take a look and let me know what your thoughts are. --- Hailing from the prestigious Spell Family, descendants of one of Starswirl the Bearded's original disciples, Spiral Spell inherits a legacy steeped in heritage. Throughout history, the Spells played a pivotal role in safeguarding esoteric knowledge within the Unicorn Tribe, attaining esteemed positions within the upper echelons of Equestrian society. With the advent of Equestrian Unity, they continued to exert influence, assuming roles as educators and scholars within the halls of Canterlot. Born to Tilted Star and Dazzle Diamond, distinguished professors at the University of Canterlot, Spiral's upbringing was characterized by rigidity and expectation. As an only child, she endured the oppressive weight of her parents' lofty aspirations for their only child, her formative years overshadowed by relentless tutelage and stringent discipline. The oppressive atmosphere cultivated a sense of rebellion and resentment within her heart, prompting explorations into forbidden knowledge and arcane secrets. As she matured, Spiral's dissent deepened, fueled by revelations of the darker truths concealed within forbidden tomes. Disillusioned by the veneer of Celestia's reign, she harbored a burgeoning resentment towards the establishment, particularly exacerbated by her familial ties to the loyalist regime. Some years after graduation from Wizard School, she channeled her discontent into political connections and ascended the ranks of Canterlot's political landscape, cultivating a network of allies and informants ranging from others in high society, to criminal gangs and goons across Equestria. Driven by a desire to dismantle the status quo, Spiral orchestrates her plans with meticulous precision, biding her time until the opportune moment to execute her devious scheme. With aspirations of toppling Celestia's dominion and reshaping Equestria in her image, she endeavors to engineer a revolution that will forever alter the fabric of Equestrian society. Spiral subscribes to a belief system centered around the concepts laid out by various heretical sects, which venerates the acquisition of power through the mastery of forbidden knowledge and arcane arts. All that would have been the case, but Spiral tragically perished in an accident of which then, she was brought back by Trixie - who sought after her legend, nearly 200 years later. By then, Spiral's plans and such, completely evaporated due to her dying before she could ever achieve them. Then her arc was as it was in the RP. Part of the reason why Spiral probably reformed was because in her mind, perhaps her goals had already been accomplished. Celestia and the Alicorns were gone - at least, out of the ruling picture, leaving the populace free to choose their own fate as they wish. That is interesting to consider. Spiral is willing to work with the O5, depending on what their goals are. To give a broad idea, Spiral will most likely allow it to simply split up - it isn't in her interest to keep everyone together who may not wish to. I imagine that the world they are going to, beyond the Bastions, is rather barren and void of any real life. Spiral will prefer to see the various peoples go about starting a new, rather than replicate the old - as she is a Trojan, she will never agree with the concept of the Alicorns or equivalent ruling over anything again. Spiral saw the Monarchy as a veil of secrets, and that was her main goal as a "villain" - expose them, and punish them for keeping said secrets. As she is not so brutal anymore, she'll attempt to be more diplomatic, most likely. That is an interesting idea there that we can potentially go for that has more interest from me as opposed to the idea of her just being on the Aether project. Janet will likely be a very intelligent filly - but her personality, egotistical, always wanting to be ontop of things, always wanting to prove herself to others and generally just being full of herself is something that others will likely notice. Yet, she's a filly, largely innocent and wants to know more about the world - and when that area is exposed she'll be really interested in it. I imagine that she, herself does not hold much loyalty to the past and traditions either.
  21. @Illiad Easle Spiral will indeed run for re-election. Spiral sees her position in the Consul seat as her lifeblood and her purpose in life at this point. I don't remember the details we discussed for how she was over the 20 years, but, either way she would have been very involved in the leadership of the Consul. Not sure what Faction she'd be considered as, because she was perfectly fine with the Trojans having the power over the Aether Project itself - she doesn't have loyalty to the Equestrians or any specific reverence for them, though she'll try to compromise and work with them whenever possible. Would it make sense for Spiral to be considered a Trojan, because she would agree with them more than the Equestrians? Or would she still be an Equestrian, because she has no history, or connection to Troy? Can anyone be considered "Trojan"? Spiral herself would not be keen at all on the idea of "rebuilding" Equestria or such, she would prefer to start anew with those who do not seek to re-establish Equestria, Ponyville, or however one would think of it. Keep in mind, that Spiral, as a villain, despised the Alicorns and their leadership - so some of that still likely remains in her preferences, just that it isn't "villainous". Since she has only a bad relationship with Euclid, and likely has very good relations with the rest of those on the project - Euclid's bad opinion of her shouldn't impact her reputation that much and she'll try to come to a consensus with Euclid anyway and not appear as an aggressor to him, so as to paint Euclid as the aggressor if they are in the same room with others, perhaps. Spiral does not like the fact that someone would hold something like that against her, though she won't try to do anything out of line about it. As for the Elements and such, that makes sense - and likely won't have much relevance for our characters themselves as I too, have no plans on pursuing that part of the story. I would imagine that once the permanent settlement is established, the Project itself would be dismantled and its resources split among the different factions in different areas? We could say that Maud would be out surveying land for whoever needs it, then - that makes a lot of sense now that I think about it - just that I am not presently interested in pursuing that part of the story. Can have background mentions of her, though. Maud would likely lean towards the Equestrians, or whoever would take after her services - she was a sister to one of the Elements after all, and that bit of her isn't something that wouldn't die off. Merlot would be involved with that, then. What do you mean by separation? You mean that the Project will separate itself apart physically? That could be possible - I do not particularly have a strong opinion on her being part of the bastions or a student of Aurum. Whichever would make the most logical sense to you. I do not know who Janet's parents could be. If we do Janet in the Archback Bastion, what would it be like there, and what would her general upbringing there have been like as opposed to on the Project? And I am onboard with not having canon characters be focused on in the story anymore, as I find it more interesting to do OCs.
  22. @Illiad Easle Alright, let's get some things sorted from Spiral's end. Where we left off, she was the Council. She did not have good relations with your characters due to her decision to send one of them on a mission - though, I suppose that bad relation would be fixed by the large benefit the information Power User (I think his name was) got from the Trade-Walkers. We already did a 20 year time skip before previously. I have a few questions I will ask about my angle of the story to get things going for my end. - Would Spiral still be the Counsel for this? I liked the idea of playing her in the role. - How was Discord banished? Who banished him? Would it have been our characters involved in that, or would it have been some other characters that weren't really involved in our story that did it? I don't know anything about Five Score, so you'll have to forgive me. - How much time are we moving ahead here? - What would Spiral have dealt with, relating to the O5 group and others? - What are the current "Factions" on board the Project? - How would Spiral's legacy of her actions 20 years ago affect others opinions of her? Would it even still be relevant, considering she turned things around and defeated Apollo? --- Other things of note - we will say that Maud retires from her missions and becomes a geology professor. I won't be playing her, but I can see her very easily throwing in the towel for any direct involvements in things and becoming an instructor of sorts. I had Trixie in some sort of Coma previously? Can say that she woke up and recovered, though, I am not interested in playing her either. Merlot could still be a passive side character - as she was a Pilot for the Project? Might be interesting, though, me playing here isn't really all that necessary as I forgot pretty much all of the details I had written down for her and no longer have access to it. As for a younger character, I do have an idea for that. Basically would involve Janet here (the character from the Magic School bus series) but my sort of interpretation of her as a MLP character. She'd be your stereotypical know-it-all type, but be extremely intelligent and knowledgable about things, more so than her peers. She's not a threat (she's just a filly!) but could be an angle to discuss. Janet would have zero attachment to Equestria, or anything of the sort - her parents could have been Don't know about whatever her parents would be - but, I see her of the type to go out and learn things about the world, with no kind of reverence to previous attachments (as she wasn't alive during the events of the earlier RP, for example. She could be in the Archback Mountain, always curious about the outside world, perhaps? I found a probable appearance for this character (not mine).
  23. @Illiad Easle We will go with 2 then. I have no problem with that. When you start off the new thread, I would suggest you do a recap of the various situations we have been through in the RP, considering it has been quite some time since we've been active in character.
  24. @Illiad Easle So any updates on the RP so far? Are you still interested in continuing? Just checking on you to make sure you are alright.
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