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Radiant Rose

Blank Flank
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Status Replies posted by Radiant Rose

  1. Oreo pudding is basically one of my ultimate Christmas traditions these days. :D

  2. Guess what I am eating. :3 Dark chocolate cake! :D My brother's girlfriend made it for me since I couldn't get a cake on my birthday.

  3. Good morning everyone. ^-^ Well, I am definitely sick. Feel pretty bleh with a sore body, a wonky throat and overall I feel pretty crappy. Luckily I was able to sleep so hopefully I can just take thigns easy today and get better. Hope the day goes well for all of you.

  4. Anypony else play on Pony Town?

    1. Radiant Rose

      Radiant Rose

      No one seems to want to play with me cuz I play a vampony.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. When you meeet additional people that have common ground with you, that is always a comforting feeling. A positive connection.

  6. I am going to create my own game and I am going to call it Pokemon. It is a game about poking people in Jamaica.

  7. It seems even as of now I have friends who cares about me in wanting stay here. I guess I might be back soon..

  8. Getting pretty damn close to 100,000GS on Xboo Live. I just want to hit that number and then not worry about it anymore. XD

  9. It is sorta one of those nights where I feel like my life is pointless.

  10. Good morning all of you lovely forums pony peepz. The Bethesda Table Pack should be releasing today for Pinball FX2. Really looking forward to that. Friggin' Skyrim table. :D

  11. I barely play Overwatch anymore, that is just the case. However, went back to try out Sombraa Holy balls she is bad. Like, 'cooking a pancake on the Sun' bad.

    1. Radiant Rose

      Radiant Rose

      The show didn't do enough with King Sombra. Comics don't count.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. good night, i feel empty.. i hope it'll be better tommorow :u

  13. *sigh* I'm so bored...Nopony wants to play with me on Pony Town. Is it because my pony is a "Vampony"? IDK...

  14. Rest in peace dad.. <3 You will be missed. But you won't be forgotten... (1960 - 2016).

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