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Posts posted by Ruckus

  1. Burger King food with Metal Gear Solid VR mission theme somehow got me in Christmas mood, playing it on a original PS1 with original disc, not a huge fan of PS3. I have no idea why, but its the snow i think and the chill winter feel i get when i sneak past enemies, Its either way the type of stuff i enjoy or gets me in the mood when Christmas is closing in and i can soon celebrate with my family or friends if i know any when Christmas is closing in.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I dislike both the far left and the far right.

    I do too.


    America isnt evil, bankers and corporates are in my view.
    Recently on news Norwegian corporates sold stuff to ISIS, just to give proof that it can be anyone.


    Its bankers and corrupt organization who is evil, not USA, this includes dishonest journalists too people with no standards or morals who wants to make a article for a quick buck bought with the best money can buy. To say the least, Bush did a stupid move, but he is basically the scapegoat for everything wrong. Had it not been for 9/11 i don't think he would have such a bad record as he is now, most likely a goofball somewhat maybe but not nearly as bad.


    His mistake was that he simply answered "We are going to attack terrorists by invading foreign countries". What he should've done is simply to build up an anti terror network. Which i agree with Trump on when he says he wants to rebuild NATO for that since USSR is an old enemy of the past and we live in a new world now. Basically Bush made the wrong move and that cost many US Americans lives in a stupid war for money and greed just to fill the pockets of bankers and corporate organizations who are corrupt on so many levels. USA is a superpower, but if anything it should be the fault of the bankers and corporate interests when they fund and support terrorist organizations in foreign countries of buying interests from them.

    • Brohoof 4
  3. Which one do you feel most at home with or identify with?


    Left and Right has its roots. Left is marxist while right is fascist.

    The left produced communism, the right produced fascism.

    The left produced new left, the right produced the recent alt-right.


    So which one do you like the most?


    The new left

    (The New Left was a broad political movement mainly in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of educators, agitators and others who sought to implement a broad range of reforms on issues such as civil rights, gay rights, abortion, gender roles, and drugs)

    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Left



    (The alt-right has no formal ideology, although various sources have stated that white nationalism is fundamental.[1][2][3] It has also been associated with white supremacism,[4][5][6]Islamophobia,[7][8][9][10]antifeminism,[1][11]homophobia,[12][13][14]antisemitism,[1][2][15]ethno-nationalism,[16]right-wing populism,[3]nativism,[17]traditionalism, and the neoreactionary movement.)

    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right

    • Brohoof 1
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