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Everything posted by proudboyz42

  1. Jaws the video game. Yes that is actually a thing. You would think be able to be Jaws, eat people, and fight sea creatures would be awesome but it sank big time (pun intended). Bad controls, poor almost nonexistent story, repetitive, poor instructions, terrible camera, God awful graphics, and it got SO BORING SO QUICKLY.
  2. Love the new avatar man!  Maybe we can play some poker at BC.  Haha!

  3. Ah. Still good training though. I remember we had some guys and gals that were too scared to jump, so the DI would "This is SPARTA!" kick them off. Haha!
  4. Sweet! Did they ever drown y'all and bring you back when learning how to swim in training?
  5. No not in the army. I was in the Marine Corps as an artillery fireman and served right along side the infantry in Camp Pendleton, CA.
  6. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: A friend told me about it and said I need to come in and Discord it up. Ha! How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Well my brother was listening to the Babs Seed song and convinced me to watch the whole episode. The rest....is history. Well, I'm a 26 year old male, a used to be a Marine out in Southern California, love the women out there btw. Other than that, I'm the scotch drinking, crude joking, tell you like it is, have a great time, women loving uncle I'm sure almost everyone has in their family. Plus, I'm an auditor for a CPA firm and hope to earn my millions in the stock market one day. Any other questions, feel free to ask.
  7. First time getting to jump out of a helicopter in California. It happened to be right over Orange County near the beach. The beach was just beautiful and I could see so many gorgeous babes crawling all over the place. Gotta do it at least one time in your life.
  8. Johnnie Walker Black on the rocks. Need it after a long day at work
  9. Machiavelli, "I won't teach you how to get to heaven, I'll teach you how to avoid going to hell", "A state that does not trust it's citizens with weapons, does not trust it's citizens at all" Here are some I've learned about "love", sex, and relationships. "Men want to be admired by the women they love, Women want to be loved by the men they admire", "When asked how each sex pursues the opposite, remember that men want the physical connection then the emotional connection, whilst women want the emotional connection then the physical connection."
  10. I know I'm going to catch crap for saying this but I'll give you my perspective based on my dating experience, people I've know how are married like that, and talking to and "being with" women you would swear are gold diggers First, I would not have a problem at all if she marrried for his wealth. Why? Cause most women in general, especially the most beautiful ones, marry men who are either extreme alpha males or are already rich. All the women I've talked to that are married to rich guys will tell me straight up that they were attracted to his wealth because it's a sign of security for her and if they have kids they will have a brighter future. That makes complete sense to me. The most beautiful women want to marry someone that is or has signs of becoming very successful. I can't dog on them for that. That's why I've met 20 something year old women , who are drop dead gorgeous, marry these 70 or 80 year old doctors, lawyers, or accountants. Now are they gold diggers, yes by all means. But I can't blame them on that, Most guys want to get the most beautiful women they can at whatever stairs they are at and if they can get them, good on them. I can tell you that as soon as word got around that I bought a Mercedes Benz, a lot of the daughters of lawyers and doctors started paying attention to me and yeah I casually dated them. Most were pretty nice but I never let them get to my wallet. Now I have to also say that most of the women I met like that were very nice and loved their husbands to death cause they respected them if the husband was the alpha in the house. If her husband was a beta or weak male with a lot of money, she admired to marrying for money but was unhappy and they were most likely to have affairs and want to divorce him. Now I can't say what kind of relationship Filthy and his wife have but if she's stuck with him this long she must really love and respect him based on how he acts at home when we don't see him. If she was a gold digger that didn't love him then she would have done what I've seen countless times. Marry him for a few years, divorce him and take half his money in alimony and would have tried to marry another rich colt while she was young and still had her looks. So if she's with him this long and had a kid, I believe she really loves him. As far as the treatment of Diamond Tiara. There seems to be a conflict of parenting. Remember how Filthy made her participatewith the other fillies after she made fun of Granny Smith for being old? Clearly he respects others and is trying to teach her a lesson there, but her mother is instilling this sense of entitlement. My guess is she is wanting Diamond Tiara to marry upward to wealth like she did and wants her to act like people of wealth act to someday attract a wealthy stallion when she's older. Can't dog on her for that really. Who would want their child to go from a life of luxury to scraping and struggling to make a living? I wouldn't. Now unfortunately, this attitude Diamond Tiara is getting is making her spoiled and angry. I'm guessing her mother should tone down the entitlement attitude cause I can tell you right now that most rich guys will not put up with an attitude like that and it's a big red flag to stay away from women like that. Unless she gets a little cuck beta male with money then may do the same thing as stated above. Just my opinion based on hard life experience. Like it or not, don't care but that's the real world we live in.
  11. Absolutely. My biggest fear is that I have so little time in this lifetime to make a change and accomplish great wonders. I guess it's also what drives me more than anything. I can't stand the thought of leaving this world knowing I have done nothing worth while or something that would leave an everlasting impact. I guess the ultimate question would be, if you could live forever, would you do something to live up to such a responsibility? I would gladly take that challenge and would want to see what kind of wisdom a man could gain living after generations and generations. I could just imagine the knowledge and teachings a person could pass on to future generations if one could live so long. I say, why not?
  12. It would have to be Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress by the Hollies. That has to be my number one right now. I switch occasionally between Motley Crue's Girls Girls Girls and Simply Irresistible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdBjMFJMPZY
  13. Yeah and I'll admit, I've been there where the boyfriend was watching while I was with his girlfriend. So, some would consider that to be a little less than straight as an arrow I guess. Haha!
  14. A double Jack Daniels on the rocks. I'm usually scotch but I really enjoyed that whiskey
  15. Straight as an arrow. Love the beautiful gals! Especially the LA 8s, 9s, and 10s. Ha!
  16. Love Sunset! I could say that if I met a chick like her, I'd date her.
  17. Tough question. My family has rescued over 15 dogs and they are the best companions ever. Yet, I love the lion since it appeals to my sense of power and dominance. The tiger is also a personal fav since they speak to my independence. So it depends on what part of me the animal speaks to.
  18. The Greatest Story Never Told. It's an interesting documentary
  19. Just chilling and getting ready to go hunting tonight after taking care of business.
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