Supersonic settled into the pilot’s chair, then pressed a few buttons on the control panel of the transport, causing the thing to start to float. Then, a transparasteel dome slid smoothly over the top of the craft before engines kicked in, swiftly pushing the transport forwards. She activated the autopilot before closing her eyes.
Did you see that the look on that poor mare’s face? She could tell you were silently criticizing her. Be nicer. That’s a biggie, coming from me, your personal Satan.
Look, I can’t help it if I’m a bit gruff. I just want to get this job done. I’ve been waiting for months to find this base, and I can’t be slowed by an incompetent team.
Just don’t be such an ass to everypony. Ha ha, ass, you’re a pony, get it?
Oh, shut up.
You say that too often.