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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Bugz

  1. If the pic is too big it won't allow you to use it. I think the max size was 150x150
  2. Damn, you made her cry... Nice drawing.
  3. Just finished my signature, I'm very happy with it :)http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j355/Trollimm/Signature.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Senor Citizen

      Senor Citizen

      Once again, which story thread? Can you give me a link?

    3. Bugz




      This one :D


      And I don't know if you get my tone of speech right, but I ain't mad at you. I cracked to that Glados thing (and avatar mention)

    4. Senor Citizen

      Senor Citizen

      Oh, THAAAAT one. I didn't think so recent.

  4. I don't know anything about minecraft or how you do make this pixel art in it, but that really does look like accurate Rarity. So nice job with that
  5. I've got cute overload today. Very nice picture, I like the mane design of Peach.
  6. Welcome. Last 2 episodes are golden, so you still got awesome MLP moments in front of you. And when you have finished that season, I recommend that you read some fan fiction stories too if you are still thirsty for some storytelling. Have fun here, this community is great.
  7. Bugz

    mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

    Nope, I'm from Finland. Would like to visit Germany someday though. (and Korea!)
  8. I just read that fanfic "party of none" where pinkie goes crazy, so it's lovely to see her cute side again Great pic, as always.
  9. Bugz

    visual art I drew a Dragon

    It's more cute than scary <3 Nice job with this one.
  10. Nobody knows yet. I wonder how long it takes until i'm caught.
  11. So many great artist in these forums. Really like the unique touch with this one. Zebra + Swag = epic.
  12. Read it today before, was very well written and had awesome and touching story. Everyone should read this.
  13. Honestly I would like to see that happening. Not to mane 6, but maybe to Zecora or ohter not too important pony. (Or just turn Rainbow Factory fanfic to an episode)
  14. Those slot machines were addicting in Casino night.
  15. I promise you that if I tried to draw a pony now, your picture would be labeled as a masterpiece compared to it.
  16. So do I, but people are what they are. I must admit that I was kind of a "hater" before I actually checked whats this all about. It's just human nature to judge others...
  17. I go with this, Can't say it any better.
  18. Bugz

    mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

    Damn, I don't like posting my pics on web, I don't even have facebook :/ But something in this community feels so great so here we go: I hope I don't regret this later
  19. Nice piece of pixel art! It's just hard to see my least favorite of mane 6 bullying my favorite
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