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Patty Thundersnow

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Status Updates posted by Patty Thundersnow

  1. Good evening to all of you guys. I'm doing well, work is picking back up now that winter is nearing its end.

    1. Tacodidra


      Good evening, my friend! :grin: That's great to hear! :yay:

    2. Astralshy


      Good evening :>

      Good to hear

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi there, my friend! Good to hear it. :squee:
      Did you know? Education in the UK is compulsory until the age of 18 or 16 in some areas.

  2. Hello everypony. Hope you all are doing well. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Patty Thundersnow

      Patty Thundersnow

      @Sparklefan1234 Probably Lena, but I do like Della and Webby too.

    3. Tacodidra


      Hi, my friend! :) I'm glad to hear you've been fine. I am, too – and just like you, I've also been watching some cartoons (mostly series with just a few episodes I hadn't seen). :grin:

    4. Patty Thundersnow

      Patty Thundersnow

      @TacodidraAh, nice. The BF and I are just slamming through various animes too, and the new episodes of Sonic Prime.

  3. Been a while forums. Still working a lot, excited for summer to get here (even through it's already starting to feel like mid-summer here). Hope you all are doing well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Patty Thundersnow
    3. Tacodidra


      Welcome back, my friend! :rarity: I hope the summer is a good one for you! :fluttershy: *hugs*

    4. Cash In

      Cash In

      Nice to see you again!

      I'm well. Hope you are too. :)

  4. Sorry for the lack of content on here lately. Work has me busy, and video games do too. XD Hope you all are well.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      It's fine, my friend. Take your time. I understand. Get to it when you have the time. Don't feel obligated to post something. Just the fact that you're still here at all is awesome. :coco:

    2. Patty Thundersnow

      Patty Thundersnow

      THanks bud. Might share some stuff I've worked on in a couple of video games.

  5. Anyone else as excited as I am for the new Owl House episode next Saturday?

  6. Evening everyone. Sorry for being so scarce lately. Been working a lot this week. Hope you all had a good Holiday season, and a good start to 2023.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      Maybe it would help if your name was "Patty Thundersun". B)

    3. Patty Thundersnow

      Patty Thundersnow

      THundersun doesn't have a good ring to it. Besides, thundersnow is my favorite weather condition. 

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Patty Thundersnow But being "sunny" might warm you up. :awwthanks:

  7. FOrgot to share this here. Just some art me and my BF CHug got for the Derpibooru 2023 community collab, featuring a pic of our late BF Urmi/Alexis in the picture frame. 


    1. Tacodidra


      Adorable art, my friend! :kindness:

    2. Patty Thundersnow
  8. Starting to remember why I do not like Fall in the midwest. My sinuses are in an uproar with the weather rollercoaster right now.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      You're not alone, my friend.

  9. THe answer Tuesday/Wednesday's question

    Continuing weather here. There are many rare weather events that happen only under certain conditions. One of the more rare events is a 'heat burst'. What is a 'heat burst'?

    A: A sudden and local increase in temperature due to rapid downburst winds in a decaying thunderstorm. These are exceptionally rare, but are most commonly seen during the summertime when a dying thunderstorm gives off a dry microburst (with the parcel of air rapidly warming due to the compression of air).

    I will be discontinuing the trivia questions for the time being as I am returning to work on Friday.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      It was a good run while it lasted. Take care, my friend! I hope work isn't too hard for you. :adorkable:

  10. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Sunday/Monday.

    Continuing weather here. A decade later, a city in Illinois was hit by a pair of F2 tornadoes on March 12, 2006. What city was it?

    Answer: D. THe capital city of Illinois was hit first by a long track F2 that lifted on the city's southeast side. It put down another F2 tornado not too long after. The supercell that produced these tornadoes has the longest deration for a single supercell at 17 1/2 hours, traveling from northeast Oklahoma to southwest Michigan in that span of time.

    Tuesday/Wednesday's question

    Continuing weather here. There are many rare weather events that happen only under certain conditions. One of the more rare events is a 'heat burst'. What is a 'heat burst'?

    A: A sudden and local increase in temperature due to rapid downburst winds in a decaying thunderstorm
    B: Another term for a short heat wave
    C: Excessive heat causes the cap to remain too strong for thunderstorm development
    D: Terms that many weather youtubers use to describe a massive heatwave for views.

    Answer to come with the next new question on Wednesday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m gonna go with B

  11. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Friday/Saturday.

    Continuing weather here. Decatur, Illinois once was hit on back to back days with tornadoes.What were those two dates?

    Answer: B. Decatur, Illinois took hits from tornadoes on back to back nights, with April 19th being the strongest of the two (rated at F3). This was the outbreak and tornado that sparked my interest in weather.

    Sunday/Monday's question

    Continuing weather here. A decade later, a city in Illinois was hit by a pair of F2 tornadoes on March 12, 2006. What city was it?

    A: Decatur
    B: Lincoln
    C: Champaign
    D: Springfield

    Answer to come with the next new question on Monday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m gonna go with B

  12. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Wednesday/Thursday.

    Continuing weather here. THe SPC has had only two Day 2 severe weather high risks issued since they began issuing thunderstorm outlooks in the early 1980s, with April 14th, 2012 being one. Which of the following tornado outbreaks had the other day that this happened?

    Answer: A. This outbreak was focused over the northern half of Alabama, northern Mississippi, and southern Tennessee. 47 tornadoes formed that day, with the strongest being an F3. Notably, this was the last HIgh risk before the US adopted the enhanced Fujita Scale. 

    Friday/Saturday's question

    Continuing weather here. Decatur, Illinois once was hit on back to back days with tornadoes.What were those two dates?

    A: June 7-8th, 2018
    B: April 18th-19th, 1996
    C: November 16th-17th, 2013
    D: March 11th-12th, 2006

    Answer to come with the next new question on Saturday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m gonna go with D

  13. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Monday/Tuesday.

    Continuing weather here. THe SPC has had only two Day 2 severe weather high risks issued since they began issuing thunderstorm outlooks in the early 1980s. Which of the following tornado outbreaks had this?

    Answer: D. THe second day of a 4 day severe weather outbreak, 83 tornadoes formed that day with the strongest being an EF-4.

    Wednesday/Thursday's question

    Continuing weather here. THe SPC has had only two Day 2 severe weather high risks issued since they began issuing thunderstorm outlooks in the early 1980s, with April 14th, 2012 being one. Which of the following tornado outbreaks had the other day that this happened?

    A: April 7th, 2006 outbreak
    B: November 10th, 2002 outbreak
    C: April 19th, 1996 outbreak
    D: March 25th, 2021 outbreak

    Answer to come with the next new question on Thursday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m gonna go with C again

  14. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Saturday/Sunday.

    Continuing geography/weather here. Which of the following cities is the most tornado prone in Illinois based of the tornado index parameter?

    Answer: C. Belleville, based off the tornado index, is the most prone city for tornado incidence in the state of Illinois. Over the past 50 years, several strong tornadoes have impacted the areas around Belleville.

    Monday/Tuesday's question

    Continuing weather here. THe SPC has had only two Day 2 severe weather high risks issued since they began issuing thunderstorm outlooks in the early 1980s. Which of the following tornado outbreaks had this?

    A: April 2011 superoutbreak
    B: November 2013 outbreak
    C: May 3rd, 1999 outbreak
    D: April 14th, 2012 outbreak

    Answer to come with the next new question on Tuesday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m gonna go with C

  15. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Thursday/Friday.

    Going to geography/weather here. A city in the US has been hit by tornadoes dozens of times over the past 50 years. Which of the following cities is it?

    Answer: B. Norman, Oklahoma has seen dozens of tornadoes over the past 5 decades, with most of them being weak. 

    Saturday/Sunday's question

    Continuing geography/weather here. Which of the following cities is the most tornado prone in Illinois based of the tornado index parameter?

    A: Chicago
    B: Pecatonica
    C: Belleville
    D: Clinton

    Answer to come with the next new question on Sunday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m gonna go with B

  16. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Sunday/Monday.

    Continuing with weather here. What state has had the most recorded F5/EF-5 tornadoes?

    Answer: D. Oklahoma holds the record for most F5/EF-5 tornadoes in the US, with a total of 8. 

    Tuesday/Wednesday's question

    Going to geography/weather here. A city in the US has been hit by tornadoes dozens of times over the past 50 years. Which of the following cities is it?

    A: St Louis, Missouri
    B: Norman, Oklahoma
    C: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
    D: Springfield, Illinois

    Answer to come with the next new question on Friday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m gonna go with B

  17. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Sunday/Monday.

    Continuing with weather here. How many confirmed F5/EF-5 (or equivalent strength) have occurred across Earth since statistics started to be collected in the early 1950s?

    Answer: B. A total of 62 F5/EF-5 equivalent strength tornadoes have been reported since standard data collection began, with 58 of these being in the United States.

    Tuesday/Wednesday's question

    Continuing with weather here. What state has had the most recorded F5/EF-5 tornadoes?

    A: Kansas
    B: Alabama
    C: Illinois
    D: Oklahoma

    Answer to come with the next new question on Wednesday at around 10 pm.

  18. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Friday/Saturday.

    Continuing with weather here. THe US isn't the only place on Earth that sees tornadoes. Canada often sees tornadoes from late June through August. Which of the following tornadoes is the strongest in the recorded history for Canada?

    Answer: A. Elie, Manitoba experienced the strongest tornado in Canada's history when an F5 struck the town on June 22nd, 2007. This is the only F5 in recorded history in Canada.

    Sunday/Monday's question

    Continuing with weather here. How many confirmed F5/EF-5 (or equivalent strength) have occurred across Earth since statistics started to be collected in the early 1950s?

    A: 55
    B: 62
    C: 100
    D: 74

    Answer to come with the next new question on Monday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m getting them wrong


      I’ll go with C

  19. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Wednesday/Thursday.

    Continuing with weather here. The National Weather service introduced a product called "extreme wind warning". For what type of weather event is this for?

    Answer: C. The National Weather Service introduced an "Extreme Wind Warning" for landfalling hurricanes that have sustained winds of 115 mph or greater. In the past, NWS offices along the coasts would issue tornado warnings for the area that was impacted by the landfalling hurricane.

    Friday/Saturday's question

    Continuing with weather here. THe US isn't the only place on Earth that sees tornadoes. Canada often sees tornadoes from late June through August. Which of the following tornadoes is the strongest in the recorded history for Canada?

    A: 2007 Elie, Manitoba F5 
    B: 1994 Aylmer, Quebec F3
    C: 2018 Alonsa, Manitoba EF4
    D: 1987 Edmonton, Alberta F4

    Answer to come with the next new question on Saturday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m gonna go with A

  20. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Monday/Tuesday.

    Continuing with weather/geography here. THe "Pineapple Express" is an atmospheric river that forms near which of the following US owned territories?

    Answer: B. The Pineapple Express is an atmospheric river of moisture that originates around Hawaii and can provide lots of moisture for California during their rainy season.

    Wednesday/Thursday's question

    Continuing with weather here. The National Weather service introduced a product called "extreme wind warning". For what type of weather event is this for?

    A: Derecho
    B: High mountain winds
    C: winds of over 115 mph from a landfalling hurricane
    D: high gradient winds

    Answer to come with the next new question on Thursday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster




      I'm gonna guess C

  21. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Saturday/Sunday.

    Continuing with weather/geography here. There are many different 'tornado alleys in the US. WHich of the following is not the name of one of the alleys?

    Answer: D. THe other three are the main three tornado alleys in the US. Dixie Alley covers the southern US, and is known for tornado outbreaks during the winter and spring months. Great plains alley is the most well known one, and is where a majority of tornadoes in the US happen. Hoosier Alley covers Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, MIchigan, and Kentucky, and is becoming increasingly known for large outbreaks and strong tornadoes.

    Monday/Tuesday's question

    Continuing with weather/geography here. THe "Pineapple Express" is an atmospheric river that forms near which of the following US owned territories?

    A: Puerto Rico
    B: Hawaii 
    C: Guam
    D: American Samoa

    Answer to come with the next new question on Tuesday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m on a roll.


      I think my roll is gonna end as I’m gonna go with D again

  22. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Thursday/Friday.

    Going to geography here. Which of the following MLB ballparks is most affected by elevation?

    Answer: A. Coors Field is located in Denver, Colorado, and is known for a higher rate of home runs and pitchers being lit up. The stadium is known for their 'humidifiers', which attempt to deaden the balls from flying through the thinner air of Colorado.

    Saturday/Sunday's question

    Continuing with weather/geography here. There are many different 'tornado alleys in the US. WHich of the following is not the name of one of the alleys?

    A: Dixie Alley
    B: Great Plains Alley
    C: Hoosier Alley
    D: Pineapple Express Alley

    Answer to come with the next new question on Sunday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      Yay, got it right again.


      I'm gonna go with D

  23. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Sunday/Monday. 

    Staying with meteorology. NASCAR, as mentioned in the previous question, runs rain tires on road courses on their schedule if needed. Why don't they run rain tires on oval tracks?

    Answer: D. Rain tires can't be run on a oval track due to the high g-forces wearing the tires out rapidly. NASCAR has done experiments with racing on short track ovals on rain tires, but hasn't gone beyond that.

    Thursday/Friday's question

    Going to geography here. Which of the following MLB ballparks is most affected by elevation?

    A: Coors Field
    B: Fenway Park
    C: Busch Stadium
    D: T-Mobile Park

    Answer to come with the next new question on Friday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      I’m gonna go with A

  24. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Sunday/Monday. 

    Continuing with meteorology and the weather's effects on sports. Racing series such as Formula one and NASCAR can see many different types of weather as their seasons go along. Which of the following weather conditions can they easily run in, given it doesn't get too bad?

    Answer: C. Tire manufacturers for the racing series across the world make purpose made rain tires that the drivers use in race that had treads in them that wick the water away from the car. The other conditions would be too dangerous to run in.

    Tuesday/Wednesday's question

    Staying with meteorology. NASCAR, as mentioned in the previous question, runs rain tires on road courses on their schedule if needed. Why don't they run rain tires on oval tracks?

    A: Issues with reliability
    B: Higher speeds wear tires out faster
    C: Slicks are specially designed to withstand g forces on oval tracks
    D: All of the above

    Answer to come with the next new question on Wednesday at around 10 pm.

    1. TheRockARooster


      Yay, got it right again

      I’m gonna go with D

    2. Northern Star
  25. Alright, here's the answer to the trivia question from Friday/Saturday. 

    Continuing with meteorology. Sometimes you hear the term 'training' in weather. What does 'training' mean in relation to the weather?

    Answer: D. Training in weather terms means that thunderstorms follow the same path, reforming and going over the same places over and over again, and can be slow moving. Flash flooding often happens when these happen. 

    Sunday/Monday's question

    Continuing with meteorology and the weather's effects on sports. Racing series such as Formula one and NASCAR can see many different types of weather as their seasons go along. Which of the following weather conditions can they easily run in, given it doesn't get too bad?

    A: Dust storm
    B: Fog
    C: Rain
    D: Snow

    Answer to come with the next new question on Monday at around 10 pm.

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