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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Libra

  1. Alright, account settings have been changed, and with that, I bid yee farewell, i'm off for new adventures!

    have a nice life, and thank you for everything!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cash In

      Cash In

      All the best. Take care of yourself!

    3. EpicEnergy


      Have fun on those new adventures! :grin:


    4. Le Trotteur Sauvage

      Le Trotteur Sauvage

      Oooh... well then, have a nice life buddy ! 

  2. Appreciate the follow ^^

  3. (Clone wars spoilers? Wha-?)


    Clone wars making me feel again with the emotional scores. GRanted...it was inevitable, but damn it still hurts me.

    If only Anakin and Rex put some serious consideration into what Fives said, things couldve been different.

    Speaking of which, that one call-foward is probably the closest i'm going to get to hearing hayden Christensen reprise his role as Anakin anytime soon.


  4. "Hey ninetales, whats your favorite flavor of pie?"


    I n v i s i b l e

  5. Politics spoiler tag blah


    I'm seeing a few people on social media being upset about people not voting blue because they think its gonna mean trump wins.

    no DNC, you didnt want Bernie. You didn't want Yang. You didn't want Gabbard. You didnt want warren.

    you wanted biden, so unless you bank on the world ending before november, you yourselves guranteed Trump a second term. You made your bed, now Lie in it.


  6. Dont mess with the FF7 fans, they havnt played past midgar.

    morning yall, got some scattered thunderstorms today, fun @_@



  7. I thought of this question recently, and its been eating away at me:

    "For what reason do people find to hold someone accountable for the misdeeds committed by a someone different? Shouldn't the person who did the misdeed be held accountable?"

  8. The next person that says to me t that wee need to extend quarentine better have a 25 slide powerpoint presentation on how theyre going to offer alternatives so money can be available for stuff like rent, taxes, bills, and food costs.

    Unlike common sense and decency, those don't go away during pandemics.

    1. Le Trotteur Sauvage

      Le Trotteur Sauvage


      we need to extend quarantine


    2. Nsxile


      We need to extend the quarantine. Also freezing rent, bills and taxes for the extended lockdown period, and giving out food rations might be an idea :derp:

    3. Libra


      Now that would be a good idea.

  9. A "prized exclusive" getting a pc port

    Getting mad at animal crossing and trashing it for the award winning "the last of us"

    Finding out the last of us 2 got leaked and people are trashing it

    Man, it must suck to be a Sony fanboy right now.

  10. I was going to say something about people taking the wrong ideas from ff7, but then i remembered square cant stick to a consistant storyline to save its life, so yeah take whatever you want from it i guess.

    Morning yall, hows life?

    1. Cash In

      Cash In

      Morning! I'm not doing too bad. Yourself?

    2. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :fluttershy: I'm doing fine, thanks – I hope your day is going well too. :grin:

    3. Libra


      Im doing pretty well!

  11. I really wish people with valid concerns about the economic fallout of forced quarentine werent met with the same hyperbolic statement of "why do you want *insert group of people here* to die?!"

     i dont think anyone wants anyone to die of covid, they just think the unforseen consequences of an economic fallout could prove to cause more problems than it solves

    1. Libra


      Although on the other hand, its messed up how it takes an economic fallout for people to suddenly start caring about how poverty is affecting people.

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      The issue is that economic fallout is going to continue regardless of lockdowns ending and let's be real, most of the public couldn't care less if anyone dies. Everyone wants their own gratifications met first and foremost.

    3. Libra


      Fair point.

  12. Im starting to think theres a greater chance of half life 3 coming out than quarentine being lifted.

    just saying, i still have stuff I need to do xP

    1. ShadOBabe


      Well Half-Life Alyx just came out, so that would be a pretty tall order.

    2. Libra


      YeH, probably.

    3. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      more of an excuse to not be able working at it because staying home/homeoffice :P

  13. People: "injesting toxic substances? Thats dangerous, don't do that!"

    Also people: "mmm, toilet seat tastes like Hepatitis..."

     morning yall, hows life treating ya?

    1. Tacodidra


      I just don't get people these days... :please:

      Good morning, my friend! :grin: I'm fine, thanks – I hope you are too! :kindness:

    2. Deae Rising Shine~
  14. 3 hardest things to hear

    Butterfly wings

    dog whistles

    Bass guitars in any modern metal music

  15. Me: "Mother nature can you not? Covid cases are climing highly in my area, we dont need tornados!"

    Nature: "haha spinny funnel go woosh"

    Morning yall

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      Nature 2019: Could you all please stop hurting me? I get really peeved!

      Nature 2020: Okay, fine, enough, take fires, take tornadoes, take deadly viruses, just take it all for hurting me so long!

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Nature is A mother that cares, and always shares.

      But once we grieve her, will be our grave.

    4. Libra
  16. major spoilers for FF7R, so you have been warned.


    I like how people saying "my headcanon is that cloud is trans" causes an uproar, but retconning zack (and possibly aeriths) death and using a half-assed excuse of "paralel universe and time travel" is a okay.


  17. Is it possible to report mother nature for violwting the stay-at-home order?

    Severe weather isnt covered under essential activities last time i checked.

  18. I don't like sand, its coarsex rough, irritating, and it gets dumped on skate parks becaue of "muh covid"


    I'm going to blow some minds here, but

    What if i told you that you could have public gatherings...and still have people be aware of social distancing?


    1. Megas


      The Rocket Power gang aren't going to like this

  19. Seeing all the Q people with boomer conspiracy theories is starting to make me miss the k pop stans.

    Can we bring them back, please?


    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      What do you mean by Q and Boomer Conspiracy Theories?

    2. Libra


      Long story.

  20. Pizza and coffee might not be a good combination for breakfast, but i had those today, Not bad.

    morning yall, gonna be catching the together at home concert via roblox's virtual theatre today, gonna be a good time!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! Have fun! :squee:

    3. EpicEnergy


      Sounds like you had a good breakfast! ^_^

    4. Deae Rising Shine~
  21. What kind of person looks at a concert held to bring people together during a pandemic and thinks "its time to push my agenda onto people"

    I get it, the who and china are in a intimate relationship with each other, but can it wait at least a weekend before you start shilling your nonsense?

    Let people be wholesome for five fucking minutes.

    God I hate social media.

  22. Me: "oh boy, chiense food tonight! Cant wait to score some of that!"

     *finds out all the chinese food places have been closed down due to threats*

    The people of my country have a combined 10 brain cells shared between them and 9 of them are on loan from Europe.

  23. I kinda wish JoJo had some more realistic fights, but i guess they dont call it a "Bizarre Adventure" for nothing.

    Morning yall! its wednesday

    1. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :) I hope your day is a good one! :kindness:

    2. Deae Rising Shine~
    3. EpicEnergy


      Good morning, I hope you have a wonderful day! :grin:

  24. Me: "wow, capcom is giving re fans some much needed love recently, with remakes of classics. I wonder if they plan on remaking code veronica, a lot of people love that game from what ive been told."

    Capcom: https://www.windowscentral.com/resident-evil-4-remake-reportedly-development

    F O U R?!?!

    1. TheAnimationFanatic


      IKR? Code Veronica is ripe for a remastering, why try to fix something that wasn't broken?

    2. Megas


      lol this is such a waste. RE4 is near perfect. If any game needs it it's Code Veronica

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