I won't lie; I've always been aversed to online communities. Most of my experiences with them have been negative, but I make exceptions from time to time, and decided to add MLPforums to that growing list of exceptions. Something about desiring interaction and human contact, to be sure.
I can't say that I'm exactly a fan of this show. A friend of mine who's a passionate Rainbow Dash enthusiast recommended these boards to me however, as I was looking for a large and diverse community to find new connections and friends in. I hope no one here holds that against me. I have watched a few episodes of the show with the aforementioned friend, but it just never gripped me like it did him and so many thousands of others.
I'm an illustrator and animator by trade and a competitive Smash and Mario Kart player on my free time. I main violet Toon Link, and I have a white, hot, and intensely deep burning passion for my character, bordering on obsessive. I don't have secondaries or tertiaries. It's all about Toon Link for me.
When racing Mario Kart 8, my main is also Link. All hail the Hero.
Outside of all that, I have a few other interests in life, which include, but are not limited to, writing, reading, Jungian analytical psychology, cooking, and exercise.
That's about all the interesting stuff about me. Hoping to make friends here and to integrate well. Thanks for reading.
See ya around!