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Everything posted by Rumpelstiltskin

  1. I liked Discord but I thought the whole affair with season nine kind of made him look like an ass. I mean, he was an ass before that, but I always interpreted him as being an eldritch being who's understanding of mortal concepts was hampered by his very nature. Having near-unlimited power makes it hard for someone to learn and grow emotionally. Having said that, I didn't like how he turned four broken and defeated villains into dangerous threats again, bullied and lied to them, and then turned them to stone out of what seemed to be spite. I tend to think all of this was more due to sketchy writing than anything else.
  2. I had a theory that when ponies settle an area it gradually becomes 'tamed' because they absorb some metaphysical power that makes things run like they're supposed to. This is converted into their magic, which they then use to shape the area as they see fit because it no longer can sustain it without them. Perhaps the Everfree forest has something in it that blocks this ability, making it impossible for ponies to settle there.
  3. I've thought about this and given what we were shown in the finale, I've concluded that Discord is currently the most powerful, but Grogar at full strength is probably stronger than he is. In the finale, the Harmony Beam was able to depower the villains of the original Grogar's magic, but there was one important detail we overlooked. The harmony beam wasn't able to destroy Grogar's bell or free the magic from within it. It continued to function after being hit with the Harmony Beam. If we're to assume that Grogar made it, he must have incredibly powerful magic to make something that withstands the show's Deus ex machina.
  4. It really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but I always found it sort of strange and a little scary that we never learn what Discord planned to do with the Legion of Doom if his season 9 plan went off without a hitch. I know the obvious answer might be 'put them back in Tartarus' but keep in mind he let the Mane Six basically kill Sombra again when he could've easily stopped him without destroying him.
  5. Gruss Vom Grogar Turns out Grogar exists. Turns out he also comes around once a year during Hearth's Warming to gather up bad ponies to take them to his hellish home of Tambelon. So now, because of Discord's shenanigans the Legion of Doom is being taken to Tambelon, but don't worry: Grogar was sure to take the mastermind of their scheme along with them.
  6. The whole thing annoys me, not only because I was hyped for Grogar, but because it made Discord look like a total tool. Not only did he take four villains who were rendered inactive and make them dangerous again, he never even bothered to keep tabs on them even though he should've known they couldn't be trusted and he sent them after an artifact that was specifically dangerous to him. It didn't even make sense for the triad to lie to who they thought was Grogar because they should've suspected he was watching them through his crystal ball. The other aspect I don't like is the way Discord was planing to use the Legion of Doom as essentially canon fodder. It was like they weren't people to him, just obstacles he could set up like dominoes for his friends to knock over. But what really left a bad taste in my mouth was that after they were defeated, rather than feeling some responsibility for making them so dangerous and perhaps pitying them, he instead gets vindictive and traps them in a punishment he admitted he hated.
  7. My personal theory about Grogar is that he's like Discord in that he's a spirit representing an abstract concept. In Grogar's case, it would be fear. I think he could very well have been as powerful as Discord if not more so, because of how his bell was able to withstand the Friendship Beam unharmed, which is something not even Discord could manage. The Friendship Beam couldn't even release the magic inside of the bell like it did with Tirek when he first stole all the magic in Equestria, which leads me to believe that it's similar to Sauron's Ring in that it can't be destroyed except by the powers that made it.
  8. I loved how wild and evil Cozy was, she was one of the best elements of season nine. But I do wish they explored what makes her tick a bit more. Both Tirek and Chrysalis were shown to have insecurities and I felt that made them 'more human', for lack of a better word. Tirek has family issues, and Chrysalis was mentally falling apart because of how lonely she was. It would've been nice to see something similar with Cozy.
  9. When you think about everything nothing in the finale made any sense. Discord should've known they'd lie to him. He had no excuse for not suspecting them at all due to firsthand experience with Tirek and because he conveniently had a seer stone that he should've been using to monitor the progress of the triad. Secondly the triad should've also known that given the seer stone, Grogar/Discord could've very well known that they had it. I get plotholes are a given with any fictional story, but the finale just really irks me for a number of reasons, and I basically liked every episode of the show.
  10. I've always been fascinated by devilish archetypes and villains playing on hero's weaknesses, be it using their worst fears against them, or tempting them with their desires, or a combination of both. I suppose I'd create something similar to Mr .Dark and his carnival from Something Wicked This Way Comes, a villain who subtly threatens people with their fears and offers to help them avoid the path to obliteration by giving them something that would seem to fix everything. An example from the book would be giving someone back their youth. A fine idea, to be sure, but no one thinks about everything that comes with it. You'd be giving up your friends and family, leaving them behind while you live on with your guilt of abandoning them for your own selfish and impulsive desire. So you go crawling back to the villain and beg, plead, for them to take it back and undo what they've done, and you've put yourself in their hands. That sort of villain who thrives on the suffering of short-sighted fools who jump at the chance to give up everything for nothing could be used against the other villains, like Tirek, Chrysalis, or Cozy, to maybe humanize them a bit. Another idea I've been toying around with is a tragic antagonist who's driven by depression and clinging to the only thing that gives them joy to the point where they're harming others through their apathy and neglect, sort of like King Haggard from The Last Unicorn. They aren't able to feel anything anymore except for a few brief moments when they can get at the thing that takes them back to a time when they were happy, using it like a narcotic to try and experience emotions they have't had in ages.
  11. That IS a good theory. I always was hoping they'd incorporate more of the original changeling lore into the show. On a side note I used to think that Chrysalis's changelings were all ponies she'd foalnapped and they gradually turned into changelings.
  12. Short answer, in terms oh physical abilities, yes. They have magics that defy and tamper with physics. We're just some apes that figured out how to use tools. Military-wise we might have an edge because the only thing we're really good at is finding creative ways to kill things/each other, but I'm pretty sure once ponies learn how to really fight we'd be screwed.
  13. The Ghosts of Canterlot Castle "Ah, welcome one and all. So glad you could make it to our little tour of Canterlot Castle. I hope you're all in good spirits. Now, please step lively, we don't want to lose anyone on the tour. No telling how lost you could get in these old hallways, or just what might be lurking in the cobwebbed corners. Well, there might be some telling, but of course it's mostly old stories and legends of the castle's history. And Canterlot Castle has quite a lot of history behind it. "You'll feel quite a lot of cold drafts here, but that's quite common in these old castles. The wind seems to fly right through the joints and mortar, and there's very little in the way of insulation. But there are those who say that icy chill creeping down your spine is the spirit of poor little Cozy Glow. Over a hundred years ago a little moppet of a foal once pranced through this halls; an orphan pitied by the princess and taken under her wing. But this orphan's adorable curls and big eyes hid something sinister. The princess always took ill whenever she dined with her pupil, and one day she grew so sick she couldn't raise the sun. It was during this darkness that a blizzard iced the kingdom over, and Cozy found herself locked outside with no one able to hear her cries over the howling gales. And so perished Cozy Glow; frozen to death in a storm as dark and cold as her heart. Every now and then you'll see a phantom foal wandering the halls, chilled blue to the bone and begging for warmth. "But let's turn our minds away from such dreary affairs, and instead look upon these magnificent bedrooms. These serve as guestrooms for any visitors to the castle. This one, here, however, once served a very unwelcome visitor. It was centuries ago that our city fell to the invading Changeling Army led by Queen Chrysalis. She overtook the castle and threw the princess in the dungeon, and for a time lived quite comfortably in Canterlot. But while the queen was enjoying herself, her subjects struggled to eke out a living in the city. Success had spoiled Chrysalis and made her deaf to their pleas for assistance. This of course led to the great Changeling Revolution, which I'm sure you all learned in school. Queen Chrysalis met her end on a chopping block, and the ax swung not by an enemy, but one of her own changelings. Ponies who stay in this room claim to hear her screams of fury, howled in the night by a head hastily sewn back on with thread. "We'll take a short detour through the dungeons to get the west wing where I'll show you our magnificent ballroom. Mind the cobwebs, and do be careful of any rodents; remember they're more afraid of you than you are of them. Nothing to be afraid of here. Well, there was at one time, but that was long, long ago. Some of you may recall learning about Lord Tirek, who came to Equestria with the goal of pilfering all of our magic. He would have gotten away with it had it not been for his brother Scorpan warning the princesses, but subduing him did not come easy. He was locked in these very dungeons, chained and under guard until he could be tried, but suffered an untimely death from what we now believe to be poisonous mold. Oh, don't worry, we've long since taken care of it. Lord Tirek is a different matter, however. They say you can hear him marching through the castle, his chains clanking deep into the night..."
  14. I kinda was confused about the decision to make Ahuizotl simply 'misunderstood' when past episodes show him trying to kill Daring Do and cause eight-hundred years of sweltering heat. I'm not upset about him being reformed, but I wish they actually reformed him instead of retconing him as never being bad to start with. I really wish they had done more for the Legion of Doom, because it was shown they had moments of vulnerability. Tirek had issues with how he felt he was perceived by his family, and Chrysalis was mentally falling apart because it appears she can't stand being alone. Even Cozy admitted it felt good to help each other when they were on the mountain. On of the things I disliked about the Ending of the End was that they spent time developing these characters and making it seem like they just might have a happy ending only to ignore it entirely for the sake of subverting expectations.
  15. I was thinking some kind of creation, but it was mentioned in an episode he grew stronger from fear.
  16. I had the idea that because he's so powerful maybe he can just hop over to the afterlife whenever he fancies it and just visit Fluttershy from time to time while telling her about what's going on at the animal sanctuary.
  17. It's likely Grogar was either banished to another realm in a manner similar to his G1 incarnation, or is still hiding somewhere, just waiting and watching. I don't think he'd be dead, mainly because he seems more like a spirit or magical creature like Discord than a normal goat. His title as 'The Father of Monsters' makes me think he's more like a dark aspect of creation; that maybe he made all the strange creatures like manticores and dragons and chimeras at a time farther back than pony history records. He could've already been ancient when ponies first encountered him. And not only is he old, but also powerful. He created a bell that can withstand the most powerful force in the show, the friendship beam. Perhaps if he had been the one using it, being more experienced with how it worked, he could've actually beaten the ponies and their gathered allies.
  18. Puppeteer "I gave you strings to hold you down, To make you fret, to make you frown! You had no strings 'til you met me, My strings won't let you free!" Discord was kind of a jerk.
  19. Source I started doodling something while listening to music from Quentin Tarantino movies and it turned into this. I guess it's Grogar's allies if they were from an alternate version of Equestria where it's a lawless wasteland and they all meet up and ally by coincidence. It sort of gives me a 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly', vibe. I imagine they'd all have their own little backstories for what they're fighting for. Tirek, after escaping Tartarus, fought a magical being and absorbed some magic before being wounded and is unable to properly take in more. Chrysalis is fighting to avenge her fallen Hive, of which she is the only survivor. Cozy Glow is the last of her town, and after stealing a magical firearm from an alchemist and a backpack of fireworks she does her best to survive.
  20. When I first saw his debut episode I thought him to be some kind of lich, similar to the folkloric character of Koschei the Deathless. Basically a unicorn who studied dark magic and found a way to become more powerful but also becoming unnatural and more monster than equine which would account for his unusual appearance.
  21. I really loved this episode because villains who hate each other but are really best friends is my favorite trope. XD Their little squabbles were hilarious, and Cozy was adorably crazy. I think Grogar might know they're plotting to betray him, and it might even be part of his plan to get them to work together. I'm sort of hoping their friendship, though they deny it's existence, will win out in the end and they don't destroy each other.
  22. So I made a thing a while back that I may or may not do something with.
  23. I at first assumed that they were the same species as the Storm King that were wearing masks, but apparently those are their actual faces. Not only that, but they seem to have three-towed paws as opposed to Storm King's two-toed hooves. It's possible they may be related in some way, but I don't know if they've ever been given names.
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