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Posts posted by Stormence

  1. On 7/16/2017 at 7:18 PM, Harii Moxxiie said:

    Unicorn selfies anyone? :pinkie:


    Uhh.. you're so pretty! Really cute photos ❤:pinkie:

    Dude, you're way too sweet. Thank you ;~;
    Makes me feel a lot better about myself! It really means a lot <3

    • Brohoof 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, Kitsune* said:

    *GASP!* 'yay'


    Welcome Back! We are so very glad you are here!           :fluttershy:


    Now.. to dance!




    You're the second person to say welcome back! Am confused, was I here before? :0

  3. 1 minute ago, Lightwing said:

    Next time, just click the button once, yo :P This might have to do with internet latency from my past experiences with it. I removed the duplicates, but next time, click one and be patient, and if it doesn't work, reload and try again.


    Also, that avatar is 7/10, yo :U

    I swear on every fibre of my dumb pone being that I clicked it once. And when I edited one of them, it managed to edit two of them. I have a feeling there's something a lil weird going on :0
    Most likely my internet, but it has no reason to post 5 times when I clicked once. I learned the hard way that clicking more than once is disastrous :P

    • Brohoof 1
  4. 15 hours ago, Quinch said:

    {OOC thread is this way. The information went data way.}

    Shared pain is lessened.Shared joy is increased.Thus we refute entropy.

    The words stood on a blackboard, occupying no place of importance. Other sayings, some profound, some flippant, others just going for a particularly bad pun, surrounded it, sometimes crowding it, others swam around at a leisurely distance, but there was something about it that said, quietly, that if Everything was erased - not merely everything, but Everything - those would have been the words that mattered.

    As it stood, the blackboard hung behind a portly brown earth pony who was, at that moment, polishing a shotglass behind a spacious bar of a tavern tucked away behind trees and shrubbery of a side street somewhere along the Manehattan highway on a warm summer not-quite-closing-time. Bright ceiling lamps cast a warm steady glow throughout the whole tavern, bravely invading the world outside through stained-glass windows and tragically stopping short of world dominating and having to settle for casting colorful patterns on the small parking lot outside.

    Various knickknacks and picture frames lined the tavern from wall to wall, shelves of memorabilia or reminders of bad jokes, stories of happiness or tragedy and the occasional mementos of an adventure or few complete with a handful of bookshelves piled with Bard Berry, Panther C. Clop, Stanislav Lime, A. K. Yearling and the odd occasional fare that hadn't technically been written yet. And as much as memories filled the walls, the sounds of a Crosswood evening filled the space - chairs scraping against the polished wood floor, laughter and groans, the merry and irregular plinking of a pegasus working an aging, yet lovingly cared-for piano sitting a comfortable distance from an odd, parabolic fireplace with a convenient bullseye that flashed in soft kaleidoscope patterns as the flames reflected and refracted from the yet-unswept shards of glass sticking out from between burning logs and ash.

    All in all, it was a night as many, just off the side of a usual, when the front door opened and someone new stepped into the bar...


    9 hours ago, MoTusNua said:

    Silens Solis after a long day and afternoon at a concert for one of his Favourite Artists, decided to find a place to get a nice drink and a bite to eat before heading off to a Hotel to get a room for the night. Not knowing Manehatten very well, he wandered aimlessly around the dimly lit streets until he eventually heard the Piano Music coming from the Tavern and realized it was open.

    "It looks cozy and friendly enough, plus I am sure I could find someone who could give me tips on where the cheapest place to stay is. I really need to be more organized" thought Silens Solis. As he approached and opened the door, he felt a breath of warm air flow over his body and noticed the crowds of people enjoying a nice cold beverage and having a laugh. "Well, I am in for a good bit of banter" he thought as he made his way to the Main Bar to get a drink.

    He wasn't particularly sure what to order as this was his first time at a Tavern being more used to the cafes back home or the restaurants of Canterlot. He decided to ask the brown Earth Pony what was on offer. "Hello, my name is Silens Solis. I am not very familiar with Manehatten as a city or at being in a Tavern and was wondering what you services and produce, you offer in this establishment. If that wouldn't be too much trouble" he said as always trying to be polite. He greeted the brown Earth Pony with "A smile and caring hand" like his mother always told him to do.

    Silens Solis didn't know what he was in for, but was excited for the new experience eating at a Tavern could provide. Seeing all the happy and content faces gave him a comforting feeling of safety. Plus, he was sure someone here must know where to get the best price for a Hotel Room.

    P.S. = Sorry for the late reply, I was sleeping when you pinned me to the thread, so I couldn't respond immediately <3

    Andromeda, for the first time in what seemed like forever, was finally allowing herself to go on a little vacation. Summer was here and as hot as ever, meaning there were no eager students to teach and no more boring papers to mark. What a glorious thing! Freedom at it's very finest. She spent her entire day perusing different shops and restaurants, getting a glimpse of the outside life that she was apparently missing out on. It didn't bother her too much, but it was definitely apparent that she was missing out on some pretty great things, but Andromeda appreciated the fact that she got to experience such things nonetheless.

    After a hot day spent doing nothing but walking, the sun was finally starting to set. Before no time the early shops were closing and those glorious stars dotted the evening sky, twinkling in their admirable brilliance though so far away through a dim light that drained slowly. The mare sighed, content. Night was certainly the best, though her opinion was obviously quite biased. Though tired from such a long day spent enjoying the hot sun, Andromeda was still interested in making the most out of her vacation. With a steady trot the mare made her way down the street, her eyes scanning for a place to chillax for a bit before she made her way back to her hotel room. Perhaps she'd get herself something to drink and munch on, and maybe even strike up a conversation or two. She didn't quite know what her exact plans would be. She had no way of knowing if there was even anywhere that was open. Surely there was. This was Manehatten, after all.

    After only a short while of searching, Andromeda found that her assumptions were luckily correct! With lights on, a mutter of different ponies faint through the door, and a wondrous piano melody seemingly calling her name, she found herself the perfect place to settle down for a bit. Keeping to herself, she swiftly made her way to a bar stool, seating herself so elegantly upon it, her tail taking up the full length of the seat. If you were to look fast, perhaps be even a tad intoxicated, you'd assume she was holding herself up with that tail of hers. The mare crossed her forehooves on her lap, waiting patiently, taking her sweet time examining the cozy establishment as she waited for the friendly working pony to finish up whatever conversation he was having. She wasn't an impatient pony and that allowed her to take some time to really admire the atmosphere inside this homely tavern. Nowhere to be seen were there any younger, mischievous ponies who had a few too many. There was no trouble here, and everypony, without even truly knowing them, seemed welcoming and warm. Her surroundings gave Andromeda a warm, butterfly-esque feeling in her gut.

  5. Ah! Nothing better than a chocolate milk of glass! Am I royalty? Is this what being a royal feels like?
    I could certainly get used to this.
    Thank you for your kindness :P

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