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Everything posted by EquinoxDancer

  1. I love Celestia and I'm ALWAYS teased by my irl friends who also watch the show for it most people I know obsess about Luna in terms of the princesses, but I just love the whole goddess-esque majestic and powerful aura Celestia gives off (to me anyways).
  2. miss is correct! Thanks for checking! And just "transgender people" is fine or for short "trans people" or change the word "people" to any similar word you prefer! This site has a handy dandy little guide to follow (especially if you scroll to the table at the bottom of the page): https://www.glaad.org/reference/transgender
  3. I keep seeing people refer to the 'Debate Pit' but I have no idea what this is?? Someone enlighten me? :please:

    1. FlitterFlutter


      It is a place that this forum keeps all of their more controversial topics. A place that members can debate and stuff... it is good fun if you are into that kind of stuff (like I am).

    2. EquinoxDancer


      oh right! How do I find it? Haha. 

      Oh never mind! Just read that you need to have a certain amount of posts to see it hah, ah well :rarity:

    3. FlitterFlutter


      It looks like you are still in a muffin rank. I believe you get to look at the debate pit at 40 posts and can pirticipate(as in actively post) at 100.

      read this




  4. Aw thanks friend, being an ally is great especially if you make that support known like you just did! But ummm the term 'transgenders' isn't very well taken, as transgender is an adjective not a noun. "transgender individuals/people" would be better. Hope I'm not offending you but thought I'd point that out! Much love!
  5. I love Queen Novo too! She's so pretty, but I've only seen her in the castle playset so far so I hope they make a more general release of her (unless there's one I don't know of?) I'd love to sea (get it? hah) how they'd look in Guardians of harmony style figures rather than just the brushable hair-style toys.
  6. Hey everypony, I'm transgender mtf, so glad to see such wonderful support in this forum <3 I came out as trans quite abruptly to pretty much everyone over facebook lol, and I'm extremely lucky in terms of my experience...pretty much all my relationships stayed exactly the same! Sure a few people stopped talking to me, but we were at best acquaintances anywho. I wanted to post this as a reminder to those that aren't out that it isn't all doom and gloom when coming out as trans! My mother doesn't completely "get" it and will say things like "how can you be a woman if you haven't had the surgery?" lol okay mother, but honestly she's so supportive and willing to listen. I've grown distant from my father who does not accept me, but we never had a close relationship anyways. Honestly the biggest issues facing me since I came out are ALL medical focused, my doctor is so ignorant and even though I've been out for over a year medically I'm still at step 0, I'm so excited to be changing doctors this month! Whoop. I'm here if anyone needs to talk privately or whatever!
  7. Procrastinating on my computer rather than packing like I should be doing...and also wondering whether Netflix will ever have season 6 of MLP as I'm bored of trying to find websites to watch seasons 6 and 7 where I don't have to click onto the next episode when I'm done (I'm lazy, sue me.)
  8. Welcome! I'm new here but a long time fan also! It's quite nice here! Oooh I haven't read any of the comics yet but really want to, I'm also into DC Comics, Steven Universe and Power rangers hehe. Hope you like it here!
  9. I wish cutie marks were an irl human thing. I'm at a crossroads in my life right now and have no idea where to go with my life :( I'm not good at anything, and I just want some guidance but no one seems to care enough to help. *sigh*. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FluffyGoat13


      Yeah, the lack of experience thing can get irritating.

      What my sister did (she's at uni) was get lower paid jobs at places that can't really afford to say "You lack experience" because they don't have a stream of applicants like Greggs or Tesco, and then go for the bigger places. She started by getting a job at some perfume shop that I (being a very guyish bisexual guy) had never heard of. Then she got a job at a cafe I didn't know existed (apparently there was a cafe inside a church), and now she works at Tesco.

      Often when they say "You lack experience" they're referring to lack of experience in a relevant field. So you may have work experience at a bio-chemist lab or something (I don't know what you do), but Tesco doesn't care about that, they want to know if you're any good at dealing with idiotic customers and putting up with the "customer is always right" bs even though most of the time the customer is a moron.

      On a side note; what degree are you doing?

    3. EquinoxDancer


      I'm doing a contemporary Arts degree with a focus on Dance...don't judge meeee lol. 

      I think right now I just want a job to feel like I can do it, you know? The fact everywhere keeps saying no without even interviewing me is upsetting...especially considering I have so much experience. I worked in a locally owned store for a year, a bar for a summer, I did a hairdressing diploma before deciding to move on to pursue my passion for the Arts and also worked in a salon for over a year. I've had tons of experience within the Arts and Performing Arts sector now, working as a stage hand at shows as well as running my own classes and such. And on top of that I run two societies and manage a variety of social media accounts for my University. 

      Just feeling helpless lol. 

      I feel like all I do is pursue my dreams whilst simultaneously gaining a vast amount of experiences and opportunities, but still...my brother who only just finished college doing a bricklaying diploma and has never worked a day in his life landed a job at the snap of his fingers. 

      Sorry for ranting hehe, just need to vent I suppose. 

    4. FluffyGoat13


      To be fair, because about 15 years ago loads of people stopped learning how to do stuff like bricklaying, plumbing, and farriery/blacksmithing, the UK has an insanely high demand for those kinds of jobs. Your brother, it seems, may have accidentally 'struck gold' (or he new exactly what he was doing).

      Also, you are rather well experienced, and it does seem that some kind of opportunity may present itself to you, you just might need some metaphorical binoculars to spot it. My (unqualified) suggestion would be to simultaneously keep bothering Tesco while researching places to apply your qualifications (because, believe it or not, the UK still needs that, without art we'd be even more depressed in this country).

  10. I just bought this fabulous set! Got it at a steal on eBay for only £25! Sooo happy!
  11. Granted, but it's bogey flavoured. I wish I was a polyglot
  12. Granted, but a new season is only released once every ten years. I wish I had more space to display my collection.
  13. In terms of the figures of the ponies my favourite is G2, they're really pretty...and there's a french commercial on YouTube for some of the toys with a 3D animated portion that I thought looked really cool, was sad to find there's no series or movies in that design :/ I'll probably get hate for this, but in all honesty I'm not a HUUUGE fan of the G4 designs. I mostly like G4 for the story, characters and some of the toys...in terms of the brushable hair figures I always thought the older ones didn't look like the characters (especially Rainbow Dash and Twilight), so I prefer the blind bag toys and the GoH figures. And in terms of in the animation, I'm not too keen on how the ponies look in certain poses, facial expressions etc (basically if they're not in a neutral on four hoofs position, they look weird and awkward to me...Pinkie Pie is the worst for this, constantly going onto two hoofs and dancing like a human, it creeps me out a little). My all time FAVOURITE design though is the way the G4 Princesses look like in the tall doll form (the original celestia and cadance with the fluttering/glowing wings...they're gorgeous!).
  14. So I only really collect the Guardians of Harmony range in terms of merch, and I had a few questions regarding them! I'd love to have the mane six, and of course they've done everyone but Rarity as far as I know! Do you think a Rarity will be made?? And also what do you think are the chances of us getting a general release Fluttershy? I know she came in the SDCC set, but I want one I can debox, I wouldn't feel right deboxing her from that gorgeous packaging! Also; who would you like to see made into these kinds of figures?? I'd personally love to see articulated figure versions of Celestia, Luna, Nightmare moon etc (and maybe a discord but he'd need to be immensely articulated haha) Aside from them I'd love to see; - A cutie mark crusader three pack - Big Mac (either in a two pack with Granny Smith or with a vehicle playset? Like a wagon?) - Cadance (and flurryheart?? hehe) - Zecora! - Gilda! -Palace guards (Luna's and Celestia's...army building maybe?)
  15. Hey there! I'm Mhara, I'm from the UK (Wales to be exact, but living in Cheshire, England now!) been a pony fan for a while but only now developing my interest fully! I'm a doll collector, and I have my own youtube channel known as 'WinxMhara', I collect winx club dolls mostly! In terms of mlp I only own a few dvd's, and Guardians of Harmony figures now! Hoping to expand that collection a little soon hehe. Happy to be here! It may take me a while to get used to things here though hehe.
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