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Everything posted by TheOneGuy0000

  1. WAIT WHAT THAT'S MY COATHANGER YOU MANIAC UNLESS I GET SOME EXPLANATIONS NOW YOU'RE SENDING HIM BACK RIGHT THIS SECOND what are you doing stop breaking the fourth wall you're ruining this Haw haw haw, very funny. . . . Y'know, I actually stumbled across that as my first or second search. But I though "Nah, not even Duality would do something THIS cheesy" AHA, so you DO check to see if I looked it up! You really think I'd be able to come up with a proper answer to your zany questions without the help of the entire internet? I just wanted to add a remark at the end as to prevent the question alone from standing out so much. Oh, we have an unnecessary amount of those as well, I just didn't mention them because they've been collecting dust for quite a few years now. They fill up the bottom shelf nicely, and give an academic touch to the whole tv stand/bookshelf/display/cd holder (This thing is nifty, I'm telling you). And just what exactly is that supposed to mean? I'm afraid only you know the answer to that... I hope you are aware that these were all incredibly-generous gifts and that I am currently the pitiful owner of a whole twenty bucks. Ho boy, thought you'd never ask. Before I go any further, it's worth mentioning that water is excluded from the possible options by the definition of the word "beverage". 5. Fanta I'm one of those weirdos who prefer it over coke or pepsi. 4. Chocolate Milkshake Specifically the one they make at this one place near where I live. It's delightful. 3. Mom's Lemonade What else need I say? A teaspoon of honey and you got yourself a great lemon-based beverage. 2. Hot Chocolate Specifically the one they sell during winter at this one skiing resort next to my city. 1. "After Eight" Named after the popular mint chocolate brand, this milkshake is a must for anyone who's looking to try something a bit more exotic in hopes of finding a new personal favorite (which was the case for me). This minty-vanilla goodness consists of a scoop of mint syrup ice cream dipped in the vanilla milkshake, all covered in an appetizing layer of high-quality delicious whipped cream, with a tablet of the chocolate brand it's named after sticking out at the top as the jewel of the crown. As far as I'm aware, the only place where they make it like this is a cafe in my home town, so I always make sure to swing by there whenever I visit. Most of the books I read nowadays are from the local library (seeing as I've long depleted my collection at home), so I'd rather pay to replace that rather than an expensive smartphone. Most likely my smartphone. (Funny how this ties in with the previous question.) this is not a decision I can make on the spot just like that why would you do this to me I guess black holes? No no, 'mind-operated' artificial limbs! No wait, neurology as a whole! Argh, I don't know! I'm not ready to make this decision!
  2. Embrace your fashion hoers waifu, Duality. Embrace her. BUT THE STORE IS SOOOO FAR AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY AND THIS CHAIR IS SOOOOOOOOO COMFYYYYYY Yes, yes, such a clever rebel, here's a golden star for ya oh snap bois brace yourselves we got a physicist comedian over here I would SO watch you in a stand-up show... Ah, foiled before I even got the chance to mess around a little. This was the obvious answer, of course. Also... JUST SELL YOUR CAR MODEL COLLECTION DECENT INTERNET IS FAIRLY CHEAP EVERYWHERE NOWADAYS DEW EEEET -Cats or dogs? -NMM vs Tempest. Go. -Technically speaking, can you turn an average TV remote into a bomb? -Apple or Android (we're talking smartphones here)?
  3. I suppose that is quite a considerable advantage. Hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm... you sure do know a lot about this, don't cha? RARITAY IS UR FAEV HOARS PONE CONFURM!!!1!!11!!1 THEN GET BETTER INTERNET WHAT ELSE COULD YOU POSSIBLY NEED MORE Ah, I see. Very well. Captain Duality He's a hero Gonna bring pone toy abandonment levels Down to zero I've tried them individually, does that count? Peanut butter isn't very common among households around here. A proper answer, at last. . . . SUBTLE. The other day? More like two weeks ago Also dat my idea how cud you steelz it you idea steeler -Can you dance? Sing? Act? -Do you own a vehicle? If yes, what is it? -Muffins or cupcakes? -Opinions on Hearty McFlurry?
  4. I don't know exactly what you mean by that, but I'll do it anyway since I have nothing better to do. Besides, I need to make up with him. I ran out of spare coathangers already. Alright, I managed to convince him to listen to me. He didn't even crack a joke the whole time, I think you broke him. After I finished, he just took his briefcase and jacket, said he'll be gone for a while, and left. Now you owe me explanations and a new coathanger. I told ya man, I don't really relate to people around me. We don't have much in common most of the time. Sure, I can crack a few jokes of their liking to blend in and give them a good opinion on me (it's helpful later on), but that's not really me. That's "social mask" me. As for girlfriends, my personal experiences as well as what I've witnessed have led me to the conclusion that it's a waste of time, just another potential (and very likely) cause of heartache. Is that really worth it just for another thing off your bucket list? And before you go classifying me as a "nice guy who can't get any", there have been several girls who showed interest in me to the point where it was less than subtle, but I slyly denied them. Don't get me wrong, I'm no casanova, but if I really wanted to have a romantic relationship, I could. I'm just not interested in the slightest. Besides, I enjoy being alone. There, you got another rant out of me. Hope you're happy Did some 'research', couldn't find anything related to May of 2017 and the number 197 relevant to the subject at hand. only some news articles regarding diseases and a disturbing amount of suggestions related to an indian soap opera Jeez man I didn't jump I was drowsy and had my hands in my pockets, tripped, couldn't put hands in front of me, and landed flat on my chin. Lots of blood, though very little pain. Apparently there was even a bit of bone exposed. Anyway it's all mostly good now, no need to worry 'bout it. Very few around here are adequate for my specific demands, the ones that are are peculiar to reach and require a lot of preparation. A very sneaky way to shift the blame onto yourself. Not sneaky enough, though. actually it was some random shady forum website great roast nonetheless ...I guess not... A great many. They vary from crime novels to poem books and modern literature, to even Harry Potter. Read about 90% of them when I was younger, now they just serve to look pretty on my modern tv stand. (BY FAR the most practical thing in the house.) Zero. Though I'd love to get a cat/ bird someday who "owns" siblings what is this None, I'm an only child. No step ones either. what in the world is up with these questions A large bed, a double-sized wardrobe, a rather spacious and very comfortable desk, and a super-comfy gaming chair. The rest are technically my mother's.
  5. . . . So do ye' want me ta' tell him or not? Cause I ain't takin' bottles to the head fo' no reason, I'll tell ya that much. DUALITY NO I guess if you put it that way I am in love. In love with dramatic opening scenes taking place in extreme weather, that is. ...Oh, that. Sorry to break it to ya, pal, but a donkey with an ice cream cone stuck to its head doesn't qualify as a unicorn. Tomorrow I may not be able to answer to all of your asks on time, perhaps that'll be your opportunity to catch up. As a completely unrelated side-note, I broke my chin yesterday. Fell down some stairs; had to get it stitched up. Fun stuff, I tell ya. That would be swimming, I reckon. Fun and all-around helpful. Too bad I don't have many opportunities to practice it around here. The 'pause break' key, 'cause mine has a lil' crescent moon icon on it To be completely honest, most likely one of the things you said to me in our PM chat. Is that a good thing or is it just sad? I'd say approximately 7,245623 x 10^22 What a weird question
  6. Movie spoilers, Duality. You'll never see them coming. "recognise" So you're one of those people, huh... Anyway, I'm not one either, never said I was, and to be honest, at no point did I have an idea of what you were on about with this, I just decided to play along anyway. Still feel betrayed nonetheless . . . Why does that exist? But fashion hoers mostly white, not perple Silly hydroxide equine EXTRAAAAAAAAA SATIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN SUCH AN UNDERRATED SHOW WHY Silly Duality, you left out the death-ray assembling A pone toy rescuer? +1000 respect MOAR ASK -Peanut butter and jelly or butter and jam? -Reforming Chrysalis: yea or nay? -Where is the center of the universe? -Any opinions/ideas regarding the ruined castle in the Everfree?
  7. Works every time. (Either that, or people just think I'm a weirdo, but what's the difference ) *proceeds to explain entire plan in detail* ..You really are a textbook villain... I feel deeply betrayed right now. Gonna be 100% honest, I even googled it and I still have no idea what that is. Mission accomplished Very glad you liked it You also own ze plushie derefor twily is ur fave hoers coanfurmed . . . *sniff* Very well, I see that we can be friends no longer. Adieu, Mr. Wave-Particle. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE -How do you tie your shoelaces? -What's your daily routine, roughly? -What's your opinion on Princess Cadenza? -How much pone-related merch do you own?
  8. I tried explaining it to him, but he threw a wine bottle at me before I could say a word. I think he's mad at me now. I hope you're happy with yourself. Gonna need to ask you about all these past incidents after we're trough with this . . . . . .Really? What does me thinking that fluttering scarves look cool have to do with romantic interests? Genuine question. It can be great if I try, but it's usually barely readable. ESPLODE Assuming "whole world" means our planet, zero. A real dream-crusher, this one. You'll get there eventually. hopefully before it gets to 500
  9. At that point it was irrelevant; you already knew how to type it, and that's all you'll need I told him about it, but he said that he left that part of his life behind long ago and that he doesn't want to have anything to do with you, and then proceeded to drink himself to sleep. At least I tried..? DUALITYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY The only spare key we have is inside the house. Not very practical, but very safe. Why would you need that information, anyway? Pretty much all the ones I linked you when telling you about my favorite pone artists, as well as those artistic mane six cutie mark environments from your selection (That last Luna one though those eeeeeyeeees I wish Myla would draw more pones) Easy. Roman gold coins Delicate. Exquisite. Intriguing. Probably my favorite article of winter clothing. They're comfortable, cozy, and they look incredible while while fluttering behind you as you're pushing trough the blizzard.
  10. It's more of a 'Miircheaa' (at least according to the google translate voice robot) Not that it matters. I immediately regret my decision. But I do have a social life! I talk to my friends every day! There's Plushie Luna, Mr. Snuffles, Cuddly Bear, and who could forget Coathanger Larry! He's a real jokester, I tell you! No need to apologize, I just wanted to reassure you that I would never straight-up lie to you about something as serious as that, even if it's a joke. . . . This does not answer my question. WHY ARE STAINLESS STEEL RIVETS EVIL, DUALITY. TELL ME. TELL MEH NAOW Do not run from the nerdiness. Embrace it, and use its power to your advantage. This is the part where I answer your questions, in case you haven't figured that out yet. -Those tiny jackets girls wear over t-shirts. It's kind of cute I guess, but it's just... ..weird... -The chicken did not cross the road. The road passed beneath the chicken. -I don't usually wear hats, but if I had to choose one universally it would have to be the good-ol' top hat. Too bad they haven't been popular for almost a century now. -A set or two of cutlery, and a few throughout my mom's jewelry. Why, are you planing on robbing us sometime soon?
  11. Very well, I respect your decision Well, it's not remotely close to being illegal or anything like that, but it is very unusual, and therefore generally frowned upon. I suppose I could just book a seat way in the back... We're all the protagonists of our own story. But in the colossal sitcom-soap-opera that is life, I think I'd either be a high-ranked goon or a mediocre villain. So no. Alright, sweet! Just "make sure to let me know™"! I NEED THE SWEET SWEET GEMS MAN DON'T DEPRIVE ME OF THEM SWEET GEMS oh yeah you get just as many as me so there's that Oh, the impertinence! Why, I would never! Goofy stuff aside, there are over forty of them in the MCU at this point, almost each of them with a distinctive purpose and features. It helps remembering the nicknames and such, but pretty much every modern iron man fan can recognize the first seven. And no, it is not "obsessing" nor "niche" how DARE you It's a little ironic, is all I'm saying. I WOULD BUT I HAVEN'T FULLY CAUGHT UP WITH MLP AND RICK AND MORTY AND OTHER MOVIES I NEED TO WATCH AND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH . . . Well ain't that something an' a half. (I certainly hope you're aware of the meta-ness of that statement) (Duality is a cannibal confirmed) This is completely unnecessary you're roasting both of us staph Yet again, entirely agreed. Nothing in the MLP universe like the villains calling the ponies out on their somewhat impractical adorable-ness (which eventually is the very thing that helps them defeat the villain, closing the circle and raising the irony levels by 200%) . . . HOW!? IT WAS A TRICK QUESTION, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO ANSWER WITH ONE OF THEM AND I WOULD'VE RESPONDED WITH WHAT YOU JUST SAID AND BAMBOOZLED YOU, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! HOW ARE YOU ALWAYS ONE STEP AHEAD OF ME!? anyway great answer 10/10 would ask again MORE QUESTIONSSZZSZSZSZ -Apples or pears? (The fruit, not the clans in the show. Although you could just answer both while we're at it.) -Any opinions on Nightmare Rarity? -Ever played THIS: No Touching! [Flash] (It is 100% safe and just as adorable, you have my word.) -Worst question ever warning: favorite color? -Tuxedos or suits?
  12. Alright then, let's just put an end to this. My middle name is There it is. I typed it. Have fun cracking that one without google. It would be very much appreciated if you never used it, as I think I made it quite clear how much I dislike it. Little bit of trivia while we're at it, the main reason why they gave me this second name is because it was my grandpa's first name. It's a little late for that, I'm afraid. It's ok though, I like being alone. Besides, the internet's all I'll ever need. No social life required here. Nope. This hit really hard, and I'll tell you why (any sort of blame is on me, do not worry in the slightest), but first and foremost I need to get something important out of the way: I did not lie. Everything I answered there, on its own, is true. And while my life wouldn't come crashing down were that information to be revealed, I would prefer it wasn't accessible to anyone who's randomly browsing the site. The only thing that differed was the reason why I mentioned all of that at all: the actual reason isn't the one that was generally implied. Bit of a personal rant here, read at own risk And why's that, if I may ask? QUESTION ANSWERING TIME -I don't have a problem with them, but they can be very tedious to "get right". Not particularly comfortable, either. Conclusion: wear leather belts instead. Way fancier and they work well with tuxedos -I'd say two bucket-fulls plus some attached to my boots (That counts, right?), most likely while helping grandma out in the garden. -I never got the chance to play Mah-Jong, but I quite like chess (although I can't say I'm particularly brilliant at it), so i'll pick the former anyway. -Watching youtube videos, and just fooling around on the internet in general. It distracts me from the loneliness. Aside from that, playing videogames (mostly minecraft and any random intriguing indie game i come across) and drawing.
  13. . . . I will neither confirm nor deny that. THAT'S NOT THE POINT, THE POINT IS VERY, VERY FEW PEOPLE FROM OUTSIDE WOULD BOTHER LEARNING OUR LANGUAGE, AND THEREFORE I AM WILLING TO BET ALL MY MONEY THAT YOU DON'T. THAT IS NOT AN INSULT. AS I SAID EARLIER, LEARNING OUR LANGUAGE WOULD BE A WASTE OF TIME FOR SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T LIVE HERE And I did choose that option, but the answer was too stale and I wanted to add something, so I guess my previous statement was addressed at myself. . . . . . . . . .hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha! Aaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaaaaaa! But I WAS just playing hard to get, you fool! AND IT WORKED FLAWLESSLY! YOU WERE OH, SO DESPERATE TO KNOW MY MIDDLE NAME! AND WHILE IT IS TRUE THAT I HATE IT AND sort of REGRET TELLING YOU ABOUT IT, EVERYTHING I SAID THAT YOU QUOTED WAS TO GET YOU TO GIVE UP! AND IT WORKED! I HAVE OUTSMARTED THE OUTSMARTER, OUTWITTED THE OUTWITTER, BESTED THE BESTEST! AND ALL IT TOOK WAS A SMIDGET OF SOCIAL MANIPULATION! Although now that I explained my master plan, you're probably going to get right back to obsessing over my terrible, awkward middle name. sigh. Well, it was good while it lasted. ...Thanks?.. Alrighty-ho, onto your questions. -Depends on which circular side of the cylinder that is a toilet paper roll is upwards. -They're alright for very fancy occasions and work very well in certain circumstances, but if I had to choose one I'd stick with my trusty tie. -Um... blessing, I... guess? I have a feeling I missed a memo or something. -It's a tie between blizzard and thunderstorms. The later are not too dangerous, but also incredibly epic. While normal rain is quite depressing, thunderstorms have a distinctive "final-boss" vibe to them that always gets me hyped up. They're also pretty common around here, so there's that. Blizzard also falls somewhere within the same category, but it's more atmospheric rather than epic.
  14. Completely agreed. I also love the more organic feel of the animation, it really does add to the cuteness The pony villain is a tad too similar to NMM and Chrisalis, at least as far as the trailers go, but the broken horn certainly is an intriguing concept. There was an event in the mlp gameloft game celebrating the movie where you could get both Songbird Serenade and Tempest herself, and i managed to get them both! You also learn more about her backstory, but nothing that would spoil the movie. If you wish to know more I beg you to ask me why do I feel like you're mocking me No, it's because my country is rather oldschool, remember? You think someone as socially awkward as me would have the guts to show up there asking for a ticket to the mlp movie and sit in a cinema packed with underage girls? Ugh, I can already imagine the parents' judgmental glares. Besides, it wouldn't be worth it if it was dubbed. If a subbed version is confirmed to play, I'll try my best to figure something out. Sheesh, I was just curious. I can only imagine you know about a million possible ways to destroy everything, so the one option you chose is probably pretty gosh darn interesting. I watched it with a few of my old classmates some time ago, and while they thought it was silly and boring, I really enjoyed it. All of them were always much better at physics than me, too, so there's that. I suppose I was able to appreciate the artistic side of it and the research that must've been done before writing the script. It was just an overall well-paced and interesting movie. Never did watch the whole Wreck-It Ralph movie, actually, just tidbits of it. Mmmhhhhmmm. Suuuuure. Everything about you is just so peculiarly exquisite, isn't it? Gotta admit, never heard of it before, but judging by your description it's safe to say it's in my top ten as of now. Must be pretty expensive, though. Been playing it for over two years now, actually. It's certainly a very interesting spin on the whole "build-your-city" game type. There are three types of buildings: decoration, houses and shops. Decorations is pretty self-explanatory. Houses... house ponies, which you can level up and assign to shops to produce money. Shops produce money, obviously. There are several areas you can travel to aside from Ponyville, like Sweet Apple Acres, Canterlot, The Everfree, the Crystal Empire, and as of recent, the Changeling Kingdom. They each have their unique storyline quest-series paralleling events from the show. The developer team and support team are very proactive and interact with the players all the time. I even asked them for help with a problem I had recently, and they responded pretty quickly. Suffice to say, they did easily solve my problem, otherwise I wouldn't be mentioning this. There are, of course, in-app purchases, but you can get trough the game just fine without them. And if nothing else, it's just fun collecting and playing with all your favorite underrated ponies from the show, as well as building your own Equestria with lots of iconic elements from the show. Like all these sorts of games, it does take quite some time to make progress without the in-app purchases, but I still definitely recommend it. If you decide to give it a try someday, make sure to let me know, as there's a special screen at the beginning of the game where it asks you if you were invited to play the game by another player, and if you insert my friend code in there we both get some pretty sweet rewards as you make progress (it only works for beginners). Are you talking about Mark 6? . . . You're a very kind and intelligent guy, Duality, but your iron man knowledge is very, very... lacking. I mean, it's the 6th armor, and it has a triangle as its reactor-core! There's an Illuminati joke to be made there! C'mon! . . . Why am I not surprised in the slightest? QUESTION TIME -Favorite type of tea? -Favorite architectural style? -Any opinions on Tempest Shadow? And last, but certainly not least... -Who is the best out of Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Cadence? You must only pick one of the given options. I'd like to see you cheat your way out of this one. Actually I wouldn't, just properly answer the question already. I won't be too mad if you don't choose the right answer.
  15. No, it means I assumed you were quoting Aladdin. Which you weren't. But don't get me wrong, as I've said before, I personally think your sense of humor is outstandingly exquisite. MY LANGUAGE IS VERY DIFFICULT TO LEARN, MAKING IT NOT WORTH IT CONSIDERING WE'RE THE ONLY ONES WHO SPEAK IT, AND THERE'S A 0.5 PERCENT CHANCE OF YOU KNOWING IT. I'M NOT INSULTING YOU, YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN DUMB TO WASTE TIME ON LEARNING SUCH A USELESS FOREIGN LANGUAGE ALSO YOUR PRONUNCIATION SKILLS DON'T MATTER IF YOU DON'T KNOW SOME OF THE CHARACTERS. IT'S LIKE IF I SHOWED YOU A JAPANESE TEXT Not very fond of it myself, but I had to choose something, didn't I? Oh, I bet you do. Very well, I see there's no hope left for you to ignore it at this point. As I said, I do live with my mom (she's relatively young, very understanding and supports me in everything I do). There is a good reason why I can't move out just yet, but saying what that reason is here would reveal information I wouldn't want going public. My "waifu" is the very concept of Equestria. A rustic land where the inhabitants are naturally kind and compassionate, and there's a place for everybody; noone gets left out or feels useless. And if they do, there's always Twilight and her friendship squadron to personally help make things better. Also I'm a huge fan of oldschool fantasy elements, like magic and mythical creatures. If I had to choose one pony, though, it would be Luna, as I can relate to her a lot: being forced by the circumstances to re-adapt to a world you're unfamiliar with while also being a socially awkward introvert and having serious insecurities. I hope this answer suffices. A very valid reason why I wouldn't want to publicly reveal my middle name, aside from the fact that it's odd to people who don't speak my language and I hate it, is that it's very specific to my country. We may even be the only ones who use it at all. And again, I wouldn't want to reveal that kind of information publicly. I think you can understand where I'm coming from with this.
  16. Ah, finally, the opportunity I've been waiting for to be able to ramble about my ideas. -The royal sisters revisit the ruins of the castle in the Everfree. Seriously, how hasn't that happened already? -More Alicorn Amulet. Trixie mentions it at some point in season 6, but the episode where it was introduced is the only one where it makes an appearance. Would love to learn more about how and when it was forged, and by who. -A Spike and Starlight episode. They seem to have a funny dynamic when they do interact with each other. -Discord interacting with Cadance and Shining (we've never seen that, somehow) Could totally imagine him wearing a Maleficent costume as he's formally introduced to Flurry -Scorpan. Initially, he was relevant to the movie's plot, and seeing as that's not happening anymore I'd love to learn more about him in the show. -An episode dedicated to Rarity's parents.
  17. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who really digs the animation, as I've heard very mixed feelings about it among the fandom, but I figured it was about time they tried something new. Probably won't be able to see it in the cinemas though. . . . Go on. Cottage, huh? And cats? Sounds like the dream to me. Ah, that episode. Talk about fanservice. Had a blast watching it pretty sure the crystal war alternate timeline is based on an old, very popular fanfiction But yeah, Sombra is certainly one of the most powerful, more interesting villains in the show. Too bad he only made an appearance as a laughing gray cloud and in an alternate timeline, most likely for the reason you suggested. Huh, I was expecting something like The Theory of Everything, or maybe Interstellar. Wreck-it Ralph is an animated masterpiece, though. MORE QUESTIONS -What's the most awkward situation you've ever been in? -Favorite gem? -Ever heard of/played the MLP Gameloft Mobile game? -What's your favorite Iron Man armor? (every nerd who likes marvel has one) -Have you met the Eye of Sauron yet?
  18. As the title suggests, this is the thread where you can compare the style of the upcoming MLP:FiM Movie to the Disney-esque style of the popular fan-animation "The Moon Rises". You are encouraged to tell us your opinion as to which style is better (Or perhaps you think they're similar?), and most importantly why. Don't be shy! Stir up a conversation! But remember to be civil! In case you don't know what I'm talking about or want to refresh your memory, here's a link to the original animation by Duo Cartoonist:
  19. . . . I would answer those questions, but it seems they're not in the question category at the bottom of your post. Too bad... No you don't. I guarantee it. You don't even want to know it. Just... take my word on it and let's just forget that I ever mentioned having a middle name Ahh, I love bringing this up and misleading people into feeling bad for me. Truth is, pal, that it's the one of the best things that happened to me as a kid. Still, it's much appreciated. Of COURSE I couldn't mention a magic lamp without you making an Aladdin reference. Oh well, I dug up my own grave. Finally, to answer your questions: -Can't decide between owl and ostrich. Owls are cute predators (and what else do you need?), but "Ostrich" was what my old friends called me at the playground because I used to run so fast the sand would rise behind me. It soon grew out of proportion, and now every young person living around where I live knows me as "The Ostrich". Although I haven't been out there in years, I'm probably an urban legend at this point. -What's with this obsession with middle names? My family tends to choose more oldschool names for middle names (as opposed to names that have a "modern language version", like Alex, for the first names), and I guarantee you wouldn't have the slightest clue on how to pronounce them. There are even some unique characters that don't exist in english. -WHAT'SWITHALLTHEDAMNMIDDLENAMEQUESTIONS I'd like for my middle name to be something that has an easy-to-read and straightforward version in english, although I would prefer not having a middle name at all. But if I have to choose, maybe "Marshal", or "Adrian".
  20. I figured the reason would be something along those lines, and it's very reasonable and understandable. (But it still hurts, 'cause Wave Particle fits so well...) As I said in my analysis, very few ponies in the show have their mane and tail a lighter color than their coat, with a few exceptions. So yes, her mane and tail being lighter than her coat and a bit faded, as well as all the colors being toned down slightly does suggest that she's slightly older than other ponies. You're asking me if a type of comedy is good. The answer was, is and will always be the same: it depends on the audience. Everyone has different tastes in everything. That being said, most humans do enjoy the type of humor you described her as having. However, ponies, judging by the show, might not completely understand it, and therefore might not appreciate it as much. Or maybe they do understand it, but don't use it because they think it's a bit mean. I know only as much as you do. My pleasure. Keep at it, it's a very promising start.
  21. Always happy to help raise someone I like's self esteem THIS IS AN AUTOMATED COPIED-AND-PASTED MESSAGE. To find out my thoughts in regard to what I quoted, please refer to: the first thing you quoted in your last post. I am proud and disappointed at the same time what is this feeling What is this, "Ask Duality: Google Search Edition"? I was expecting some metaphysics shenanigans. WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE REAL DUALITY, YOU DOPPELGANGER? i legitimately got caught off by that how dare you sir I sure hope so. Although the outrageously unnecessary amount of new characters is just SCREAMING "WE NEED TO SELL MORE TOYS!!" in my face. Still, that doesn't mean the movie can't be good. But hey, at least it's not just another EQG, right? Surprisingly specific. As a dessert fanatic, I respect that. Instructions unclear, got hand stuck inside rusty engine MORE QUESTIONS WOOOHOOOOO -Do you still live with your parents? (Just to make sure, you are not allowed to answer anything similar to what I answered.) -Favorite MLP villain? (Including the ones who got reformed eventually) -Favorite movie? -How can I turn my toaster into a lethal ranged weapon?
  22. This is probably the largest wall of text I'm ever going to write on this website, I'll try my best to organize it as well as I can, but bear with me. ~Design~ -Name The first name obviously works well with her talent and personality while also tying in with her backstory, and it's a very plausible name in Equestria. It's when we get to the surname that is starts feeling a little forced. A much more fitting name for her in my opinion would have been just Wave Particle. It fits perfectly with the show, while also having all of the advantages listed above. -Color Scheme Ironically enough, Duality stands out by having a more tame and faded color scheme, as opposed to most of the characters in the show. The two colors chosen also represent her personality and special talent well, being almost opposites on the color wheel, and yet compliment each other well when toned down a notch. Having colors lighter than the coat for the mane and tail is also something we rarely see in the show, and works very well in this case. The watch and eyes also help balance out the color proportions. -Physiology Being older than most ponies, it makes sense for her to be slightly taller than the average pony model. Duality doesn't care much for sports or flying, so her strong build may come as a surprise, but the fact that it ties in to her parents makes for an intriguing detail and an interesting potential conversation topic. One of the most noticeable differences between average ponies in the show are the eyes, but even that got old quickly, seeing as there are about four or five variations, excluding the princesses. Because of this, I find it very fitting for her to have a squint, seeing as it helps her stand out. This and the freckles also work well to suggest her age without needing drastic model changes like we see in most aged ponies (ex. Granny Smith, Apple Rose, Grand Pere). -Cutie Mark Nothing much to say here. The cutie mark fits in well with the rest of the cutie marks in the show (if it's a more simple object, the cutie mark seems to be three of those objects, as opposed to if it's a more complex image, in which case it tends to be only one, balancing out the average complexity and size of the cutie marks), and stylishly represents her special talent, like a cutie mark is supposed to. ~Personality~ Once again, not much to say here. Duality's personality is determined by her past experiences, ideals and motivations, which is how it should be. She may not have the most complex or mind blowing personality, but it's consistent and certainly fits her well. What stands out the most about it is her unusual sense of humor, unusual for the average pony, that is. ~Backstory~ Duality's backstory is very intriguing, but not exaggerated. It's unusual and yet it feels like something that could reasonably happen in Equestria. It's never been very clear how magic works and what the exact science behind it is, and it's very refreshing to see a pony focusing on these aspects of it. A pegasus, nonetheless. I think there's a lot to learn from her experiences (albeit many of the concepts have already been explored before in the show, but you run out eventually), and I could definitely imagine her making an appearance in a "friendship problem" type episode. Her interests are obviously what stands out most about her, and as another user said, it's very interesting and extremely satisfying to see a pony that solves problems trough science and rational thinking rather than some convenient magic we've never heard of before, mixed with dumb luck. ~Conclusion~ In my opinion, Duality is a very consistent and fleshed-out character, who at the same time stands out a lot due to her unusual interests, and personally I would love to see a character like her in the show. Final Rating: 4.7/5
  23. Yes. It was not as catchy. That's exactly why I used the term I used. You are correct. Good job. You must think you're veeeeery cleveeer... Wholeheartedly agreed, glad to see they're working more on worldbuilding and explaining stuff like this more thoroughly. Ah, but it was intentional, my friend. For riddles are not meant to be solved by using your memory, but by using your brain. You see, a riddle from such a popular franchise would understandably be quite easy to identify in its original form by, say, googling it? And what better way to prevent that than by changing a word in the first line? And yet it seems t'was not enough. As you probably know by now, the answer was "a mountain". Now, most mountains have forests on them, and respectively, trees, correct? Those trees have roots, and bark, and branches, and leaves, and whatever else most trees have. Seeing as the mountain "has trees", it can be said that it has trunks, branches, leaves, or roots, like in the original riddle. Much like, if a mountain has caves, and there is a stream inside one or more of the beforementioned caves, it can be said that the mountain has streams. But what about the "can't be seen part? I hear you asking. Well, roots are mostly underground, so it can be said that they can't be seen. BUT. When looking at a mountain from afar, you can barely (if at all) tell trees apart from each other, not to mention their leaves. Therefore this first line could be interpreted as such: "It has leaves, but they can't be seen, so it's either far away or on a very large scale." Is it a stretch? Yes. Does it make the riddle impossible to solve, or "broken", as you said? Absolutely not. Even without this "discrepancy", the other two hints should be more than enough on their own to make solving this riddle possible. Therefore the riddle is NOT, in fact, "broken", and you, my friend, have been thoroughly japed! Ha! What's that? More questions? Here we go! -Favorite videogame franchise? -What is the meaning of life? -Any opinions regarding the upcoming MLP movie event? -Who am I? -Favorite dessert? -How can I create a doomsday device using old car parts?
  24. ... ... ...WHY? Truth is, I had no idea how to answer your question. You hear a soft whisper as the cold wind brushes past you... "Your waifu will never love you..." It's not a cliffhanger if that's where it ends And now, to answer your questions. -One. I would say what it is, but I guarantee you wouldn't know how to pronounce it. Also I hate it with a passion. -Not too interested in flowers, so I settle for the classics. I'd say it's a tie between roses and lilac. -As of recent, one. Although ever since the divorce I didn't really stay in touch with that side of the family. did I say too much -Silly question. A genie lamp, of course.
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