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Purple Pharaoh

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  1. This is going to sound like an insult but it's not meant as such; it came across as a very good fan fiction. They sure nodded to the brony audience in terms of inside jokes and yet it was still entertaining enough for kids who are not part of the in-depth fandom and didn't take away from the actual content at all. Some of the things I liked: The opening song was so catchy! My favorite MLP songs have always been the more theatrical/Broadway style ones. Marble Pie...heartbreaking (I didn't LIKE this per se, but it's nice continuity and gives a sympathetic quality to otherwise unremarkable character) The Apple/Pie/Pear togetherness Rainbow Dash and Discord interacting Fluttershy shooting down AJ's yay. Flurry Heart dressed like a star. I'm not a huge fan but that was cute. I can't deny it. Twily bananas is best Twilight. Pinkie Pie being the right amount of enthusiastic and comical without being being grating. Rarity being generous without being heavy handed about it. A.J.'s sweet comment about her father and her hat.
  2. Oops! You're right.That was a S7 episode. I'll have to rewatch it since I've only watched it once and I don't remember thinking she was out of character, though I will concede that her friends seemed a little bland but maybe upon a second viewing I'll be able to add more to it. I just really liked to see Flutters work towards a goal where her friends weren't literally and metaphorically pushing her while she freaks out. She used her assertiveness lessons and applied them. I was happy for that in the episode if nothing else.
  3. I am loving much of season 8 and Fluttershy Leans in was part of it. She had a goal and saw it through and didn't back down. It was so good to see her not having a panic attack for once. I wish I knew what she did for income though. That will bother me forever unless it's stated. Ironic, seeing how she's the one who had to give tough love to her brother for not having a job. 28 Pranks was well done but for some reason I didn't care for it. I guess this is why I don't do analysis videos, I can't always articulate why something didn't entertain me, even though I find no (well relatively few) faults with it. I think the episode with AJ and RD competing at the expense of the students was the worst episode of the season thus far. They regressed to season 1 antics and the idea that the students assumed they were trying to teach a lesson by bad example just felt lazy and too tidy for the mess that it actually was.
  4. Speaking: Rarity Rainbow Dash Twilight Sparkle Fluttershy Apple Jack Pinkie Pie Singing: Rainbow Dash AppleJack (yay Ashleigh!) Fluttershy Rarity Pinkie Pie Twilight Sparkle
  5. At the Gala was the first song I ever heard from MLP:FiM and I was hooked. I am surprised at how much I like many of the CMC songs, Hearts as Strong as Horses, and Your Heart is in Two places are among my favorites. I'm also fond of Rules of Rarity (It's like Art of the Dress but prettier, imo), and basically any time RD and Fluttershy sing together. Their voice balance each other out so perfectly.
  6. I really liked this episode. For one, I thought it was humorous how members of the main 6 would encounter members of the mean 6 and only Rainbow Dash and AppleJack figured out there was something wrong with Rarity. Even though no one actually discovered what was going on, they all managed to resolve their problems and forgive each other even if they weren't sure why certain others had taken issue with them in the first place. It's a good lesson in loyalty and conflict resolution and giving the benefit of the doubt. I wish I had friends like this. Maybe I do, maybe it's something I need to work on. Anyway, I liked a lot. And I completed related to Starlight with the whole camping thing. Also, somewhat noteworthy was Pinkie comforting Fluttershy. She did a lot better than in Filli Vanilli. No jokes, no shouting, just plain comforting an upset friend. She's matured. It was nice to see. Pinkie is a good person but sometimes the writers take her comedy thing a bit too far.
  7. Considering how Rarity acted in Baby Cakes at the mere suggestion of foal sitting, and how very detail oriented and careful about things that she is, I don't see it. I have to go against everyone and say I think Pinkie Pie, she's a partier and I know plenty of partiers who have become parents while not intending to. Also, going against the popular opinion, AJ, being that she loves family as much as she does, I can see her trying for a foal. Least likely imo, are Rainbow Dash and Rarity.
  8. Considering my favorite episodes are post-Faust, I'd rather let them do their own thing.... However I hope that their "thing" happens to be letting her fly. Some people are late bloomers, or beat all odds even when doctors tell them not to expect it. I think that kind of message is just as important as one to "accept this is how things will always be for you." Not to invalidate that message either, but if they were going to go that route, I'd rather have them conclusively state that she were unable to fly rather than the wait and see approach they have taken with it.
  9. I don't remember anything addressing or even implying immortality, other than how very old Celestia and Luna are. That said, I don't recall anything implying the contrary either. I know she's just a baby, but I was rather expecting more to be done with Fleury Heart than they have at this point considering her alicorn status was such a shock, I thought they were going somewhere with it. They still may, of course but no sign of a story arc thus far.
  10. I'm extremely extroverted and make friends everywhere I go like Pinkie Pie.
  11. This. I like Despicable Me, but IN SPITE of Minions.
  12. The characters on the show do well to showcase how I feel about gender rolls. Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack are female every bit as much as Flutteryshy, and Rarity. Shining Armor is nurturing and emotional. He's also a guard (a stereotypically "manly") job. People are multifaceted and parents should observe the natural inclinations of their children and as long as they aren't to hurt anyone, then they should encourage them to be the best version of themselves possible and nothing more. Let boys like blue or pink or girls play with trucks or dolls. Don't force it, but encouraging well roundedness is a good idea. Studies have shown that the happiest people tend to not be the "extreme" but rather, the most well rounded individuals.
  13. My tablet. Or my cat. They're both to my left and about equal proximity to me. Both would be fitting.
  14. I liked this episode overall. It had humor, particularly from Starlight ("devious!") I find Cozy Glow kind of grating and not as cute as she is "supposed" to be, but she was an interesting character. Really though I was kind of annoyed at Twilight for coming down so hard on the CMC when she has known them for years and what kind of ponies they are. She took Cozy's word over their's without so much as a chance to truly defend themselves. I love Twi, but for The Princess of Friendship, she wasn't very friendly. I could see her writing notes to Princess Celestia back in the day about learning to listen to all sides of story, but she, at this stage should really have been more fair. She did correct the problem and everything ended well but if Cozy hadn't spoken up nothing would have been rectified.
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