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  1. When at Hascon they described it as "Lord if the Rings with ponies" ummm, no. A better comparison would be, "The Princess Bride" or "Willow" with ponies. I get they were trying to hype it, but that's a VERY high standard, and had their allies been in it, I could see a large battle, but we never see that. So I think Princess Bride mixed with renaissance Disney is a much better comparison.
  2. I'll try. But I still feel he belongs with his nation.
  3. Sorry to take an absolutist view, but it's just how I feel.
  4. In my theater their were four other people(family) so total of five people. You guys?
  5. Agreed. Otherwise, Twilight and the others are dumber then a sack a peanuts. one reviewer said if this was after season 6... Grubber: We are dead! We are dead!! The ponies are gonna recruit their allies, and when they see what we did to Canterlot... (Strom King, Grubber and Tempests heads are mounted on the wall, Ember, Thorax, Rutherford, Gilda, Celestia and the others are having a party) Celestia: To the alliance! All leaders: To the alliance!!!
  6. Makes sense. Had this movie come out last year or two years agoc no one would complain.
  7. I do feel it could have easily been addressed. Twilight tells Tempest they have allies with large armies, Tempest mocks them by pretending to be scared along with Gruber, they then reveal the dragonlands have been conquered and enslaved as have the Griffons and Changelings. That would show how big a threat the Storm King really is, that he conquered the ponies allies before knocking on their door step.
  8. Taking place before season 6 or at least before Gauntlet of fire would have made sense.
  9. Before I say this, let me just say for the record, I loved the movie. The quest was kinda pointless. They have a chaos god, armies of dragons, changelings and yaks, and even griffon mercenaries. There is no way The Storm King and Tempest could defeat that kind of power. you could make the argument that Discord was sick. But Ember and Thorax are close allies, and Pinkie could have just got the Yaks to help obliterate the armies of the Storm King. Twilight: "We're back and it's time to wipe you out." The Storm King: "Ha! Oh yeah? You and what army?!" Twilight: "These armies!" (points to show batallions of dragons, changelings and griffon mercinaries in the sky and yaks on the ground) The Storm King: ".....I surrender!!!"
  10. Because I know there wrong? But whatever floats your boat.
  11. Whatever helps you sleep. i still hold the position, that he is a pet(slave) and until I see otherwise, I will hold this. And why not return to the heartland? Make new friends, start a new life, help the dragons become better. That's faaar more useful then doing useless work. Really him staying in the dragonlands and having Ember as his General would have been the best thing to conclude his character. -He came home to the heartland -Became dictator(vassal for Equestria) -Helps guide the dragons to a new era. really there's nothing more, just let Starlight be the useless sidekick.
  12. Yeah, three minutes of Celestias time is way too much for an orphan/slave/only one of his kind for miles to ask for...i call b.s. Glumshanks from Skylanders has more dignity then Spike(all that's missing is for Twilight to throw a beverage in his face) Yep, that's right, I'm comparing the relationship of Twi and Barney Jr((AKA spike) to that of Kaos and Glumshanks(look it up on YouTube)
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