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Sunlight Swift

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Everything posted by Sunlight Swift

  1. Where do you play the collectable card game? I never tried to get into it but I'm curious.
  2. 80% of people respond apathetically. 15% of people are totally cool with it. Like to stick up for people liking their own things. 3% are puzzled or feel awkward. 2% feel inclined to tease me about it. I wear the shirts everywhere and a hat. And a hoodie. And I have the wallet. So I get reactions all the time. Most people don't even seem to notice at all. I have worked with one person wearing these shirts for like a year. All the sudden she was like I like that shirt! Like its the first time she noticed me wear it lol. They aren't the super explosively loud shirts, more subtle, but still colorful pony on each one at least a little.
  3. From what I had read, The prequel movie will be animated with Toon Boom, but the show itself won't with boulder media. I hope they have changed Their mind though and it does stay with the same program as the movie. I don't feel like they would reduce the episode count. So many of these shows order a 65 episode run as a start. That gives two 26 episode seasons and a 13 episode season if they don't order more. But maybe. I would say there certainly does appear to be a much stronger adventure driven premise with the extremely limited information there is so far. Its kind of funny. Lauren Faust wanted G4 to be much more adventure driven but they didn't want it at the time. G5 will probably get the thrust that Lauren was aiming for on G4. I trust Meghan Mccarthy will do well though.
  4. The only thing that triggers me when I love an episode and then some super critical people pop up out of no where, hell bent on exposing its flaws and try to crucify it. Come on everypony, its all just for fun really. I haven't found a moment in this entire show that I feel deserves a legitimate complaint. People being critical of fame and misfortune. *facehoof* its so ironic its gone past hilarious and straight to retarded.
  5. Flutter Brutter has a really good song in it too. Its one of my favorites to sing for fun! Magical Mystery Cure is such an incredible 22 minutes of entertainment, I think it has few contenders in the history of television.
  6. Season 9 is last season yes! It will be thirteen 22 min episodes but there will be two 44 minute special episodes for a total of 15 episodes. Series will definitely conclude before spring 2020. But thats okay! Because epic things will follow!
  7. G5 discussions are super interesting! - Cutie marks continue for sure. - big eyes continue. - faces will not be too human like. Snouts will not be too elongated either. Still not much agreement on design it seems. - "dark side" seems to be the central conflict of the show or movie. One of the only consistent ideas. - World for each of three pony types is pretty much certain at this point. Trying to find ways to make Earth pony world more interesting in comparison to the other two. - Two supporting male characters with mane six is an idea everyone seems to like. But mane six are definitely given higher focus. Pretty much everything else is very not certain. G5 character designs are being worked with boulder this months it seems. For the reboot movie set for march 2020 that will kickstart the series. Everything is fascinating and I am psyched! I am very optimistic about it so far!
  8. I despise the standard method of breaking a movie into its constituent elements and rating them all independently. The problem with taking notes on a film to review it is that it switches your brain from recreation to learning and that literally reduces your brains chances of hitting pleasure sensors. My opinion is that the review should be focused on how the elements collaborate with each other and the overall feelings they evoke. I mean the separate parts like the story and characters and animation should be considered after the film and all the feelings it gave, but how they harmonize with the rest of the film is much more important to me. Its definitely cool to bring out the names of actors and your feelings on their performances too. But even if someone does bad, how they work with the rest of the scene can still make it impactful. That's just my wacky viewpoint though. No offense to anyone there certainly isn't a wrong way, I just have my feelings like everypony else.
  9. I used to go out of my way to play guitar hero at best buy! I mean how else are people gonna know how awesome I am?
  10. Banned cause it says your a bird and you don't have wings, either that or your a ninja and ninjas aren't ponies, or cause I keep getting checkmate
  11. Rainbow Dash: I will get the laundry done in three days flat!
  12. My wife is a fan too. So if I called her and told her one of the main six is here I would have to turn the volume low so as not to go deaf from the excited screaming. Unless I make her go deaf with my excited screaming while I am trying to explain it.
  13. That writer that confirmed it didn't seem all that sure of it himself. I didn't take it as a confirmation really. Also the biggest issue I see in the finale is how Twilight says something about the seaponies, but is surprised at their existence in the movie. That would be a contradiction to the movie being after the finale. But there are bound to be little timeline issues when you have a collaboration independent writers I suppose. That statement may have been to help sell the movie or toys or something too.
  14. Hellfire will never be topped. Thats why i said my lullaby can barely be beat. Hellfire takes the crown for me.
  15. My lullaby>open up your eyes>be prepared Be prepared has glorious animation and a lot going on. But Tempest's lines and Twilight's expressions and the music in open up your eyes still gives a bit more feel than be prepared. My lullaby though from lion king 2 has so much power in the villains lust for revenge it just can't barely be beat as a villain song to me. She is nearly orgasmic in her fantasizing about revenge, its chilling and dramatic as all hell.
  16. That scene so needed a song. Someone needs to make a song for that scene!
  17. Even though Celestia was called queen in the pitch bible, some things were changed after Lauren brought Martin Ansolabehere and Paul Rudish to the team. Paul Rudish is credited with creating the character nightmare moon. I figure they probably decided that with Luna becoming a coruler with Celestia that the title Queen would undermine Luna's position in sharing the position of ruler. Many concepts continued to be evolved after the pitch bible. We don't see 50/50 adventure to relationship episodes, rodeo applejack or much of filledalphia either. I see it as Queen and Princess being titles given equal respect in the equestrian universe.
  18. Well I can definitely see where you get that and it seems reasonable. Here are my thoughts. Tirek was way easier to cope with cause she already had power. Hopelessness was much less a feeling to cope with in that situation. The only real decision she had there was to trade her powers for her friends or not. She chose her friends on an epiphany. In the movie everything was hopeless and she was completely powerless, over an extended length of time too. Starlight was also straightforward. She never felt out of options there and had little reason to. She knew she could get back because the power was much more even there. With the storm king she had no apparent options and had no power and nearly everything she knew was lost. The line between mistakes and immorality is subjective and becomes less clear the more desperate a situation becomes. Find people in very hard times if you don't believe me. People automatically start doing things they would otherwise have never done in many cases. She did use her friends yes. That was her radical decision. It felt acceptable because she convinced herself it was for a better purpose. She didn't earn enough trust from the hippogriffs to get their help so she wouldn't have felt she blew anything. People hurt people they care about commonly. I have said I am better off without my wife years ago and we are still married. Many say things when they are angry they don't really mean. Its unfortunate but its a part of life. Whats important is how you make up for it and learn from it. I still feel this was a very accurate representation of Twilight Sparkle.
  19. I almost commented twice Didn't realize I already did. So I edited this. Don't know how to delete this post.
  20. Oh yeah my life has never been better and I never imagined life could be this good!
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