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  1. I kept PS1 and PS2 that i have now. The Wii is not worth having anymore, especially when the wii store is gonna end in 2018.
  2. What if we are like "Sims". Its a simulation, so to us it is reality in the place we live in. I was looking up Matrix and the movie on wiki was mentioning plato theory of "people living in a cave" theory, and was watching this video. Considering reality doesn't make too much sense, but for us it does make sense when we use logic to it. But its a insensical world because is reality sane? The only thing that is real is math... but what if the real thing behind it is created and isnt real. We can understand our world through science, our physical world. But what about reality, can we understand if real... is real.
  3. People are very strange aren't they
  4. Rarity wishes a good day. Say hello to Rarity
  5. Well it is annoying when it replays. Once is enough. I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't so repetetive. The game is overall good though despite that, but maybe its not too bad for everyone. Also if you have played Shadow the Hedgehog video game, its explained that Shadow in Sonic Heroes to Shadow the Hedgehog is the real shadow. Its a short voice clip by Eggman during the final boss that he picked Shadow up in outer space and took him to that capsule which he got out from in Sonic Heroes. Though Eggman mind tricks him sometimes of being real or fake. Well atleast real Shadow as in SA2 Shadow that you were in that game to Sonic Heroes and outwards
  6. According to Hasbro it seems more canon for BonBon to keep secrets than Lyra, though its always funnier to me to imagine Lyra being the one who reads into conspiracies. I also saw this video and thats how i like to imagine it in some sense.
  7. Well the first 2 stages i remember much and loved it mostly. The others not so much. Though now as an adult i played it all the way through and find new appreciation for the rest of the stages and concept that i couldn't really do back then since i did too just play whatever seemed fun back then. I thought Adventure 2 Battle was more my thing then, but i think the reason i couldn't get into it was that i just didn't understood much what the game was going for. With Adventure 2 Battle it was very simple, you play a character, you do this and it has a story. So that was just more easier to grasp into. But Sonic Heroes is in regards very good, and the execution of Team Work as game mechanic is pretty much well done.
  8. In my view the most hardest Sonic game i've ever played. No, its not the stages. Stages are actually somewhat fun to gain A-Ranks, by just looking up scores on IGN or something. What is hard is the special stages, not sure if this is game design to fight the controls or if its made to be bugged by mistake, since the only way sometimes that i could collect more orbs was to just boost in circles to the next orb due to not slowing down to much, if you are going to get the 3rd Chaos Emerald which is like the hardest to get in the game then this is the way i did it as Team Sonic, considering Team Dark and Team Sonic is the fastest, the best way to beat the special stages is strategy, like if too many obstacles then the more slower like Team Rose would be good since its easier to avoid that way... like the other 6 emeralds i think i got by somewhat skill in that regards, i had much more difficulity getting the 3rd one, and the fact that you have to go through the stage to get the key to do it again also can add some pressure, so if you want to take that stuff off your mind, listen to some audio online while doing it.The only bad thing i can say is "they talk too much" thats it like in gameplay wise. Good thing i can say is it requires team work to get through the stage effectively, the concept and idea and execution works very well in that regards. Super Hard mode with Sonic on the other hand is pretty insane once you get all the A-Ranks in the games which is unlocked once you do. Which is kind of fun to do. Here is my personal favorite to least favorite to play through 1: Team Dark 2: Team Chaotix 3: Team Rose 4: Team Sonic Also one thing i didn't like is sometimes there are glitches like with Vector i sometimes fell through the wall in Bullet Staton i think it was called though i didn't die luckily. And Sonic Team was even worse in some cases with the toad stages, if you pick Sonic and run straight through some loop. BOOM fall right through the stage. Or some failed scripted scenes. It has its flaws of that but its not implayable, some certain events are a pain which i noticed in main event of the game but thats like these few cases. Besides that its totally playable. Otherwise this game is hard but that doesn't mean its really bad. But i won't say its perfect but its an ok playable game. S I played the PS2 version which is infamous for some reason, though i haven't actually seen that much difference except the graphics is more sharper and framerates somewhat smoother on the other versions like Xbox, PC and GameCube. But it doesn't seem that different from the PS2 besides that. But i can't say for sure. This is the experience i got from the PS2 version atleast, i heard the GameCube is the best version to use though. So there you have it. What do you think of the game in general if you have played it? I never beat it fully as a child but i always liked Sonic ever since Adventure 2 Battle on GameCube made me a fan. But back then Sonic Heroes was too dificult for me. But curious to how you experience the game itself
  9. I meant as in one who is not open to atleast try to be open to new ideas or new generation of peoples interest. There exists such people, like i used to watch Razorfist or while i have also seen for example Retsupurae commentaries on some games due to grinding in some RPGs that i do. But they tend to have views on what they consider a good game or not which is essentially not compatible to what i like, then again i don't think Chipcheezum or Retsupurae is anti Metal Gear Solid though they do joke alot somewhat respectibly. But then again i do realise that people have different views on what they like and thats totally fine and normal. I think this is the case if you are going to be as an individual on the bandwagon or not, kind of like anti bronies are which exists, but the problem is they probably just have made up their mind and just don't try to listen to the other side of view, and it ends up just cursing and all sorts of negativity. While this is not always the case and i can't like be close minded to people who simply say "i don't agree or dislike eitheR" because its afterall a good thing people think differently is what i am saying. Not that i agree though but its good it essentially exist so that way you can make argument for why you think they are essentially wrong, respectfully of course
  10. Well i am not critcizing liking characters or admiring them. People probably think i am some old person who is small minded, which i try not to be but its just what i feel and can't help when it goes to the point that its not so much about the show as it is about yourselves. Like maybe i am somewhat jelous too since its like music. Some grew up in the 80s when hair metal was cool, then you get old and Nirvana comes along and you just cannot understand it and you are like 25 and its over (well i listened to some Bill Burr commentary on that) same way with old people. Like i love that people are massivel passionate about their hobbies, and i hope nobody takes that away from it. I have seen some insanely reactionary youtubers who hates games such as Metal Gear Solid for example which was the bomb on PS2 when i was a 11 year old kid. But i dunno, maybe its because of shame too. Like you could for example say some people would think if you are an adult with a bandana how stupid that would look. Now if you are a teen or a kid then its sort of acceptable more to fool around. Or maybe its the lonliness, as in you don't actually know people you can relate to it. I am rambling but yeah... You should just do what makes you happy. As the above comment says. It doesn't hurt any people.. well atleast to respectable limits, but you get what i mean
  11. No not at all. Like i think MLP is fun, but in my free time i think video games is fun to talk about. But i notice MLP aswell as furries are much more objectible than like "Oh that was funny" or something. I dunno, it makes me feel weirded out is what i am saying. But then again people like Game of thrones and as a human being i am not into those type of shows, but that doesn't mean i don't get happy when i see people being passionate about it.
  12. Sonic fans are more fun. Its sort of good family business. But the overall imagination of personification in MLP is sort of what gay people are to the LGBT, With Sonic they get together because, well its Sonic we like Sonic games. Its not, we identify as Sonics, and dress up and wanna obectify it. Which is why fans elsewhere generally are more relatable. Bronies are to what furries are, very much into the object of themselves through the show, content wise MLP atleast has that merit of entertainment of if i ignore this obectification of it, furries literally has nothing outside their art and dressup. If it was for drawing and stuff then furries would have had some dignity, but its the same thing in terms of the massive objectification, and not "because we think its cool to draw furry animals and looks fun to do" its more I AM A WOLF. And that stuff. Just wondering what you think?
  13. I haven't actually seen it due to it not been on netflix yet. But she must have hobbies outside sleeping
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