Synic muttered at the commotion outside the worn-down inn he was staying at. On the outside, it looked like any other Canterlot building, beautiful and expensive. But the inside told a different tale. Curious to see what the noise was that was keeping him awake, he stood up slowly and stretched, wobbling to the door. When he stumbled out of the building and regained balance, he stalked his way over to the post where a small crowd of ponies had gathered, shoving his way through the group, he narrowed his eyes to read the flier they were staring at. Something about Celestia being in trouble? Maybe the royals will pay me. I could use those bits. He grumbled and snatched the flier off the post hastily.
"Hey, I was gonna take that!" a young colt hollered at him.
"Bah." Synic didn't bother to reply, storming off to the gates.
When he arrived at the castle he attempted to walk straight through the gates, but the guards moved in front him, blocking entrance. Rolling his eyes, Synic held up the flier.
"I have a flier, alright? Let me in."
The guards saw the flier and reluctantly let him pass.