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Posts posted by NoPonyluvzU

  1. I am NoPony. 
    I've been out of music for like a year or so since I hit a block. But I recently returned to composition. I have been known to experiment with style and genre but I make my home in the hard rock/metal scene. Recently I tried experimenting with some more ambient, horror, orchestral style stuff...varying success. It's currently the only track I've actually published to Pony.fm and I cleaned out my soundcloud from many of my conceptual works to make way for what is sure to be...more conceptual work -.- 
    it is a pleasure to meet you all. 
    Things of note. I only really make music when inspiration hits me, That inspiration is usually darker themed because I am a true edge lord, Most of my songs will probably be about Luna, I detest swearing, I suck at making lists, I don't even check them twice, I am a true edge lord, because I don't check list twice I'm really struggling to remember what was already on this list...I suck at making lists?
    Anyways hope you enjoy listening to my tracks as much as I enjoy discovering and listening to yours. 

    I was the one applejack was talking to...I am
    -NoPony...luvzU (because Nopony was already taken because I'm not clever XD )

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