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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Illusion

  1. I really didn't see the point of him :/ all he did was laugh, say 'crystal' occasionally and roar a few times.. He didn't do much either, he was mainly fog with glowing eyes D: and when he actually became a unicorn in the flesh... he was destroyed XD The crystal ponies feared him so much and yet we didn't even get to see what he could accomplish :/
  2. Your D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW went all of the way off of my screen XD haha, but thank you very very much for the mega d'aww
  3. This was so epic and amazing!! I loved the groovy music that you have used!! And I loved how spongebob and patrick just kinda tagged along after Feld0 came out of the ocean XD Brilliant!!
  4. Woooow! Now that was a huge explosion of cuteness!! XD hahaha, I'm so happy that people are finding her cute and adorable ... even if she is a changeling So, thank you!!
  5. I'm so glad that you all like her Thank you so very very much!! She took me quite some time to do, and I'm rather pleased with how she turned out <3
  6. Sooooo, my second OC :3 I felt as if I wanted something different from a regular pony, so I opted for a changeling! I looked and looked at the normal changeling and saw that they all looked the same apart from chrysalis. With that I decided to make a younger sister for her she can't possibly be the only female changeling around! Below is a picture of Enigma, which means different or puzzling. I still have her backstory to write since I'm still planning it out But here she is I think she turned out so adorable and I hope you all agree!
  7. The light was so bright that Illusion had to shield her eyes, she moved her head to face away from the light but tried her best to try and look at morning star through a gap that was inbetween her hooves. "W-Whats happening?" She spoke with a slight paniced tone in her voice.
  8. Wolf it down and get brain freeze D: What to do with a racoon holding a banana
  9. Illusion's smile dropped, "What if they want her back? I don't wanna give her back! I've just made friends with her!! And I think we'll do a SPLENDID job of looking after her back in Ponyville". She nuzzled Enigma who was sitting perfectly still on her back, smiling. "I mean look at her, shes just so cute for a changeling!".
  10. "We're going to find the changelings? But where did Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's love, boom them off to? They flew into the distance never to be seen again...or so we think." Illusion picked up the filly with her magic and placed her on her back. "Well, we best get going! Since, you know... we could be some time finding them, haha!" She giggled to herself. "Ivy? You know we both have wings, right?" She paused for a moment, "Why don't we use them, I've noticed that we walk everywhere a lot..."
  11. "True...true..BUT! She may also grow up differently, and be a nice changeling? I highly doubt it but its a possibility!" She looked over at the changeling. "Soooo... are we just gonna stand here on this mountain top for all eternity?" She giggled.
  12. Haha XD I love Sheldon! I wish I could keep him...but sadly I can't I love the moustache one! <3
  13. "Well, did she say she had a name?" Illusion looked at Ivy as she questioned her. "Did she mention anything at all about where she came from or how she got lost?" Illusion looked down at the changeling, "I can't believe she's a royal, she looks nothing like Chrysalis at all..."
  14. Enigma looked side to side and spotted her long teal coloured tail and began running around in circles to chase it. "HEEHEEEEEEE!" She squeeled as she ran round and round and round. As soon as Illusion saw Enigma spinning round to catch her tail, she instantly snapped out of her daze "Uh--wha? Daww, she's chasing her tail hehe" Illusion giggled. "So... if she's a royal...how come shes here...and, they only royal changeling we know is...*gulp*.. Chrysalis..." Her eyes widened.
  15. "We can't just let her roam the town and eat everyone!" She gasped. She put her hoof on the filly's head and rubbed her hair, only to discover that there... tangled in her hair was a small crown. "S--SHE HAS A CROWN!?" Illusion sat still, very still. Infact she didn't move at all. Her facial expression was blank and her eyes were wide open.
  16. "A CHANGELING!?!?" She backed away as she stared straight at Enigma. "H-how...w-- Don't come near me! I don't want my love to be eaten!!" As she was backing away she lost her footing and fell but landed into a sitting position. Enigma jumped from Ivy's head and revealed her true form. "Aren't I purdy?" She smiled. "I like chocolate milk, do you?" she asked intregueingly at Illusion. Her tattered wing started to flutter in excitement. "Will you adopt me??" Illusion stopped panicing and looked closely at the changeling. Her expression was blank for a moment, and then all of a sudden she burst out and said, "I DON'T CARE IF YOUR A LOVE SUCKING CHANGELING, YOU ARE JUST SO DARN CUTE! Me and Ivy can both look after you!..... you can eat her love >.>"
  17. "An odd night? Oh and who's your new friend? Shes so adorable!" She giggled. "Please tell me what happened, where did you meet her?" Illusion's eye shone with every step she took towards Ivy to see the new comer. "Whats her name!? You must tell me!".
  18. Enigma again sat on Ivy's head and scoped the mountain for a purple pony. "Over dere, over dere!! Next to the twees!" She squeaked as she jumped up and down. "Lets go!" She laughed then she pointed her hoof in the direction of the purple pony. Illusion sat gazing at the sky, "Ivy.. where are you? You're usually never late. I'm getting worried" She gasped, "Oh what if a hydra got her, or a wyvern... or even worse... a C-COCKATRICE!!". Suddenly, she heard hoof steps in the distance, her ears pricked up as she waited for the pony to emerge.
  19. "That cannot be... For I am to be Queen of all dreams in the coming weeks, I am betrothed to a lover back home. I will make sure that you will get your happy ending, a happy ending that you deserve." She got up and started to walk away deep into the darkness.
  20. I just adore my new OC, shes so cute! Even for a changeling! :D

  21. The young filly was reluctant to follow, but eventually she did. She toddled along side Ivy as they started their journey through the forest to meed Illusion.
  22. Enigma dashed outside and started chasing butterflies, and birds, and squirrels, and every other creature that was either flying or scurrying about. She ran up to every pony she could see and greeted them then ran off to go greet another pony and so on. She just couldn't contain her excitement.
  23. She started to twirl her hoof on the ground of Ivy's house. "I 'unno" She whispered. "They just gots to love me, dats all my real sister tole me".
  24. "Ivy? Whats wrong?" Her horn dimmed. "This is awkward, I need love to survive... I got left out there for quite some time, and I need to feed" She lowered her head in shame. "I'm just so hungwy, I'm sorry Ivy...Maybe some other pony can help? Maybe they will love me? I'll change form so I don't scare anyone!" The young changeling turned into a pale green filly with dark green hair similar to Ivy's mane. "Now I look like I'm your little sister!"
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