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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Bo-setsu

  1. With people, I like to think that I have a lot of patience, so my biggest pet peeve has to do with writing (fanfiction, mostly). I can't stand it when people don't space out their paragraphs. It makes it hard to read. And using text speak in formal writing is just...why would you do that? If you want someone to take you seriously, you can't just put 'ur' and 'lol' in there. It just ruins the immersion. I'm usually lenient with minor spelling errors, but there's also 'not eve ntyring too revize wat you rote.'
  2. Have you ever had a moment where it seems like you're the last person to find out about something? Or watch a movie that everyone else already has? Or to read a book? Infinity War just came out, and I want to see it, but I know that I probably won't get to until the DVD comes out in six months or so. By the time the hype's died down, i'll be over here in a corner ranting like a lunatic, so don't mind me when that happens. But a lot of the times it's old movies I just took ages to finally see. I really want to play Doki Doki Literature Club, too, but i'll wait until I get a computer that doesn't belong to the school (graduating in less than two months and can't be happier!) So, have you ever done this?
  3. I feel pretty proud of myself after doing something difficult. It's just the feeling of having gotten something done when it was tough to do. I like to think that it shows that i'm showing how much I can do, and I think that you can't get very far without doing your end of the job. So I do mine.
  4. Me and this one kid stayed outside after everyone went in for recess. We played on this little ice patch at the edge of the playground, and I think it took about an hour for them to find us, and boy where they livid. When we were brought in, the principle came to scold us and both me and him (other kid) cried. This was in kindergarten, though, long long time ago. I can't remember anything major after that, our schools weren't the best at punishment other than detentions nobody showed up to. I'm still not much of a troublemaker anyway, not worth the results.
  5. There's no such thing. People are people, whether shy or assertive, and we should all treat them as kind as we would the next person. I'm not going to judge you on if you're a Fluttershy or a Rainbow Dash. I would like people to treat me the same way. It's basically a golden rule in my book; treat others the way you would want to be treated. Not to sound like a Mom or anything, but I just don't really find the appeal in name-calling. It sounds so mean.
  6. No...I don't think I ever will. I just think that it's such an adult thing to do. And it's not that I don't see myself as an adult, I just don't see myself as that kind of adult. I want to keep as much of my kid-self intact as possible when I grow up, such as not drinking or smoking or any of those habits. It's just that it's something said over and over that we shouldn't do, and I just don't see why I shouldn't do it now.
  7. I really like the channels that feature fixing up old electronics! Mostly computers, though. There are a couple I like especially, like the 8-bit-guy, LGR (Lazy Game Reviews), and this one's virus testing, but I like Danooct1's videos, too. Sometimes I watch movie reviews from Saberspark or Mr. Enter, but I especially like the Fandom Files series that the RPG Monger does. Edit; I forgot the Game Grumps how could I forget the Game Grumps
  8. I've never dated anyone, so my expectations might be fantastical. But i'd want to find someone considerate and kind, and willing to talk if there's ever a need for it. Someone generous and honest and can make me happy, as well as accept when i'd want to help them be happy, too. I'd want someone to be my partner and my friend above anything else. Everyone has flaws, and we should both be mature and look past them. Maybe i'm just looking for a friend, first. Friends sound nicer. And without as much pressure.
  9. The rise of cell phones was due to people thinking that they could make communication on the go easier. And they did! If someone were in a car accident, they could dial for help. If a wife needed to tell her husband something while at work, she could. Soon, internet became a function on the modern cell phone, and with the rise of social media, people have taken to engrossing themselves in what is essentially another world. The way things work on the internet is different than the way things work in real life, and I think that people have become infatuated with it. However, there are some certain people who seem to think they can replace one reality with another. Real life friendships and relationship are important. Contact with people is important. Texting your friends isn't properly socializing yourself, and everybody needs human contact in order to thrive. If we cut that down to just minor interactions at the grocery store or the doctor, then we start to lose a major part of our lives. Luckily, the streets are still populated, and, with time, it is possible to get someone who is too attached to their phone to notice it too, and become a part of those populated streets.
  10. Expression in anime and manga are often hyper-exaggerated, in the style that anime has (same as how Looney-toons has their own unique style of squashing and stretching proportions to make them more rubbery and cartoony). It depends on who's drawing; some facial expressions can go beyond just one default style, and an artist can portray many different types of expressions and character designs. However, some artists can get stuck drawing the same face to many different characters (Rumiko Takahashi comes to mind). It just depends on the anime you watch or the manga you read, but personally, I think that cartoony or stylized expression are far more enjoyable to read and look at. Very rarely can realistic anatomy capture me as quickly and easily as cartoons can.
  11. These are really cool! Are there any other shapes that you use for the designs? How long do they take to make?
  12. When it's something i'm afraid of, I tend to hide from it or put it off. But if it's something I like, I really try to dedicate a lot of my time an energy into it. But I do take breaks often, even if I enjoy what i'm doing. Otherwise I lose any motivation to continue what i'm doing, and that's pretty counterproductive. But I like to make a list of things that I like, and doing those things in between work loads helps make it easier to handle.
  13. I don't feel that embarrassed around my parents. They're family, and everyone's got parents. Spending time with them is just a way of showing that you care about them. That doesn't mean that I spend all of my time around them. Being an adult means that you need to stand up without needing your parents, but having them around isn't inherently a bad thing.
  14. No, and I hope I never do! That would be kinda scary... I usually do my best not to do things that warrant police intervention.
  15. I don't like to use the word, "hater." I feel like it diminishes the severity of a situation by calling a bad person a silly name. All mean people are, in a way, bad, especially when they bully or hurt people for no reason but their own personal gain. But I think the worst are those who are willing to really harm someone or ruin their life for no gain at all. There are people out there who want to see people hurt for the sake of a distraction, and my reaction to this is another topic altogether, but all in all, I think that those kinds of people are the worst. The best thing we can do is be the nicest people we can be, so to distance ourselves further from that kind of attitude. Even to the people we hate or don't like, becoming them and being mean back is never the way to respond.
  16. I like talking on the phone if it's someone I know. It can be so reassuring to hear a friend or family member's voice! It's like an audible reminder that they really are still there. Anybody can pick up a cell phone and text in place of someone, but to actually hear them is frankly nicer. That's just my opinion.
  17. I never swear, and normally when I do, it's reserved for occasions when i'm feeling very, very bad about something. I hope that it properly shows that if i'm angry enough to swear, it means that what i'm talking about is very important to me. But even then, I think that swearing can easily hurt a person's feelings, and I wouldn't like to be cussed out, so I don't do it to other people. I hate making people feel bad, even when I might not be feeling that great myself. I try to make my point come across using gentler words, because i've seen that they sometimes hit harder than swearing can.
  18. I always liked the kind with sprinkles. They're so colorful! But the Boston creme ones are really good, too. Just heavy on the stomach.
  19. Thank you all for the warm welcome! From what i've seen, there's a lot to talk about with people who have all sorts of opinions! I always like it when there's that opportunity, not many other boards have such expansive topics or open-minded members. I think i'm gonna learn a lot here! I've been rewatching the show between sleep and school, relaxation times are far and few in between, but it proves to be very good at making me just a little less stressed about deadlines for scholarships and open house meetings. (being an adult just kind of snuck up on me, how did it do that?)
  20. I sleep with many blankets, the weight is very nice. Stuffed animals, a quiet room but not too quiet. I don't want it too dark either, so I keep a nightlight. I have a stuffed duckie I hold when I sleep, too, so I want to have him there. No cat scratching at the door would be wonderful, and the best part of it would be not having to worry about anything the following day, or week, or month.
  21. First it's two feet of snow. Then it's hot weather, and then it's another two feet of snow. Mother Nature must be distracted, I think.
  22. I find that I often say something and people will laugh and I laugh too even if I don't know what I just did that was so funny, but okay.
  23. On other people? You do whatever you like! Confidence is all it takes! A strong mind, and strong hopes yield good visions for those who wish to fulfill their wishes in the future. But on me? I wouldn't know what counts, I can go either way! I dress pretty plainly as it is, so I guess going for a full dress or a straight up men's outfit would count as crossdressing on both sides. I don't wear makeup, though, I draw the line there. Feels icky, like paint on my face. I can understand why other people would like it, though, all colorful and pretty. Maybe someday I can learn to like it a little.
  24. I'm a senior in highschool. I know my classmates, I see them everyday. Relationships are serious business for me, and to be honest, and saying this while being a teenager, dating one of my fellow teens is the last thing that I would ever want to do, ever. I'd rather wait until i'm older and have a proper idea of what I want in life, and not have to spend my time waiting for my "date" to stop texting their buddy about Fortnite or their girl about what Linda said on Facebook the other day. Besides, I don't think i'm going to date all over. I'd like to be friends first for a while, just to see if I want to devote myself to this person enough to call it a proper love. If you understand where i'm coming from.
  25. I'm sure I will have a wonderful time here! This is the biggest welcome that i've ever gotten!
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