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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by 000

  1. A! If I see one more person post a picture when we are almost there, then...you suck
  2. 10/10 Masterpiece!
  3. I'm so bored. I know! Lets talk about Super Smash Brothers! More importantly the new one that is going to come out for the WiiU and the 3DS. Being one of the very reasons I will buy the WiiU this Christmas I really am very excited to see how it looks. After years of playing Melee and other years playing Brawl, This is the biggest game I am waiting for. There is a lot of things that the developers can put into it, And these are some of the things I would like to see in it. More and Moar characters: I would love to see famous and old characters from Nintendo to be in it. Like, Clu Clu to Dixie. The choices are endless! And I think with the power of high tech DVD's we can see a lot! Plus some third party characters too, but not too much to stray away from the main focus of Nintendo characters. Like, put Mega Man into Smash, because, almost every nintendo knows MegaMan, not some random character from a japanese looking title. Trophies, and a lot of em: Yeah, yeah, there is already a ton in the game, there is also stickers. But hey, more trophies, means more collecting, and more collecting, means more time playing the game. It's a win win. Broader choosing of stage building: The stage builder for Brawl was cool and all, but I want MOAR, as the saying goes "If you give a mouse a cookie, he will want more and if you don't he will call your game dumb" wait...maybe that's not how it goes. But it would be cool to have new objects and hazards in your game. Hey, if you hate our music, put your own music in it instead: Probably won't happen because of a whole lot of law issues and other things I don't have time to explain...you know what, ignore this one. I want to play as Random but this fat puffball keeps showing up, and I deeply hate him: Super Smash Bros had a place where you can decide which stage you chose and what items you can pick up during your battles, but never to decide what Random Character you would choose, this could come in handy at times and It could be set to someones Nickname, pretty cool huh? The most Biggest Adventure you will ever lay eyes on: And Finally, the biggest thing that I want...The Greatest Adventure Mode ever! Super Smash Bros: You just fight people and at the end you fight the boss Master Hand. Super Smash Melee: You go through classic games to fight the main character at the end. Super Smash Brawl: A Cinematic journey with your favorite Nintendo characters as they face off against the villains of famous Nintendo franchises. Now: The Adventure Mode gets better and better every single game. So it is going to be hard to pull off a good Adventure Mode, what i had in mind it should have another epic cinematic adventure but instead of random places and enemies created for the game. It should have the characters go into each others games and beat the crud out of the enemies in their world. It would be a very great experience nevertheless. Now I want to hear what you guys say, what do you want to see in the new Super Smash Brothers?
  4. When I was a kid, I had a dream that I was in New York, trying to hide from Mickey Mouse who was somewhat like a Mafia Leader. It was way more better than the dream about the T-Rex who comes out of nowhere and starts eating my house while I was in the kitchen washing dishes.
  5. They made one of my favorite games And a game I really hate So I have a love/hate relationship for this Publisher. One day you are making some of the greatest games in your era, then you are known for making the blandest games of your era. That's just...sad, and a bit cruel. When I was a kid I would play Shrek 2 The Game and Spider Man 2 all the time. (those were Activision games by the way) But now... I hate them for ruining Crash and Spyro and making one of the most hated games ever to come. But you can say that they are the worst Publisher for one reason...Atari was f***ed when Activision was born.
  6. 000

    gaming Which to get?

    I think Ratchet and Clank collection is the thing for you to get. ...Because it's 3 games...That can take a bit of time to beat 3 Games.
  7. I can be Berry Punch in your series. I can also be Princess Molestia...But I'm more interested in Berry Punch...because...I don't know, I just want to be Berry Punch. Email: jacobsclub72@yahoo.com
  8. 000

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Nothing, Because I'm too scared to go on one at all. Would you rather be death or blind?
  9. Hmm, did you and Windows XP Get along in any way?
  10. How do you beat Level 6 in Chips Challenge...well, I might think you know this because it was on your operating system. I could be wrong.
  11. ...Wait...I dont...what is this new banner about again?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thrackerzod-


      Hello "Sweetie Bell Excel"

    3. 000




    4. Thrackerzod-


      Iamb thrakorzod your otherworldly self

  12. I played it with my brother, My brother had White, I had Black. And this was BY FAR the best game. You can do this link thing and its like a game in a game. You can even go into the others person game as a Pokemon or a Trainer and bug him. It also has somewhat video chat. The sound is good and the video is good for a Dsi (thats what i played it on). And I played and loved Pokemon Yellow, and I find this game better. But my opinion and all.
  13. It is probably a Knockoff, where they make it look like the MLP TV Show...no, scratch that, EXACTLY like the show, but to not get sued they change the name. Well, I don't really know how that helps not to get sued, because I have no idea about copyright infringement and what not. But it's safe to say that's what it exactly is.
  14. Mario Kart: Double Dash (Had to buy it twice, second one I bought had a Bonus Disc) Namco Museum (Had 2, one from my house and at my Aunt's) Sonic Heroes (I bought it from a Trade-A-Game, but the bastard didn't work) Mario Party 4 Mario Party 5 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Finding Nemo Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (That broke sadly, with my Game Guide also) Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets Jimmy Neutron: Attack of the Twonkies Super Mario Sunshine (Had twice, one at my house, another one at my Aunt's) LEGO Star Wars Sonic Mega Collection Shadow the Hedgehog Robots Monster's Inc. Scream Arena DragonBall Z Budokai Wario Ware, inc. The Grim Adventures if Billy and Mandy Disney Sports Skateboarding Metriod Prime Looney Tunes Back In Action Super Smash Bros. Melee (Bought twice, cause first one broke) The Spongebob Squarepants Movie The Simpsons: Hit and Run Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex Star Fox Assault Star Fox Adventures Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness Wario World The Legend of Zelda Collection Cars Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Twice, one broke) Sorry...when I saw this thread, I couldn't resist! Now Who wants to know my PS2 Collection?
  15. Someone makes a crossover when they realize they like both things and wonder how it would look if they were fused or crossed together. It's not a really hard question.
  16. The longest time I sat staring at a TV is when my dad said. "Hey, you guys need to watch the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy with me, I got the DIRECTORS CUT." and..yeah, longest time ever. In fact I think I fell aleep in parts of the second one.
  17. What I do on a dry season specifically Summer. I go swimming outside, when I'm not Swimming I stay Indoors most of the time. That Is What Your Talking About Right?
  18. I will have to go with Goldenye, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Donkey Kong Country, and..... MICKEY'S SPEEDWAY USA THIS IS THE BEST ACCOMPLISHMENT IN RARE WARE HISTORY, ONE OF MY FAVORITE N64 GAMES GROWING UP! Maybe not a lot of people know about it, BUT I DO It will always be my FAVORITE RareWare Game of all Time!!! LOOK AT IT AND ALL IT'S GLORY!!!!!!!!
  19. I got a fixed N64 with Conker's Bad Fur Day and Zelda Ocarina of Time

    1. The Stranger

      The Stranger

      Nothing beats the classics. :D

  20. 1633-5374-8718 That's my 3DS Friend Code. It would be fun to play Mario Kart 7 or make notes/pictures on Swapnote Or Something. @Gone ϟ Airbourne @RamblingPony @Lando @Applekags @Galex Dj Just to say I have all your 3DS Friend Codes and ready to be yo friend.
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