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Polar Breeze

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Everything posted by Polar Breeze

  1. Hey all! Just a quick update... I am going to be stepping back from here once again! ^c^ It isn't a bad thing or worrying thing at all! But I am not sure this forum site is really for me at the  moment. I am happy for all that it works for indeed, but I dunno. I will still be around here of course checking stuff  every so often! But I think I am not going to post anything for a long while. Even if it didn't work for me, I am happy  for all that it did do a ton for, and  hey... I still want you all to smile despite all of this! ^_^ I thank you all who tried to help me around here... and hope that you guys continue to have wonderful times around here.

  2. So! To start this one off, I wanted to thank those people who have responded to my posts, reacted, or even responded to the forum topics I have made. To be heard and seen on some topics is rather nice! And... to be shocked at some people who I never would have expected to talk or see me at all... to... actually see me? Almost brought some tears to my eyes at points. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart... :(


    I do still have some hesitancy when it comes to responding to other's posts and forum things. I do not know what it is! Especially since I have been proven wrong that some higher ups have talked to me and... really it shocked me more than once around here. I guess I just feel like I am barging in or just not what they are looking for thinking they have so many other people and friends to talk with. Someone new might just be odd for them? But... I think this is a worry that is not really one at all since some have talked to me that I never would have ever expected! Heheh... but it has made me just make my own stuff for  now and not really going for others. >_<

  3. Hello and good morning everyone! I think you all know what I am going to say, but I hope every one has rested up well and that your dreams were nothing but good! And if so, it only means it is a good start to an hopefully even better day. Finally, that said day follows and continues to be great until the night when we all rest... at least those who do not stay up all night like me... and that the cycle repeats with another good dream!

  4. I hope everyone is having a fantastic day so far. Talking to those you are friends with around here and having nothing but good times! It always makes me the most happy to see others smile and be happy with each other. So keep on doing that, because in the background... you are making me smile more than anything! So continue having said good day, and I hope it continues for days, months, or even years in the future.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Then my goal is complete, that is all I want to do! For the most part that is... makes me happy to hear that from you, thank you!

    3. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Have a great day too! Rememeber to show the world your smile! :squee:

    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Aww, well thank you so much for those kind words! That filled my heart up with joy! ^c^

  5. Welp, I dunno what else to do here right now other than waiting... soooo... I am going to give out my Discord right  here! Polar#4674. I have no idea  if this is either a great idea or a terrible idea... but I have no clue what else I am doing right  now. And since boredom tells me to go for it, there we go! Just another means of contact I guess if anyone wants it. :kindness:

    1. Splashee


      It is possible to have your Discord name in the profile as well :kindness:

    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Yeah, but dunno if that will get seen as much... not sure anyone will take the Discord to be honest, but just gonna leave it here if anyone wants it. If not, that is a-okay too! ^^

  6. And now this is another good morning to everyone here! Please let me know if this gets annoying to anyone, yeah? x3 But yes, good morning! Here's hoping everyone had a good night's rest and is prepared for the day ahead! Of course, I give all of the wishes that today is nothing but fantastic and is full of good times. And finally I hope  that your time around here is full of many friendships, niceness, and just fun times. ^^

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Truuuue! But it is fine, I think it tells people whenever there is a response here if people talked here anyways. So I guess I am not too worried about tagging someone as well, seems a bit silly to me! x3

    3. Splashee


      It's not silly. Tagging is the best and only way to get attention. Other notifications gets combined with others, usually older ones, so they are easily missed. Tagging seems to be the only way to fully get noticed, so use it whenever possible, and quoting seems to do a similar thing. So quote and tag :devious:

    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      I suppose if I ever do that or have enough of a following to where that is needed... I will be sure to do so then! ^c^ Not as of right now though, I dunno... just kind of hanging out here and chilling! :p Figuring out stuff and what to do and so on and so forth!

  7. Wanted to wish everypony a fantastic night here! I am not going to rest yet myself... but to those who are or are about to, I hope your day was fantastic and that you sleep very well tonight for tomorrow that brings even better things! :3

  8. So! The title does say it all... I have been very bored around here! There is much that can be discussed about and talked around here, that I know... buuuut I feel like I am barging in out of nowhere trying to respond to others and their posts and then I just feel bad. So instead, I am going to put this here in asking... what do you all want to talk about? Because I sure don't know where or what to do around here since I am very much uneducated with the whole Forum part of this site. Not the greatest at it! I dunno, here I guess can just be whatever others want to talk about or something? And I will try to reply as many as I can, even if it is topics I am NOT good on at all. Just to not let anyone feel left out or anything. Or if you are just reading and passing by too, ya know, that's cool as well! This is just more of a silly/I don't know what I am doing kind of post, so feel free to reply with whatever topics you have on the mind or something.
  9. Hello everyone! I know this might not be much... but if you see this, I really hope you have a good day today because you deserve it! Ya should get nothing but good things and happiness in your life. ^c^  And I hope you all have a wonderful time around here!

  10. Well this day sure turned around VERY quickly... but I am going to stay in the bright spirits no matter what happens! ^c^ I still hope everyone is having an awesome day, and if perhaps not... it only gets better from here then!

  11. I still do not know what to say or do in these posts... but I guess I just want to wish everyone a fantastic day today, and I mean everyone... even people I do not know around here yet! It might not mean much to most... but hey, I hope this can help for some people... because you all do matter, and never forget that! ^c^

    1. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      I mean, sure, if you want? I apologize for uh... never getting back to you! Like I said before in other posts... I have a bad habit of being here for a short while then... leaving for a long time. :p

  12. Hello everyone! I am back.. and... very sorry for  once again not being able  to keep up with things around here... eheh... I do not mean to! I just- uh, I guess keep forgetting and that is all my bad. Despite all of that though, I hope everyone/everypony has a fantastic or is having a great day today!

  13. It is just a few days till my birthday, gosh this is exciting! Uh... honestly I tried to think of something to say since it has been a bit... but I had nothing soo... yeeeah... x3 My apologies, but I just do not wanna be inactive for years again like last time! ^c^

    1. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Yeeep! I still struggle sometimes with knowing what to do around here. Could respond to random posts and what not... but I dunno, I feel like that might not go anywhere! Soo... I just stick to status updates a lot. Heh, don't even really know how to form friendships and the like here either, maybe my bad for being inexperienced with forum places. :p

    2. Polar Breeze
  14. Hey, nice to meet you Kadae! And thank you so much for the welcoming back! Oooh, I am more of a coffee person and interesting as I like Vinyl! Already it has been amazing and it continues to only grow! Thanks to nice people like you!
  15. From the few days I have been back now... I do have to say I am more than happy that I did return! It has been so supportive and nice, something I really was not expecting I guess since it has been so long.

    So many welcome's back, so many nice ponies and people, it just... thank you all once more, I promise that this is the last time I will say that as I am so repeating myself now! But it just can not be said enough that the amount of love has just made me... cry a bit of joy and just made me smile so wide! So thank you all again, you are all amazing. ^_^

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      You are awesome! :sneer:

      *super hugs*


    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Oh, come on now! Heheh, such sweet words, thank you so much!

      *Super duper hugs back*

  16. And a thank you so much Sparkly! So far the past couple of days has been amazing here, just confirming me that yup... it is so good to be back! ^c^
  17. Gosh, every time I think that the love and support is done... there is always more to be had! Gaaaah, but thank you so much for the welcome back Ocean, am SUPER glad to be here once again!
  18. Thank you so much Ocean! I know that there is, why I am hoping a couple of years later I missed a lot, just so there's much more to see!
  19. Oh thank you so much! As I said the support here is already making me very excited and just... so happy to be back! I can not thank you all enough for this, it is making me feel so loved! ^c^
  20. I know I am going to repeat myself here for what I did in the post I did not too long ago... but the support here is amazing! I honestly forgot how many nice and kind people there were around here. Makes me wonder why I even left in the first place!

    But no, this is a thank you to all of you guys who gave that support, if anyone sees this... you might have gotten me  close to crying just with how nice you are all are! But the tears are of joy thankfully. Thank you all, you are the  reason why I am SO dang happy to be back! ^_^

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Aww, you’re welcome! :kindness:

      Great to have you with us again! :adorkable:

    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      I am so glad to be back honestly, couldn't be happier yet because every pony here has been nothing but nice!


      You included, Tom, I read your post, and here I thought I was the only one who had the same experience of MLP! :P

  21. I... uh oh... I passed out! And then I see all this support and welcomes? I just... wow... thank you all so much! That is bringing a tear to my eye right here and now... I do not even know what to say really! Just was not expecting all of this, but... it... it means so much!
  22. That I will, or try my best doing so, thank you very much!
  23. Thank you so much! Just typing what I did now, is already bringing back so many memories... and I kind of like that! I think I am going to do much better here this time, without a doubt. Or at the ver least I am going to give it my all!
  24. Now, I will be honestly, I am really not sure if this is where something like this is supposed to go, and I do apologize if that is the case! It has been so long since I was here last, there is so many things I remember, and have also forgotten. It has been what... a couple of years? Honestly think it was more than that now. Heh, and I do not think I left last in great conditions as I was going through a lot and was horrid at being social or talking to anypony half of the times. But... on the bright side, I can say now? I am a lot more social! I can keep talks going, am a lot more happier about myself... and I think that is why I wanted to come back here now feeling like a changed pony. I am not sure if anyone remembers me, maybe not now as I have a new OC named Polar Breeze who is kind of me with the likes... loving the winters and Holidays most of all! Just suuuuper nice to like see all houses light up with so many colors. I would walk all of the time just to see them all, can never get enough of it. Going to keep this short at least, and again, I am SUPER sorry if this wasn't the right place for this, but it felt so long now that I almost feel like I am starting over again around here. I am very happy to be back, and either old or new friends alike... I really do hope to keep a lot more active this time around here! ^c^
  25. Hello! Uh... it has maybe been... a couple of years since I was last here? Guess you could say I took quite the break. But no, I am back! Uh, have a new Pony now, Polar Breeze, based from the Winter and Holidays!

    I honestly forgot that this place existed, but I do remember the few friends I have made around here and how much they have made me happy. Even if they are no longer around... I hope to do much better this time and just all around be active around here again.

    I do not know if anyone will read this at all, but, hey, if you do, I am happy to be back!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Now there's a name I haven't seen in a while (your previous one, that is :P). Welcome back! :D

    3. Tacodidra


      Welcome back, my friend! :rarity: I like your new OC. ^_^ *boops*

    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      *Boops back and gasps* TACO! Now you are one friend I do remember... oh gosh, it has been ages!

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