As watching the show and watching my little pony, i do the opposite of some people. I watch the mane characters. Twilight, though shes learning more about friendship, still has alot more to learn. Even when princess of friendship, she fails at it miserably. like, for example, in Twilight's kingdom, she only took the battle serious when a couple of books were destroyed, not to mention the princesses think that this will make her understand what being princess is about? You gave her your magic. That's the only reason she could be at an impass. with borrowed magic. the princess of friendship wouldve so easily had equestria burned to ashes. unless celestia be trollin' because she knew twilight would friendship weapons grade hard at tirek...hell, maybe she let him out. In the show shes also been known to have outbursts. She also says she's prepared for anything, yet shit happens because she has a spazz attack about other things other than focusing on keeping it all together and making sure things go as plan, other times shes a maximum try hard and ruins it because she stresses over it. Like in
and something similiar happened in "Once Apon A Zeppelin." where she focused on other things instead of what was important: Friends/Family. But I understand she wants to make people happy. but the real problem is, WHY DID THEY SIT THERE AND ENJOY THE NORTHERN STARS WITHOUT HER!!?? I mean seriously?
Rub it in why dont'chya? anyways, She should have told the cruise ponies she wanted time with her family. she should have been telling the truth...gah. She's like fluttershy at this point. she keeps learning the same thing. Often times, it's like The Last Roundup: Twilight Sparkle Adition. Not to mention, with these outbursts she doesnt act friendly at all. Twilight's harsh outburst
being the honest-apple-dirt-horse would've saved your flank. she has another harsh outburst in Mlp:Themovie.
That on part two...What do you guys think? Do you think twilight should step down? Do you think she'll learn by the end, or continue to fail friendship? Focusing on the mane six in the next one.