i would take this image with a huge grain of salt.notice on the challenges
low awareness could hurt growth. also licensing partners my not commit.
so lets wait and see, personaly, i dont see hasbro killing off a goldmine.
here is mine
season 1 none
season 2 only 1. baby cakes- didnt like the way the babies treated pinkie. 2. mystrious mare do well. as a dashie fan too-
just the way it was told.
season 5- princess spike - just bad
i didnt hate alicorn twilight because i new it happened.i watched her coorination and smilled., while true, point 9, in the made in manehatten
she seamed to be jealous that she coudnt go with them.
i agree with lord look i was so worked up about the supposed G5 leak,that i cried about losing g4.
also i think people need to enjoy the show while its here.
again im not saying fim has to stay idefinitely,but i'd take these leaks with a grain of salt.also agree on the world,i hope they dont get rid of equestria.
I am with nathan on this one. it really makes no sense for hasbro to kill off a
sucessful show like fim,while i know generations start every 10 years or so, i think we should wait
and see what happens. plus fim still makes money,