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Everything posted by O-78

  1. S1: Fall Weather Friends, The Cutie Mark Chronicles S2: Sisterhooves Social, Hurricane Fluttershy S3: Too Many Pinkie Pies S4: Castle Mane-ia, Bats! S5: Slice of Life, Amending Fences S6: The Saddle Row Review S7: The Perfect Pear, It Isn't the Mane Thing About You S8: Sounds of Silence I don't really have a favorite from S9, since I had lost interest in new episodes of the show by then.
  2. Yet another year of amazing Warner Brothers cartoons! While it may not have introduced many new characters, the studio's existing characters were all utilized wonderfully. "Hare We Go" has lots of great one-liners, such as "It's flat like your head!" and "It's the captain's mess - let him clean it up!" "Canned Feud" is a great role-reversal Sylvester cartoon, with lots of hilarious gags. I especially like the piano keys replacing Sylvester's teeth. "Putty Tat Trouble" reminds me a bit of "Sufferin' Cats!" from Tom & Jerry, with a black cat and an orange cat fighting over their prey. Any cartoon with two big guys fighting each other over one little guy is a guaranteed fun time. "Early to Bet" makes a brilliant pun with its literal Gambling Bug, and the punishments for the cat are hilarious! "Not the Thinker! Not William Tell!" "Rabbit Fire" kicks off the Hunting Trilogy, which are easily three of the all-time best from the series! Was this the first time Bugs and Daffy were portrayed as rivals? If so, this one was a big game-changer for both of them. "Chow Hound" is one that's always stood out to me because it's so thematically unique. The dog is extremely cruel and manipulative in his scheme, but then his greed turns into his ultimate undoing at the end. A very three-dimensional plot for a series of comedic cartoons. "French Rarebit" and its two silly French chefs always had me stitches. By the way, here's the real Antoine of New Orleans - a family-run restaurant that's existed for 184 years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine's "The Wearing of the Grin" is one of my favorite examples of a world-weary Porky trying to navigate a bizarre situation. The Irish accents of the leprechauns are really fun too! "Ballot Box Bunny" is honestly a pretty good depiction of American politics, and that's all I'll say in that regard. Besides that, I absolutely love the exploding piano key gag. "Drip-Along Daffy" is one of the best Daffy cartoons ever made, plain and simple. "Big Top Bunny" is another one of my favorites from when I was young - Bruno's Russian accent is just too good, and watching an arrogant lout get slapped around is always fun.
  3. Hey everypony, I'm back! :arethosehands: Between working part-time and doing an online class for college, I didn't have much time to visit the forums this past month, but now that I'm done with the class, I have a lot more free time. :twi:


    I wish we got more episodes with this group. ^_^

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Great to see you back, my friend! :pinkie: Relax and have some fun!
      The Aglona Basilica in eastern Latvia is among Europe’s most revered pilgrimage sites.

  4. One of the best years indeed! "Boobs in the Woods" is easily one of my favorite Porky and Daffy cartoons as well! Lots of great Daffy gags, not to mention the title is just amusing. "The Scarlet Pumpernickel" is a really fun story, especially thanks to the ensemble cast of animated actors. "Homeless Hare" wasn't one that I saw often as a kid, but the concept of Bugs sabotaging a skyscraper's construction was a really neat one. "Big House Bunny" has so many great jokes with Bugs and Sam. "SCHUUUUUUUUULTZ!!! OFFICE!!!" "What's Up, Doc?" has a great life story for Bugs, though it's a shame he keeps getting stuck with the chorus part. Apparently it was made to celebrate the tenth anniversary of "A Wild Hare", which is really cool. "All a Bir-r-r-d" is definitely one of my favorite Tweety & Sylvester cartoons. I love how Sylvester just can't escape getting pummeled by the dog, especially when the train goes over a hill. "Hillbilly Hare" might just be my favorite Bugs cartoon of them all. The way that the Martin brothers just kept blindly following Bugs' dance calls, even when he was clearly instructing them to abuse each other, has me in stitches every single time I watch it! And of course, "Rabbit of Seville" is an obvious favorite. As you said, who doesn't love this one?
  5. I'm a bit late commenting on this, but once again, lots of legendary cartoons and childhood favorites! "Awful Orphan" is a really fun one - Charlie Dog is so annoying yet so endearing at the same time. "Porky Chops" features a hilarious one-shot character in the form of the hipster squirrel. His voice is basically a higher-pitched version of Bugs, but his billowy outfit made me think he was a girl when I was younger. "Daffy Duck Hunt" has lots of great gags, especially the angel and demon on the dog's shoulders, plus Daffy singing "Jingle Bells" in April. "Mouse Wreckers" is definitely my favorite Hubie & Bertie cartoon! They were some of my favorites as a kid, and the upside-down room prank is priceless! "High Diving Hare" and "Long-Haired Hare" were both on Disc 1 of the first Golden Collection, so they were some of the first cartoons I ever saw. Two fantastic Bugs cartoons with lots of awesome gags! The titular character of "Dough for the Do-Do" is basically Daffy Duck on steroids and crack. Pure slapstick gold! "Fast and Furry-ous" is one where the formula for the characters was pretty much perfect from the get-go. Needless to say, I was very excited when I discovered the other Road Runner & Coyote cartoons on the second Golden Collection!
  6. Hey, everypony! Didn't realize how long it had been since I last visited here. To be honest, I've been feeling kind of rundown this month. :worry:

    1. Tacodidra


      *hugs* I hope you feel better soon, my friend! :kindness:

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry to hear that, my friend. Anything I can do help make things better? :coco:

  7. Many more legendary cartoons from the golden era! Some favorites of mine include: "The Foghorn Leghorn" - Henery thinking that chickens and schnooks are two completely separate animals is hilarious. "Buccaneer Bunny" - A classic example of Bugs winding up Sam. I especially enjoy the scene where Bugs throws matches to below the ship's deck. "You Were Never Duckier" - We've talked about this one before, but Daffy and Henery was such an imaginative and unusual character pairing. "My Bunny Lies Over the Sea" - Och aye, this is the one where Bugs travels tae Scotland an' faces off wi' the angry man o' the north! "Make it one, and that's me final offer!"
  8. Happy Lyra and Bon Bon Day! :arethosehands::secret:


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same to you, my friend. Hope you had a great day. :arethosehands:

  9. My favorite is definitely Autumn Blaze! She's such a fun, cute and lovable character, and "A Kirin Tale" is my favorite song in the whole show.
  10. I only visit the forum on my laptop. I used to visit it on my phone too, but the mobile version of the site sucks, so I eventually stopped bothering with it.
  11. One of Lyra's cutest moments in the show. ^_^ When is she ever not adorable? :wub:


    1. RafaStaryStory


      When she's off-screen probably? :arethosehands:

    2. Tacodidra


      That hopping... ^_^ It's impossible for Lyra not to be adorable! :squee:

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hopping ponies is just an adorable sight in general. ^_^

  12. @Tacodidra My favorite part of "A Pest in the House" is the fact that punching Daffy, the one who was actually making it impossible for him to sleep, somehow never crossed the tired guy's mind at all. That's a good theory! If it did, it worked brilliantly. The cartoon Oscars seemed to value cuteness above all else.
  13. I don't consider it canon to G4, let alone G5. I should also add that I don't consider G5 canon to G4 either.
  14. Another really strong and pivotal year indeed! I think "A Pest in the House" is my favorite cartoon from this year, alongside "Rabbit Transit". Daffy repeatedly setting up poor Elmer for abuse from the Arthur Q. Bryan caricature is priceless! I also find it funny how they gave Sylvester (technically) the exact same name as Tom from Tom & Jerry. I guess they decided the only way to wrench the Oscar away from MGM was to draw inspiration from them.
  15. Happy birthday, my friend! :blue_baloon::balloon: I hope you've been having a wonderful day! :hug_day:

  16. Happy birthday, Sophie! :blue_baloon::balloon::blue_baloon:

    1. Sophie


      Thank you so much! :coco:

  17. The same as you, @EpicEnergy - my sneezes are very loud, and they almost always come in pairs.
  18. I've only ever used electric razors, since they work faster and are more comfortable on the skin.
  19. Neither, since I don't like warm drinks, and neither iced tea nor iced coffee taste good to me.
  20. I've skipped a few episodes involving Discord, since I just don't enjoy his post-"reformation" character at all. I also have never watched most of Season 9, nor do I plan to at this point.
  21. They'd probably all have various vegetable toppings as their favorites, since ponies don't eat meat.
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