Yet another year of amazing Warner Brothers cartoons! While it may not have introduced many new characters, the studio's existing characters were all utilized wonderfully.
"Hare We Go" has lots of great one-liners, such as "It's flat like your head!" and "It's the captain's mess - let him clean it up!"
"Canned Feud" is a great role-reversal Sylvester cartoon, with lots of hilarious gags. I especially like the piano keys replacing Sylvester's teeth.
"Putty Tat Trouble" reminds me a bit of "Sufferin' Cats!" from Tom & Jerry, with a black cat and an orange cat fighting over their prey. Any cartoon with two big guys fighting each other over one little guy is a guaranteed fun time.
"Early to Bet" makes a brilliant pun with its literal Gambling Bug, and the punishments for the cat are hilarious! "Not the Thinker! Not William Tell!"
"Rabbit Fire" kicks off the Hunting Trilogy, which are easily three of the all-time best from the series! Was this the first time Bugs and Daffy were portrayed as rivals? If so, this one was a big game-changer for both of them.
"Chow Hound" is one that's always stood out to me because it's so thematically unique. The dog is extremely cruel and manipulative in his scheme, but then his greed turns into his ultimate undoing at the end. A very three-dimensional plot for a series of comedic cartoons.
"French Rarebit" and its two silly French chefs always had me stitches. By the way, here's the real Antoine of New Orleans - a family-run restaurant that's existed for 184 years:'s
"The Wearing of the Grin" is one of my favorite examples of a world-weary Porky trying to navigate a bizarre situation. The Irish accents of the leprechauns are really fun too!
"Ballot Box Bunny" is honestly a pretty good depiction of American politics, and that's all I'll say in that regard. Besides that, I absolutely love the exploding piano key gag.
"Drip-Along Daffy" is one of the best Daffy cartoons ever made, plain and simple.
"Big Top Bunny" is another one of my favorites from when I was young - Bruno's Russian accent is just too good, and watching an arrogant lout get slapped around is always fun.