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happy February everybody
i feel a little merry christmasy change of pic
GOOD MORNIN EVER PONY, how is your great friday morning so far. i just got my prize from the name the tank challenge yesterday, and it is awesome. a great magical shout out to @Arc Flash @Zayfen and @Lord Valtasar, thank you guys so much for the prize, i really love the pic design lord valt, you guys are great friends. bro hoofs to you guys. well have a great day, i will be here for promises, BRO HOOFS TO ALL!!!!!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYPONY!!!! come in and join the table
the great celebration of my four say weekend will start in 3........2........1.
this is for you, @DivineGlow1000
hopefully you feel better, celestia and luna by your side will help
I hope you enjoy the weekend, my friend!
And I hope things get better, @DivineGlow1000!
@AJ2489 @Tacodidrathanks bro's
everyone, i have a great announcement to make, i have a four day weekend
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@Tacodidrasure will
@Phosphorthats nice
good morning everymember of forums, how is your day so far. sorry i was gone for, what, 6 days. had a lot of family work and highschool work to do, they both are very hard, and a pain in the but
. but at least im back, which might be a good thing, right. so yeah, i'm going to be here for the whole day, i promise. so ill see ya around, bro hoofs and winks
@Arc Flashhopefully
@Arc Flash @Partialgeek514 thank you guys for cheering me up, your great friends
hiiiii guyyys, i have reached most brohoofs content this month, i am really happy about that. and also im sorry that i was not here most of the day, high school is a pain in the butt
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@Tacodidra @Twilight Luna thanks bros
First, congratulations on your achievement? I guess.
Second, yeah... Highschool is hard, but still... It is for your better future. The employers don't like uneducated people.
Also, high school is not actually pretty bad, some of the lessons are interesting.
Note : atleast it prevents you from wasting too much time on the internet.
OMG i can not wait til this ryan reynolds movie comes out
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@Twilight Lunayeah
@Tacodidrayeah, i have not heard of it until my mother told me
GOOOD MOORNIIINNG EQEUSTRIA!!!! how is your day, mine has been great so far. some how i am in a great mood, maybe its because i slept pretty good, or i had a great day yesterday with you guys, i hope it was the second one, because i love spending time with my friends. well here's a great song, and a adorable pic for ya guys. have a nice day!!!!
hiiii everypony, how is your morning. hopefully your day is very sunny and happy like where i am.
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@Twilight Luna same here
@DEFENDER It’s a little bit warmer today but I’ll take it.
@Twilight Luna really, cool
hi guys, i have excellent new for ya. I HAVE 1000 BRO HOOFS
. i'm extremely happy about this, and that people really liked my content. thank you guys so much for being my friends and appreciating me. i realy love ya guys, you were like family. when i first came here i never thought that people would be the most best friends i have, but now i love being in the place where i call home.
once again thank you.
sooooo, lets party like we are pinkie pie that ate lots of sugar
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@DEFENDER You deserve each one. Have some more!
YOOO WHAT UP BROS, how is your day today, mine has been great. sorry i was gone yesterday, i did not know that i had to go shopping, and watch child's play "Chucky", but ill be here as long as i can. when i watched chucky for the first time, i didn't really mind it, the character was hilarious, it was just a little baby animatronic running around, recking people. excuse me @DivineGlow1000, can we recreate the tea party we had yesterday, i'm sorry i did not show up for it, i must be not a good friend if i forgot. soooooo, ill see ya around, have a great celestia sunny day, and as always, BRO HOOFS TO ALL!!!!!
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@DivineGlow1000is it going to be the same status update, or are we making a new one
@DEFENDER I'll make sure Luna knows!
@DivineGlow1000THX BRO
HIIIIII everypony, how is your day so far. i am really happy of whats happening on this very Friday, because its snowing. i realy don't like the cold though, i just like the snow part, i like how the terrain is just covered in white, its very beautiful. im sorry if i wasn't posting any status updates recently, i had lots of high school work to do, and family things to do, and i was reading my fav. book "perks of being a wallflower" very great book. so ill be here for a while because i have a four day weekend, and im very happy about that. so ill see ya around, may celestia give ya a fantastic sunny day, and as always, BRO HOOFS TO ALL!!!!
i felt like another change of pic, so i went with this cutie mark that belongs to a pony named pumpkin pie. i don't remember a pumpkin pie being in the show, its wierd. comment down below if ya know who that is please. i went with this pic because thanksgiving month is a few days so i went with it, and its my favorite time of the year. sooooooo i'll see ya guys tomorrow, and as always bro hoofs to all!!!! BUH BYE(P.S: if ya want me send ya a post of what the mystery pony looks like,SHMASH that bro hoof button)
hiiiiiii everypony!!!! sorry i was not here for a while, i had lots of school work and family things to do over the week, highschool is very hard. but the good thing is that tomorow it is nightmare moons fav. time of the year, tick-or-treat! yes, it is time for spooktober to happen.well this was a goodnight greeting, so ill see ya tomorrow, and as always, brohoofs to all! BUH BYE
@BlueBlur1000thx you can keep the pic if ya want
hiiiii guyyys, i'm back from school. the reason why i am making this status update is because i regret making my new blog post, you might remember that i said that back in my last post. yesterday was not my fault, i had a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day. i was very rude in that blog. i actually lied that i hated rarity, i loved rarity, she is like my 5th fav. mane six pony. after i made that blog, i just realized how rude that and i was. i promise you that i wont do it again, ill try to delete that blog, if you know how to delete a blog post, can you comment below for me please. once again, i'm sorry, and i'm sorry rarity fans, i wont be like that anymore, ill have to punish myself, but i don't know what to punish myself with, comment down below rarity fans if ya know what to punish myself with. so ill see ya around.
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@Tacodidrathats a really great idea, about writting about the day
good morning every pony, how is your morning going, mine has been torture because surprise surprise, i'm in school. most of you guys have seen my new blog, some of ya disliked it, and i'm sorry rarity fans out there, and sorry to say this, that was a lie. i actually do like rarity in some ways(i know im a big fat lier). some people must now dislike me i'm so sorry, i just had a horrible day yesterday, and i did not know what to do. so ill see ya around, and have a great day, bro hoofs to all.