This isn't really about past generations (which I was forced to choose because this wouldn't fit in into any other topics) but this is more about the upcoming 5th Generation of My Little Pony.
Personally, I am sad to see G4 go, but every good thing has to come to an end. I'm sure that every brony in this fandom had seen the G5 leaks and honestly, it took me a while to stop being upset about Twi being an earth pony, Fluttershy being a unicorn and Pinkie Pie being a pegasus.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the G5 designs that we see leaked out here is kind of based on favoritism.
Twilight's design is rather simple and the colors are kind of dark and lifeless to me, and not the vibrant looks from G4. Plus when she's an earth pony and her name is Twilight Sparkle, it kind of ruined it for me because Twilight Sparkle sounds extremely magical.
Rainbow Dash's wings are extra rainbow-y (?) and she stands out a lot more. Rarity also get the special treatment with the crown and the hooves, and I will admit that Twilight in G4 had special treatments since she was a princess, an alicorn, wearing crowns and all that. But the G5 designs make Twilight look dull and more like a horse than.. a fun cartoon pony.
Another picture that I found was that the little subtitle is no longer "Friendship is Magic" but "Guardians of Harmony". Seeing that in G4, The Elements of Harmony are Elements that are linked to friendship, now that it's different, I'm kinda looking forward to if they're gonna keep the original "friendship" theme going or the Elements are gonna be different.
Even though I'm bummed about the character designs and the species change, it does show a lot of possibilities for new, interesting story ideas that should make up for it.
So yeah, what do you guys think?