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Posts posted by OctoVeemo20

  1. Okay so- I've had this tune stuck in my mind for a few months now:



    There's even a community around the song attempting to figure it out that's been quite active since June 30th of this year: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMysteriousSong/


    And finally, this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lqHmRHwCQ-FnB4Tqb2QgRjwnNFLR6UIH/view


    ...There's just something so cool, catchy and fascinating about this song that many folks want to see the thing solved! It's so cool to see folks pitching in to solve this great, albeit music-related, mystery. :P

  2. 1 hour ago, joanro said:

    That’s all well and good, but Terry isn’t from the Final Fight series. :confused: He is from Fatal Fury/King of Fighters. You are right though, KOF is not very popular in North America, but it is a fairly popular series in China and South America.

    Ugh. Gah, I keep making that mistake. :mlp_laugh: But yeah, Fatal Fury/KoF has 0 popularity in NA compared to Street Fighter, or even Tekken.

  3. Hilarious. They put an actual "literally who?" from a fighting series that has literally 0 popularity in North America compared to something like Street Fighter. Terry is a slot waste, we already have a much more popular fighting game series represented. I mean, I've barely heard of it. Final Fight isn't as popular, so why even represent it? Again, it's a slot waste and every single Fighter's Pass character is a wasted filler slot. I'll continue to dump on every single fighter they pick for being absolutely terrible and the worst choices ever since they started this entire thing. Every character in the Fighter's Pass is pathetic and a waste of money and space. :eww:


    Fam, I'm hyped for this! I forgot how excited I was for it, since I finished the first three seasons in around 3 days or so. :laugh:


    The show got recommended to me by a friend on Discord as they spammed me with "YOU GOTTA WATCH THIS, DUDE" and "WATCH IT ALREADY, IT'S AMAZING", and I don't regret watching all of the episodes in 3 days at all, not one bit!

    Also Ochako is best girl, don't @ me. :fiery:

  5. Feh.


    All I can see for this movie is failure bigger than both '06 and Rise of Lyric. Like everything Sonic-related in the past decade or so, it's gonna be godawful and nosedive straight away. Sonic fanbrats will abandon Sonic in droves, as will furries and even kids and adults, and Sega will have no choice but to finally pull that plug and end his entire existence as a character and as a franchise, and maybe even go down in flames and sink faster than the Titanic, with any luck. Movie critics will tear this movie a new one (and rightfully so!), and cause the movie to sink into the negative millions. And then Sonic will finally be gone, thank God. :eww::unamused:

  6. Ehhhhh...

    I see no chance of this thing seeing any success because it lacks way too many cool, good features to even give a care about, and even with the target audience...

    If you're too poor to afford the Switch, honestly? You don't deserve this. Hard miss.

  7. "Do you like the Shantae games?"


    ...My dude, you just opened a HUGE can of worms. I practically, absolutely LOVE the Shantae games. I'm probably the BIGGEST damn Shantae fan to ever be a part of this forum. >u>; I've even been supporting Shantae's DLC fighter inclusion for Smash since 2015, and even have a lot of Shantae fanart saved to this computer! :laugh: I've even got to encounter and take a photo with Matt Bozon during E3 2017! :P


    As a final note, I'm extremely hyped for Shantae 5! And I'm still rooting for Shantae being a DLC fighter! :yay:

  8. 5 hours ago, DusksuD said:

    As expected, I didn't even have to WATCH this year's E3 to know that it was going to be pretty bad, saved from being absolutely pointless by Nintendo's conference. Sure there was Cyberpunk 2077 (Though I have a little bit of skepticism towards it), and Borderlands 3 stuff (Though I will REFUSE to buy that game until April of next year or whenever it comes out on a platform that isn't the Epic Games Store or console), but that's really it. I couldn't have cared all that much less for every non-Nintendo conference with the sole exception of Microsoft's conference (if only for Borderlands 3 and Cyberpunk 2077). I mean yes, Square Enix's conference had highly anticipated remakes, but really I don't care, it was still a VERY bad conference (though IMO Bethesda's conference was still decidedly worse). In other words, congratulations on the massive waste of half a week of everyone's time, Ubisoft, Bethesda, EA, and Square Enix.


    @OctoVeemo20is an obvious troll, and unfortunately a couple of you fell for it. :dry:Congratulations on that shiny Darwin award.


    I mean there's absolutely NO possible way you can say Banjo in Smash is a bad thing for Sora or Nintendo objectively. It's had an extremely positive reaction from almost everyone except for trolls who whine and b**** that it wasn't Waluigi or something stupid (which in this case, Shantae, is honestly a pretty moronic thing to fuss about not being in the game over FREAKING Banjo). And not everyone can get what they want. Some people are just more capable of dealing with that fact than other toxic whiny baby trolls. 

    Me? An "obvious troll"? That's gold, thanks for the laugh because literally none of the most modern, newest gamers are gonna even KNOW who Banjo is because he hasn't been on Nintendo hardware since 2000, and, unlike Shantae, a more modern, RELEVANT, character that most Shantae fans like me have been fighting tooth and nail for her to be a DLC fighter, has no popularity among the newer, more modern people who play video games; He's a relic that hasn't had a game on Nintendo hardware in 19 years, whereas Shantae has raced past Banjo; Shit, she's even got popularity in both the West AND Japan, whereas Banjo was long-forgotten after 2008 after his trash-tier game. So no, congratulations to you for getting that golden Darwin award and for proving my point that anti-Shantae elitists with no lives, who are MASSIVE losers in life, are toxic, hypocritical, and harsh towards Shantae fans. You've won that award the second you decided to ping me in a message. :mlp_laugh:

  9. 3 minutes ago, Celli said:

    That's incredibly unfair to say. You're not entitled to anything. No one is. Sakurai worked his ass off for Smash, even to the point of harming his health because he cares that much, and you're being incredibly ungrateful. Nintendo is not obligated to give anyone anything. 

    It goes the other way: These twat bullies and harassers that treat Shantae fans like shit have no excuse to do so. If anything, Sakurai should be finding a way to deal with these shitheads and doing whatever should be done with these dipshit bullies and such and, in fact, he shouldn't be obligated to do a goddamn thing for them back. It's called common sense, which these anti-Shantae pricks don't have or even understand or even USE.

  10. 7 hours ago, YoshiAngemon said:

    She's already a spirit!

    But besides that, Konami has just announced the Turbo Grafx-16 Mini.


    "She's a spirit!" Nah, this ain't it, chief.


    She needs to be a DLC fighter. Yet all these egotistical, hypocritical, whiny manchildren who wanted Bayo, Banjo, etc. in for Smash DLC (people like that on sites like GameFAQs and Neoseeker) constantly and continue to harass, mock, bully, and otherwise basically make Shantae fans look like something they're not. :mlp_wat: It's absolutely uncalled for and disgusting. In fact, the Fighter's Pass has been a complete joke and a sham so far. None of the characters picked are even worthy of being in there.

  11. Sigh.


    Nothing was even that great for Nintendo's E3 outside of BOTW sequel, Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Yeah, the delay until 3/20/2020 sucks, but I understand that perfection can't be rushed!) and Spyro coming to the Switch.


    ...As for Smash Ultimate... Really? A "literally who?" character and a character whose franchise was killed off by Microsoft in 2008 with that garbage Nuts and Bolts game over a more relevant character? People like me have been fighting and battling constantly and advocating for Shantae to be inducted as a playable fighter DLC for Smash Ultimate and yet, Nintendo sides with the anti-Shantae trolls and jabroni idiots with nothing better to do than to bully, mock and harass Shantae fans. Yeah, that's gonna come back to bite Nintendo pretty badly. :mlp_wat:

  12. Good Will Hunting.


    I hadn't fully watched any other Robin Williams outside of the 1992 Aladdin movie, and I was kinda curious, so I sat and watched it and I thought it was fantastic! :P

    I was glad I watched it too! :mlp_laugh:

    • Brohoof 1
  13. I'm not worried.


    This movie will not make Paramount any money, and Sonic fanbrats, as well as furries, are already quickly denouncing it and distancing themselves from the Sonic franchise entirely. This movie will take a sharp, sudden, rightful nosedive into instant failure at the box office because of that, as well as being the final, definitive death of Sonic, and Sega as a whole, killing both off in the process. :bedeyes:

  14. The last anime I'd watched was My Hero Academia.


    A Discord friend was fangirl-praising it and fangirled to me how great it was and how "YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT HURRY UP GO WATCH IT". lol


    So I ended up completing all three seasons in exactly 3 days. :wacko:

  15. Bohemian Rhapsody on its opening day. Saw an early showing of it and the theatre wasn't even full. I was actually surprised that it wasn't actually full, and even thought that more people would arrive closer to its actual playing. :P

  16. That poster. The silhouette of Sonic. 


    ...Oh-hohohohohhhhhhhh, boy, I- Just- I mean, really? What were they thinking?! And what were they on that made them think that that design was/is such a good idea? Man, I just- It's hilariously bad and painful to look at!


    The only thing that came to my mind when I saw it:



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